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Books with author Hannah Arduini

  • You're Beautiful

    Julie Arduini, Hannah Arduini

    language (Surrendered Scribe Media, Jan. 6, 2018)
    You’re Beautiful: Brilliant Things Happen when a group of girls and their mentors discover they’re beautiful.Hayley Atkinson withdraws from her friends and new opportunities with the new mentoring group, Linked, after she is told a lie that she believes is true about herself.Sabrina Wayson is a mentor in Linked who feels she can’t help encourage girls because she’s struggling as much as they are. Can they surrender the lies and find freedom?The first book in the Surrendering Stinkin' Thinkin' series for Middle Grade/young teens/women of all ages by mother and daughter authors Julie Arduini and Hannah Arduini.
  • You're Amazing

    Julie Arduini, Hannah Arduini

    eBook (Surrendered Scribe Media, Feb. 4, 2019)
    Jazmin’s a natural at dance until a series of changes make her wonder if she should even keep up with her favorite hobby.Lena’s a mom with young children overwhelmed with her schedule when a woman remarks that what Lena does isn’t even important.Both Jazmin and Lena belong to Linked, a mentoring ministry where all ages encourage each other and build friendships.Can these two surrender the lies they are believing and realize they are amazing?A novella for tweens, teens, and women of all ages by mother and daughter team Julie Arduini and Hannah Arduini.
  • You're Brilliant

    Julie Arduini, Hannah Arduini

    eBook (Surrendered Scribe Media, May 22, 2020)
    Amazing things happen when a group of high school students and women discover they are more than competent.Bethany’s not excited to start high school in a new community where she doesn’t know anyone. She quickly befriends KJ, a popular sophomore, and it looks like the transition will go well until Bethany discovers KJ’s boyfriend is a bully. With a strong sense of justice, Bethany challenges Brent Sullivan, and he’s determined to make her suffer.Cheri takes on an additional job in a school to help pay for Sabrina’s wedding. It’s a different atmosphere than at the church where she feels more comfortable as the pastor’s wife and mentor with the Linked ministry. After several mishaps, Cheri feels like she’s found an assignment where she can make a difference until a teacher belittles her work.Can Bethany and Cheri resist the lies about their competency and hold on to the fact they’re brilliant?The final book in the Surrendering Stinkin’ Thinkin’ series for tweens, teens, and women of all ages by mother and daughter authors Julie Arduini and Hannah Arduini.
  • You're Beautiful

    Julie Arduini, Hannah Arduini

    Paperback (Surrendered Scribe Media, Jan. 27, 2018)
    Hayley Atkinson withdraws from her friends and new opportunities with the new mentoring group, Linked, after she is told a lie that she believes is true about herself. Sabrina Wayson is a mentor in Linked who feels she can’t help encourage girls because she’s struggling as much as they are. Can they surrender the lies and find freedom? A book for girls ages 10-100.
  • You're Amazing

    Julie Arduini, Hannah Arduini

    Paperback (Surrendered Scribe Media, Feb. 15, 2019)
    Jazmin’s a natural at dance until a series of changes make her wonder if she should even keep up with her favorite hobby.Lena’s a mom with young children overwhelmed with her schedule when a woman remarks that what Lena does isn’t even important.Both Jazmin and Lena belong to Linked, a mentoring ministry where all ages encourage each other and build friendships.Can these two surrender the lies they are believing and realize they are amazing?A novella for tweens, teens, and women of all ages by mother and daughter team Julie Arduini and Hannah Arduini.
  • You're Brilliant

    Julie Arduini, Hannah Arduini

    Paperback (Surrendered Scribe Media, May 14, 2020)
    Amazing things happen when a group of high school students and women discover they are more than competent.Bethany’s not excited to start high school in a new community where she doesn’t know anyone. She quickly befriends KJ, a popular sophomore, and it looks like the transition will go well until Bethany discovers KJ’s boyfriend is a bully. With a strong sense of justice, Bethany challenges Brent Sullivan, and he’s determined to make her suffer.Cheri takes on an additional job in a school to help pay for Sabrina’s wedding. It’s a different atmosphere than at the church where she feels more comfortable as the pastor’s wife and mentor with the Linked ministry. After several mishaps, Cheri feels like she’s found an assignment where she can make a difference until a teacher belittles her work.Can Bethany and Cheri resist the lies about their competency and hold on to the fact they’re brilliant?The final book in the Surrendering Stinkin’ Thinkin’ series for tweens, teens, and women of all ages by mother and daughter authors Julie Arduini and Hannah Arduini.