Effortless Diet: The Complete Guide to Lose Weight for Beginners, Gain Energy & Stay Healthy. Intermittent Fasting and Ketogenic diet
Hailey .T
(Independently published, March 28, 2019)
Weight loss is a journey, not just a weekend trip. People tend to ignore the fact that there is more to weight loss than just calorie count and exercises. Your mindset, diet, exercise and lifestyle habits play important roles as well, in fact very subtly but powerfully! All these aspects should be synergized to work together in order to achieve effective results maximally. Effortless diet - This book is dedicated to all women who want to find the path to get in shape. Here, we present to you guaranteed and assuring ways to bring your weight down in the most do-able manner that fits your lifestyle and in your comfort level. Something that you will not have to sacrifice so much that you don’t even feel like starting the journey. This weight loss for women book show you: 7 reasons why did you fail to lose weight and the truth of DNAHow to get fit in a lazy and smart way with confident mastered How to set goals , time management and conscious keep trackingHow to make people around you help in your weight loss goalsHow do smart exercise and select suitable sport to change your physiqueKetogenic diet and weight loss for women with recommended planning mealsHow to boost your motivation to maintain your diet plan Each chapter here will help you look at the process of losing weight in a very practical and inspiring way, it is not only the losing weight without diet.Allow yourself to be surprised by what you can do to your own body. It’s in your DNA to want to outdo yourself! So why not do it?