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Books with author H.G. Wells

  • The Outline of History

    H. G. Wells

    eBook (Prabhat Prakashan, Feb. 10, 2017)
    A book on history by HG Wells; 'The Outline of History' covers various aspects of history as a discipline; including history as a quest for a common purpose; recurrent conquest of civilisation by nomads; development of free intelligence; rejection of racial or cultural superiority; criticism of potential world unifiers; and neglected or omitted aspects of world history.
  • The War of the Worlds

    H. G. Wells

    Paperback (Dover Publications, Jan. 10, 1997)
    One of the most famous science-fiction stories ever written, The War of the Worlds helped launch the entire genre by exploiting the concept of interplanetary travel. First published in 1898, the novel terrified readers of the Victorian era with its account of an invasion of hostile creatures from Mars who moved across the English landscape in bizarre metal transports, using deadly heat rays to destroy buildings and annihilate all life in their path. Its power to stir the imagination was made abundantly clear when Orson Welles adapted the story for a radio drama on Halloween night in 1938 and created a national panic. Despite readers' increasing sophistication about space travel and interplanetary invaders, The War of the Worlds remains a riveting reading experience. Its narrative energy, intensity, and striking originality remain undiminished, ready to thrill a new generation of readers with old-fashioned storytelling power.
  • The First Men in the Moon

    H. G. Wells

    Paperback (Dover Publications, Dec. 18, 2000)
    Of the enormous body of work produced by H. G. Wells — more than a book a year over the course of half a century — the early science fiction novels that first made him famous have proved to be the most enduring and have earned him the sobriquet "the father of modern science fiction."In the 1901 classic The First Men in the Moon, Wells reveals not only a fertile imagination at ease with biological and astronomical phenomena, but also a passionate concern for man and society. His "first men in the moon" prove to be the eccentric Mr. Cavor and his traveling companion, Mr. Bedford, who navigate a gravity-defying sphere through space before executing a rough landing on the moon. As castaways from earth, they practice lunar locomotion, get lost in the wilds of a moon jungle, and confront intelligent life forms living in lunar caverns. Through the adventures of these two earthlings, the author is able to look at mankind from a distance and, in his words, "burlesque the effects of specialization." The result is a delightful tale filled with adventure, romance, and fantasy that is still capable of stirring the imagination of readers in the 21st century."[Wells's science-fiction novels] achieve a near poetry which makes them part of the popular mythology of their age … the best of his work has a vitality, a verve, an imaginative compulsion unsurpassed by any of his contemporaries." — N. C. Nicholson, author of H. G. Wells.
  • The Time Machine

    H. G. Wells

    eBook ( Publishing, Nov. 17, 2015)
    One of the most loved science fiction novels of all time, H. G. Wells’s “The Time Machine” is a novel that crafts a vivid and haunting picture of an earth some 800,000 years into the future. First published in 1895, it was one of the first novels to deal with the concept of time travel and due to its popularity has come to be regarded as one of the most impactful works on the development of the science fiction genre. “The Time Machine” was written at the beginning of a period of great technological advancement and it is evident in the author’s writings that this was an area of serious concern for him. Due to the author’s political leanings towards Socialism, he was highly skeptical of the value of technological developments in advancing the interests of society as a whole. The author poses the question within the framework of the novel: will technology ever go too far? The future world of the Eloi depicted within the novel warns of the dangerous consequences of unchecked technological advancements in a compelling, provocative, and timeless way. This edition includes a biographical afterword.
  • The Time Machine

    H. G. Wells

    eBook (Dover Publications, May 23, 2012)
    The Time Traveller (for so it will be convenient to speak of him) was expounding a recondite matter to us.
  • The invisible man

    H. G. Wells

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, )
  • The War of the Worlds

    H. G. Wells

    eBook (Classica Libris, Jan. 19, 2019)
    With H. G. Wells’ other novels, The War of the Worlds was one of the first and greatest works of science fiction ever to be written. Even long before man had learned to fly, H. G. Wells wrote this story of the Martian attack on England. These unearthly creatures arrive in huge cylinders, from which they escape as soon as the metal is cool. The first falls near Woking and is regarded as a curiosity rather than a danger until the Martians climb out of it and kill many of the gaping crowd with a Heat-Ray. These unearthly creatures have heads four feet in diameter and colossal round bodies, and by manipulating two terrifying machines — the Handling Machine and the Fighting Machine — they are as versatile as humans and at the same time insuperable. They cause boundless destruction. The inhabitants of the Earth are powerless against them, and it looks as if the end of the World has come. But there is one factor which the Martians, in spite of their superior intelligence, have not reckoned on. It is this which brings about a miraculous conclusion to this famous work of the imagination.
  • The Time Machine

    H. G. Wells

    eBook (Classica Libris, Dec. 14, 2018)
    The Time Traveller (for so it will be convenient to speak of him) was expounding a recondite matter to us.
  • The Invisible Man

    H. G. Wells

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Feb. 10, 2018)
    The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells
  • A Short History of the World

    H. G. Wells

    eBook (Digireads, )
  • H. G. Wells: The Collection + A Biography of the Author

    H. G. Wells

    language (Book House Publishing, June 30, 2017)
    This book contains several HTML tables of contents.The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles of all novels included in this volume. By clicking on one of those titles you will be redirected to the beginning of that work, where you'll find a new TOC that lists all the chapters and sub-chapters of that specific work.Here you will find the following 31 novels of H. G. Wells in the chronological order of their original publication: - The Time Machine- The Wonderful Visit- The Island of Doctor Moreau- The Wheels of Chance- The Invisible Man- The War of the Worlds- Love and Mr Lewisham- The First Men in the Moon- The Sea Lady- The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth- Kipps- A Modern Utopia- In the Days of the Comet- The War in the Air- Tono-Bungay- Ann Veronica- The History of Mr. Polly- The Sleeper Awakes [revised edition of When the Sleeper Wakes]- The New Machiavelli- Marriage- The Passionate Friends- The Wife of Sir Isaac Harman- The World Set Free- Bealby- Boon- The Research Magnificent- Mr. Britling Sees It Through- The Soul of a Bishop- Joan and Peter- The Undying Fire- The Secret Places of the Heart
  • The Time Machine

    H. G. Wells
