Bobbie Finishes: First Time Ever
Cameile Graham
(, Aug. 13, 2019)
Can you imagine a world where your child starts a task and finishes - every single time? Can you think of the way things would change for everyone around you? Well, that can be a reality! It is true that many children start stuff all the time and fall off before finishing. They become interested in something and then they lose interest along the way, simply moving on to other things and forgetting to go back to the previous task. This goes for tasks that are super important or not so important. The thing is that not finishing tasks once started, might seem like no big deal to some children or even some adults, but it is a very big deal. Learning to reach completion in any venture has rewards! Children have to first learn to finish before they can discover this fact, however. As parents, YOU CAN HELP! Changing the poor habit of leaving things undone to finishing all the time, will have your children leading better lives as adults. Enjoy "Bobbie Finishes"First Time Ever" with your children and give them the first experience of realizing the many rewards they can reap, simply by finishing tasks.