Will he marry her?; A domestic drama for home reading, performed by Major Penny and a numerous staff of auxiliaries ... The music by the twins themselves
George Wilbur Peck
(RareBooksClub.com, May 14, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1885 Excerpt: ...Originally we were five in number. The fifth (who is now no more) gave us a great deal of trouble. I live in the country, at what some people might call an out-of-the-way place. The Girls live with me, and I manage all business matters connected with our establishment and order the dinners. The three surviving girls, my sisters, are named respectively Bathshqba, Cassandra, and Ursula, which to some extent balances the Penny. As I am universally addressed in the home circle, and elsev/here, as the Major, my own Christian name iz immaterial for the purposes of tins narrative. The fifth (who is now no more) was a Jemima. It was settled from the first that it would have beeji unreasonable to expect much of a Jemima--and we didn't If No. 5 systematically persisted in being a surprise to the rest of her family, it is not her family's fault The last surprise No. 5 (now no more) has given us has taken the shape of Twins. Up to the last moment allowable before going to press, we have not got over them; indeed, I may almost go as far as to say'that the twins go on astonishing us more and more, and appear likely to do so. Relative to previous surprises, and before dealing with the Twin episode, it may not be out of plac here to say a few words. No. 5 was the only married member of our family. I am myself a bachelor. During their youth the Girls, like other girls, were come after from time to time; but on all occasions I disapproved of the persons who did the coming-aftering, and spoke my sentiments on the subject to the Girls. "Bathsheba, Cassandra, or Ursula " (as the case may be), I would observe, " the man is a Fool, an Idiot, and an Ass, and you must be a Confounded Donkey to care about him." There is nothing, in a case of this kind, like putti...