Stories for the happy days of Christmas time
George Wolfe Shinn
(, May 12, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1879 Excerpt: ...We hardly recognize him, so greatly has he changed. And who is that with him, carrying things for the workmen? Surely we know his face. Why, bless us, it is Dick Lay! 12. And now it is Christmas Eve again, and a happy group of children and older people are preparing the decorations of the chapel in Winskogan. "The little Englishers" are there, directing hitherto untutored hands in the mysteries of trimming the evergreens about the windows, the arches, and the doors, and putting a glowing inscription on the walls. Bobby Bounce's father has remembered the story his mother told him so long ago. It is all fresh now, and he is here to help. His shrillvoiced wife has somehow or other toned down to a more modest pitch, and her shrill scream is seldom heard. She is helping too. Why, they are all helping! Great strong men, and as strong women, whom hardship and past excesses had once well nigh brutalized are there to-night, grown gentler, and, if we may judge by their eager interest to-night, they will welcome the glad Christmas morning with a joy they have never known before. But hark! The trimming has ceased. Sweet strains of music are float ing through the little chapel this Christmas Eve. 13. Hark! They are singing a carol! Louder and louder it grows as one and another takes up the strain. New voices have caught the melody. Bob Rounce and Dick Lay, and many more who a year ago knew not the glad tidings, are now singing with gladness this Christmas Eve. We know not whether choirs of angels come again to earth, but we can almost fancy as these voices in the chapel stop their singing that an angel' host have taken up the old song, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good-will towards men." 14 HOW THE CREW OF THE SEA GULL SPENT CHRI...