A Description and List of the Lighthouses of the World, 1861
Alexander George Findlay
(RareBooksClub.com, March 6, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1864 Excerpt: ...officers, marine engineers, hydrographers, members of scientific bodies, and other gentlemen, distinguished for their scientific attainments in various professions, all of which have to do with branches of science connected with coast illumination. The general conduct of the service is under an officer called Directeur General des Phares, who is an engineer, and has other engineers under him. In the United States of America, the lights are nnder one Central Board, constituted in 1852, and composed of a member of the Government, engineer officers, and officers of the army and navy, and civilians of high scientific attainments. In Sweden, the lights are under the Admiralty, and managed by a director and officers who have military rank, and engineers. In Norway, the service is under the Royal Marine Department. In Turkey, it is under the Admiralty; and the system is now in course of development. In Hanover, the service is under the Director-General of Waterworks. In Hamburg, they are under the Committee for Harbours and Navigation. In Spain, the system of administration is the same as in France; and the full development of the system is now in progress. The lights, &c, are under the department of Public Works, and under a permanent Commission composed of engineers of superior rank of the Corps of Roads, &e., and naval officers; and the captains of ports are instructed to suggest improvements and report on the lights. In Denmark, the service is under the Ministry of Marine, entrusted to one Light Engineer and two Buoy Inspectors. In Russia, the superintendence is dependent from the Hydrographical Department. In Holland, the management of Lights, Buoys, and Beacons rests with the Minister for the Marine, under whom are an Inspector-General and seven Insp...