Mrs. Brown's Christmas box, by Arthur Sketchley
George Rose
(, May 18, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1870 Excerpt: ...and some tea and sugar, and she's a-goin' to send 'er eldest boy, as is just past ten, with a basket for that puddin' as I'd made for Jane's children. For I'd agreed with Charlotte as he was to fetch it 'ot, thro' 'er 'avin' no pot to bile it in, and only lived in Walker's Buildin's, as ain't ten mintues' walk. I started soon arter breakfast to go there, and called over at Mrs. Arber's on my way, and found as old Mushit 'adn't woke up but jest for a minit, and 'ad took some beef-tea along with 'is medsin, and was off ag'in. So, as there wasn't no 'urry, I waited a bit so as to give that poor soul a little time to get 'er place a little straight, as with five children and a Bick 'usban' 'ad 'er 'ands pretty full of a mornin', and that tidy as she wouldn't like to be caught up to 'er eyes in a mess. It was werry pleasant, as I were a-walkin' there, for to see such lots of dinners a-goin' to the oven, and parties a-goin' to church as looked well-dressed and 'appy. Some'ow, it didn't seem like Sunday mornin' esactly, but more jolly like. I can't think, for my part, what parties can be a-thinkin' about as wants bakers not to bake no dinners of a Sunday, as is the only chance many a family 'as of gettin' a 'ot meal once a week; but parties as is well to do in this world don't think much about them as ain't so well off as theirselves; but that's the way of the world, that is. Walker's Buildin's ain't much of a place for to live in, tho' the rents is tremenjous 'igh, and that poor Mrs. Walford, as were Charlotte's 'usban's name, she paid 'arf-a-crown for a front kitchen, as I will say she kep' like a pallis for cleanness, with a staircase as dark as Newgate. She was a-washin' the babby when I got in, as were 'er last job, and all the rest was that tidy, with the el...