Hints on Horsemanship, to a Nephew and Niece: Common Sense and Common Errors in Common Riding
George Greenwood
(Forgotten Books, Feb. 15, 2011)
CHAPTER I. MILITARY RIDING NOT FIT FOR CO~DIOX RIDING . • Throughout Europe there is ollly OIle style of riding trw:Jht / that i'i, the sol,lier's onc-h({]ul"rl stylc.-T1CO l{((/Ills shouhl be U'ictl to the reins.A solclicr's horse mllst turn on the wrong rein.-Comlllon ritlers generally turn their horses on the wrong rein. Result of this with colts or rcsti-e horses.-Il1tlit.:atiol1s arc not aids. 'VHEX you wish to turn to the right pull the right rein stronger than the left. This is common sense. The common error is precisely the reverse. The comm0n error is, when you wish to turn to the right to IJass the hand to the right. By this the right rein is slackened, and the left rein is tightened, across the horse's neck, and the horse is required to tunl to the right when" the left rein is pulled. It is to correct this common error,Table of Contents CHAPTER 1; Thl'Ol1:~lt()nt Europe there j:,; Ollly oJ)e style of ri~lillg {«W)ld; That is the sol,licr's fJilc-hrlilllcd style; TICO 7twu1::; shoulll lH~ lvwtl tv tllt:· reins; A svl,liel"s hul's(' must tl1l'1l Oil the wrong rein; Common ritlns g')l1erally tmn their hnrses un tIle Wri)ll~ reill; Hesult of this with cult;; l'l' rest in 11or,:;es; InLl:cntiollS are not (lids; CHAPTER II; IIOLDI~G A~D IL~DII~G TIlE nEr::-;-:-;; Heins at fu1l1cngth; The downward clutch; The Grecian mode of holuing 311l1 handling the rein~; The side clutch; The two reins crossed in one hUllU ; A rein in each hand ; Turn to the right, and left; The hunting hand; The rough-rider's hand; Fixing the hands; !'Hii:; 2; 2; 7; f); 10; 12; 14; 16; 18; 20; 21; 23; 26; 20; 27; 28; vi CONTE~TS; Use of both bridles at once ; Shortening the reills ,,-hen heM OlJG in each hand, system of taught,; and of untaught horsemen; l]" se of the whip ; Horses swern~ and turn only to the lcft; Fault in "the great