A natural history of uncommon birds; and of some other rare and undescribed animals, quadrupeds, fishes, reptiles, insects, &c., exhibited in two ... copied immediately from nature, and curiously
George Edwards
(RareBooksClub.com, June 25, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1776 edition. Excerpt: ...ChurchillV6V/Vf?. of Voyages, Vol. i. p.y6j. The above-mention'd Penguin Ifle is near the Cape of Good Hose. I have examin'd some of the Voyages to the Straights of Magellan, and find very little Account of the 'Penguins there, more than that they go upright, and burrow under the Shores: So that I cannot determine the above-deicrib'd to be a Native of any certain Part of the World. Had these Voyagers given slight Descriptions of the Things they mention, we might from thence probably have fixed its native Place. O The Spotted Greenland Dove. 'HIS Bird is here figur'd of its natural Bigness, by comparing it with the Grecn land Dove of JVillughby, I find it agrees exactly in Shape and Size with that, the Bill and Legs being the very fame as to Make, tho' different in Colour, therefore I believe it to be a young Bird, before it has molted its first Feathers, the old ones being Black, except a large white Spot in each Wing, and the Legs and Feet of a fine Red. The flying Bird, in this Plate, shews the Black Greenland Dove, at a Distance, by way of comparing it with this the Bill is pretty long, of a dark or black Colour, a little bowed or hooked toward the Point the whole under-side, from Bill to Tail, is white, having very faint transverse Bars of Ash-colour; the Top of the Head, upper Side of the Neck, Back and Tail, are of a dusky Black, with transverse Bars of a deep Black, the Quills are wholly Black, the Coverts above them tip'd with White; then succeeds a Row of Black, the lesser Coverts form a large Spot of White in the upper Part of the Wing, sprinkled with Black, the Ridge and upper Part of the Wing is border'd round with Black, the Legs and Feet are of a dirty Flesh-colour it hath three Toes only, all standing forward, armed with small...