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Books with author Gail Wilson Kenna

  • Here to There and Back Again

    Gail Wilson Kenna

    Paperback (Crosshill Creek Publications, Feb. 25, 2020)
    In a prologue the author explains how her fact-fiction book is based on her great-great grandfather's 1849 Gold Rush letters.Against his parents' wishes, Eugene Chase makes plans with boyhood friend Leal to leave Vermont and seek their fortunes in California. Eugene's sister Hortense understands her oldest brother's desire; and she makes him promise to write letters home, addressed to her.In March 1849, at nineteen, Eugene leave home for New York City. Leal is to meet him in St. Louis. Eugene's Uncle Lucien, who left Derby Line eight years earlier, lends his nephew the money for his adventure. "The fruits of your journey will reveal themselves in time," he tells Eugene.From beginning to end, Eugene's journey is long and hard: a journey to a new land and adulthood. Throughout constant difficulties, Eugene shows courage and endurance. This is not true of Leal, who is a burden to all in their Pioneer Line company, which includes Judd, an older doctor. Eventually, Judd asks Eugene to join him for the final 200 miles to California. At the Carson River, after crossing forty miles of treacherous desert, the two men leave the company, then later mine gold together. But the travel West and gold mining leave Judd in weakened health. He leaves for the East, and Eugene heads farther north for richer gold fields.In a epilogue, the author recounts that her great-great grandfather earned enough money to pay his passage home by sea, to net a clear one thousand dollars, and to build a fine house in Derby Line, Vermont.
  • The Contumacious Cat

    Gail Wilson Kenna

    Paperback (High Tide Publications, Sept. 5, 2017)
    A cat that poops on the rug, defying orders from a major! Add Miss Strum (the roofing contractor) who threatens to call the ASPCA, Diana Hunt (an animal communicator), and Wren (the young girl of the house) and you have a great story about a military family, moving, and a cat with a bad attitude! Praise for The Contumacious Cat If you know a child who loves to learn and correctly use new words; if you know a child from a frequently deployed military family; or if you know (or ARE) a child of any age who has ever loved a contumacious cat, then do that child and yourself a favor by buying and sharing this delightful book. You will not soon forget 10-year-old Wren and her efforts to save her ill-mannered cat Grrr from the wrath of her angry military-minded father after Grr demonstrates her displeasure about being displaced by the new baby in the family by soiling the majorโ€™s prized Persian rug. In a few well-chosen words and with page after page of charming and clever illustrations, Gail Kenna manages to painlessly teach valuable lessons about the virtues of Compassion, Compromise, and Communication. Anne Carey โ€“ September 22, 2017 You really got my kids with the humorous incident about the cat, the rug, the dog, and the major. Thanks for sharing this story." Dr. Patricia Monge-Meberg, M.D. "What a joy to read a book that can capture a child's imagination and at the same time introduce new "grown up" words. The Contumacious Cat is humorous and poignant, especially for families who face deployment. I can hardly wait for our granddaughter to be a little older so we can enjoy this lovely tale together." Sandy Bensky, retired reading teacher "The book is so lovely ... the story itself, the illustrations. Every detail is perfect. Sharing it with the girls (granddaughters) was fun. The eight-year-old, a budding artist, loved the art work, and both girls were taken with the subtle humor. The sweet resolution amidst the complications of deployment for the parents was just right." Mary Stuart, retired English teacher
  • The Contumacious Cat

    Gail Willson Kenna

    eBook (High Tide Publications, Inc, )
  • Tommy and the Christmas Coal

    Kenny Wilson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Oct. 18, 2018)
    Tommy is a good little boy who lives in a small village. Everyone in the village heats their home with coal. When his Dad loses his job two weeks before Christmas, the family realizes that they only have enough coal to heat their home until Christmas. Tommy decides to get onto the naughty list, so he can get more coal for the family. There is only one problem: He has never been naughty before!