Wentworth's Plane Geometry
G. A. Wentworth
(Forgotten Books, June 13, 2012)
A i PEEFACE Long after the death of Robert Recorde, England sfirst great writer of textbooks, the preface of a new edition of one of his works contained the appreciative statement that the book was entail dupon the People, ratified and sign dby the approbation ofT ime. The language of this sentiment sounds quaint, but the noble tribute is as impressive to-day as when first put in print two hundred fifty years ago. With equal truth these words may be applied to the Geome try written by George A. Wentworth. For a generation it has been the leading textbook on the subject in A merica. It set a standard for usability that every subsequent writer upon geometry has tried to follow, and the number of pupils who have testified to its excellence has run well into the millions. In undertaking to prepare a revision of this work, the authors have been guided by certain well-defined principles, based upon an extended investigation of the needs of the schools and upon a study of all that is best in the recent literature of the subject. The effects of these principles they feel should be summarized for the purpose of calling the attention of the wide circle of friends of theW entworth text to the points of similarity and of difference in the editions. 1. Every effort has.been made not only to preserve but to improve upon the simplicity of treatment, the clearness of expression, and the symmetry of page that have characterized the successive editions of theW entworth Geometry. It has been the purpose to prepare a book that should do even more than maintain the traditions this work has fostered.(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technolo