The Civil War in song and story, 1860-1865
Frank Moore
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1889 Excerpt: ...bound them, and sent them off. 1 do believe the generosity of this people, now and hero, has no parallel in history. Helen sent two pairs of good bed blankets, and my sisters out at Durley (you know their limited means) sent ten--almost all they possessed. I mean to send some drugget. I can't well send my only two pairs of blankets, as they are old rose relies. If the need continues, however, 1 shall make the sacrifice. You understand it is no little economy in Government. It it because there is not enough wool in the country. Money cannot get them; so they must be got foi love. Now, my darling, you can perhaps perceive what my hobby is now. If you were here, you would be death on patriotism too. Dr. Boardman's cburch is the very head of all good works for the country; you would find it would cost as much labor and money to keep up with them, as travelling among the Alps does.... Do you know, Sarah, it is fashionable here to be traitorous; not exactly to say, I am a secessionist, but to call one's self a ' peace man'--an anti-administration man--just as in the days of the Revolution it was fashionable to be Tories. It is the legitimate offspring of the spirit of trade, whose cry is, 'Give us prosperity; only give us prosperity in our day, and apres nous le deluge.' It is willing that the South should pull our noses, and that all nations under heaven should spit in our faces for cowards, rather than have wealth and trade, ease and comfort, interfered with. It is only in the great cities, and among the wealthy, that you meet this demoralization. Throughout the country, and among the great middle classes, patriotism is warm and earnest.... We had a stirring talk last night at, on the times. We there all believed that the North was too hackward about facing the...