George Mueller: Champion of Orphans
Fern Neal Stocker
(Pacific Press Publishing Association, Jan. 6, 2015)
“You do too much, George Mueller!” exclaimed Henry Craik. “How can you say that, brother? I only do what God asks of me!” “You preach and visit for the church, supervise the day school, oversee the distribution of tracts and Bibles; and now, you think you have time for an orphan’s house?”“I am clearly persuaded that is the will of the Lord,” answered George.Generally speaking, the saying “Like father, like son” is true. It was true in the early life of George Mueller. Following his father’s example of cheating, young George plunged deeper and deeper into sin, until one day he met Jesus Christ, and his life changed radically for the better. The remainder of his life shows what God can do for a person who resolves to serve God 100 percent. George Mueller died on March 10, 1898. at the age of 92. But not until he changed the lives of countless orphans in England and many others who knew him. He truly is a champion of orphans and, this book will inspire you to follow God’s leading in everything you do.