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Books with author F.R. Martin

  • Kerfuffle’s Lunchbox of Communication

    K.F. Martin

    eBook (Hall & Muscato Publishing, July 7, 2015)
    Second Lt. Smiley still believes its mission is to infiltrate and rule Earth. After all, who could possibly be a better choice for such a task? Smiley attempts to explain Crew 52’s directive to Corporal Spork, but the shark-like Qwuedeviv isn’t convinced. The only logical solution is to locate the rest of Crew 52 and reestablish communication with HQ, but that is easier said than done. The fur will fly and the search is on.
  • Orangutans: People of the Forest

    M Martin

    language (, July 15, 2017)
    It may be somewhat shocking to learn what humans have in common with other primates. These primates have hands and feet, shoulders and hips, and unlike most animals and mammals who rely on their sense of smell, the arrangement of a primate's brain is like a human's, which relies on sight and social order. This means that Apes and humans and monkeys are all classified as primates. But in contrast to the evolutionary theory which claims that we humans are genetically 95 to 99 percent close to Apes and monkeys, there is a massive difference in posture and locomotion alone. Humans' hair, nervous system, and way of communication, among other things, also separate them from these lesser types. Like the human race that is a class of its own with diverging traits, these lesser types also have their own varying qualities. After freeing you from these obscuring evolutionary beliefs that pester every serious reader studying or seeing a picture of an ape or a monkey, this book will help you classify the distinctive makeup of an orangutan. It will teach you how to tell a monkey from an ape. It will show you what characterizes an orangutan from the rest of the other primates. Who are their predators? How many species are there and how do they differ? What is their closest relative? Why are they becoming extinct? This and much more intriguing information that makes them stand out from the rest can be found in this book. Also included in the book are more than 20 descriptive photos which show the reader their unique color and help them visualize what it means to have a flange face. It will also give the reader a look into what is becoming an extinct species.
  • Grizzly Bears: Humpbacked Giants of North America

    M Martin

    language (, July 25, 2015)
    Grizzly bears belong to the brown bear family. There are many species of brown bear which includes the black bear and also the polar bear. These bears are called grizzlies because of the white tips on their fur which make the fur look grizzled. Grizzly bears have a peculiar hump on their back. They are tall and heavy. They cannot see very well. That is why they have to use their sense of smell to find food and avoid their enemies. In this book you will learn more about the grizzly bear. You will learn that these bears are actually very athletic. You will learn what types of food they eat and how they get their food. You will learn about their social life and how they take care of their cubs. Do grizzly bears have predators? Do they really sleep all throughout winter? Are they fierce animals? Do they attack humans at sight? Are they endangered? These questions and more will be answered in this book. There are also more than 20 colored photos of the grizzly bear in its natural habitat. These photos will help young children create a vivid image of the grizzly bear that will help them in understating the life of this amazing animal.
  • Tears of the Heart: A Modern Day Story In a 'Once Upon a Time' Setting

    R. F. Martin

    Paperback (XLIBRIS, Nov. 30, 2012)
  • Foxes: The Sly Red Creatures

    M Martin

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, May 12, 2015)
    The Red Fox is just one of several different types of true foxes in the world. They have the most numbers and they can be found in almost every continent of the world, from the desserts to the polar regions. Red Foxes belong to the dog family, like the wolf, but smaller than the wolf. There are a lot of other types of true foxes and other types of fox-like animals that are not classified as true foxes. Red foxes are called such because of their color. Their physical features include short ears, long legs and they are known to have very bushy tails. Their tails are used to communicate with each other and to give them perfect balance. Read this book to learn more amazing facts about the red fox. There are interesting things to know about what they eat, their hunting styles and their family life. Many of the questions you have about red foxes will be answered. Questions like: Where do they live? Are they social animals like wolves who belong to a pack? How do they take care of their young? What are the other different types of foxes? What are vulpes? What are their predators? This book also contains more than 20 beautiful photos of the red fox in its environment. These picture will help children have a good image of what the red fox is like and it will help them to appreciate this animal more.
  • Jaguars: He That Kills with One Leap

    M Martin

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Feb. 23, 2016)
    The Jaguar is a very powerful cat. The very term Jaguar, or Yaguar in the native tongue, literally means, 'he that kills with one leap.'And indeed, with a single leap and a crushing bite to the head, the jaguar is able to kill its prey. Jaguars are the largest cats in the Americas. They look exactly like leopards except for some minor differences. To be able to tell one from the other you just need to look at the rosette patterns on their fur. Although no two jaguars have the same rosette pattern, all jaguars have a spot in the middle of the rosette, while leopards have none. In this book you will learn many amazing facts about the jaguar. Learn about their ways, what they eat, how they hunt and kill their prey. Learn about their social life, how they care for their young, and how they protect their territories. This book also contains more than 20 colorful pictures of the jaguar in its natural habitat. A picture of this animal will make you understand why people see them as a symbol of royalty, strength, and beauty.
  • Pod Racer

    R. T. Martin

    eBook (Darby Creek TM, Aug. 1, 2017)
    A11_4_ON3 is a gamer who likes to look out for himself—especially when it comes to winning. When he learns he's part of a four-player team with his former gaming crew, no one is happy to work together again. But their team must win this virtual reality racing game, or they'll be trapped inside the virtual world forever. Can he change his attitude for the sake of his team? Or will his self-centered playing be their downfall?
  • What Can I See at the Zoo?

    M. R. Martin

    language (, June 4, 2019)
    Early learners reading edition. Build your child's confidence in their reading ability with these early readers books! Beautiful full colored images that draw your child's attention and keeps it as they turn the pages to explore more. This early learning book also comes with a comprehension check at the end to help your child build the skill of retaining information.
  • Giraffes: Towering Beauties of the African Savanna

    M Martin

    language (, Dec. 19, 2014)
    Every animal is unique. Every animal has characteristics in them that makes them truly special. The Giraffe is one such animal.In the pages of this book, we learn many amazing things about the tallest animal in the world. We learn about their body features, their habits, their diet, their babies, how they protect themselves from predators like the lion and other fierce hungry animals, and more. Other interesting facts are also included:facts about their spots, their color, their tongue, their longnecks and many more information about the giraffe.You get answers to the many questions you might have asked or wondered about. Questions like, “How tall is the giraffe?”, “How tall are their babies when they are born?”, “How do giraffes drink water?”, “How do they fight for survival?”, “Are they social animals?”. These and morequestions will be answered as you go through this book. This will definitely be a wonderful reading experience for young readers!To top it off, every fact in this book is accompanied by colorful pictures to create an image in your child’s mind that will aid them in understanding more about the Giraffe!Buy this book and let your children marvel at the amazing facts they can learn from reading this!
  • King Cobras: King of Venomous Snakes

    M Martin

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 7, 2017)
    There are several legless reptiles that crawl rather than walk, the most common of these are snakes. Most snake species are nonvenomous, but there are also some that have deadly venom. Cobras are species of venomous snakes that are commonly called the hooded snake or the snake with a kapel; this account is likely taken because of its similarity to a chapel with a bell tower that has an enchanting appearance. When a cobra is disturbed, it usually rears up and spreads its neck as a display of a threat. King Cobras are everyone’s favorite cobra. Not only are they the largest venomous snake in the world, but they are also without a doubt the most royal of the cobras. There is more that you can learn about this peculiar snake. This book will give you information about why these regal snakes are very venomous, even though they don’t have high quality venom. What other food do they prey on that is unlike the rest? How they give birth to their young. And what it is like being a snake. Included in this book is a set of more than 20 descriptive photos to heighten the reader's understanding of their defenselessness as a crawling animal, their cunning skill while moving around, their first defense when frightened or threatened, and how they strike when all other options have been exhausted.
  • Polar Bears: Largest Land Predator on Earth

    M Martin

    language (, July 21, 2017)
    Deep in the land of ice sheets and artic weather prowls the beautiful, stunning white polar bear. Although polar bears only roam the icy regions of the north, they are known by people all over the world, for they are certainly gorgeous animals. This book seeks to give a deeper sense of what the life of a polar bear is really like. For example, do Polar Bears know how to swim? How do they clean themselves? What is their favorite food? How do they communicate with each other? Along with the answers to these questions, and many others, this book provides a deep look into the lives and habits of Polar Bears, along with many stunning colored pictures further depicting them.
  • Moose: Largest Deer in the World

    M Martin

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Aug. 13, 2015)
    You might have already seen Moose head mounted on the walls of a hunter's home. The curious thing about this animal is its antlers. Did you know that a young moose's antlers are covered with velvet? And this velvet supplies the antler with blood and the nutrients it needs? Antlers are not like the horns of other animals. They are dependent on blood and nutrients to grow. When moose are older, the velvet falls off and some adult moose rub their antlers on trees to help rub off the velvet. Moose are the largest members of the deer family and the tallest mammals of North America. Most of them thrive in the northern hemisphere where there is seasonal snow cover. They cannot survive hot climates because they can't sweat. In this book you will learn many more facts about this amazing animal. You will learn about how their antlers are used, and how large they grow. You will learn about their curious physical features, like the hump in their back and the skin hanging from their throat. How do they take care of their young? What do they eat? What are the different species of Moose? These are just some of the questions that will be answered in this book. This book also comes with more than 20 colorful photos of the moose in its natural habitat. These pictures will help young children create the right images of the moose in their minds and will greatly assist them in their understanding.