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Books with author F.R. Martin

  • Koalas: Furry Marsupials of Australia

    M Martin

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Dec. 8, 2015)
    We always think of Koalas as bears. In fact, many of us may have owned a teddy bear in the form of a koala. So, the term “koala bear” which we most often use is not quite correct. This is because koalas belong to the marsupial family. This is the family where the kangaroo belongs, the family where the mothers care for their babies inside pouches. There are many interesting and amazing things to learn about koalas. In this book you will learn what the name “koala” really means. You will learn much about their way of life, if they are social animals or not. You will find interesting facts about what they eat, drink, what they do during the day and during the night, where they live, and more. Many of your questions will be answered in this book. Why do koalas fight? How do they fight? How does the male protect his home? How does the mother koala care for her baby? Together with these interesting facts are more than 20 colorful photographs of the koala in its natural habitat. These photos will help young readers create images in their minds that will guide their understanding as they read this great book.
  • Vultures: High Gliding Scavengers

    M Martin

    language (, Jan. 13, 2017)
    We are all too familiar with these birds of prey. They are the ones we see hovering above an animal that has been killed by its predator, and after its killers have left, they swoop down to finish the meal. We might think that vultures are gross because they like to finish up rotting dead meat. But, in truth, vultures help the environment at lot because although they are scavengers, they are also garbage keepers who make sure the environment is clean by finishing the dead animal up. If we look at them this way, then we can be thankful that there are vultures on our planet.In this book you will learn many interesting and amazing things about the vulture. You will learn why the vulture has short feathers on its head and neck. You will learn how they eat dead carcasses and what they do to protect themselves from the bacteria from rotting meat. You will learn about the different types of vultures. Reading this book will open your mind up to the wonderful world of vultures. This book will also help you answer questions about vultures. Where do they live? How can they glide so beautifully in the air? Why do they not get sick eating rotten food? Are they social animals? How do they take care of their young? Do they have predators and how do they protect themselves? Are they endangered? These questions and more will be answered in this book.You will also find more than 20 colorful photos of the vulture in its natural habitat. Seeing these photos will help the young reader understand the vulture and its amazing ways.
  • Meerkats: Standing Sentries of the Mongoose Family

    M Martin

    language (, Jan. 6, 2017)
    Meerkats are small burrowing animals that belong to the mongoose family. If you think you don’t know what a meerkat looks like, just think of the cartoon character Timon, from the Lion King. Meerkats are famous for their standing on 2 hind legs like they are on sentry duty. As a matter of fact, standing meerkats ARE on sentry duty. These are the ones assigned to look out for predators and inform others if the coast is clear. There are a lot of things to learn about a meerkat in this book. You will learn about why they have black fur around their eyes. You will learn about what they eat. Hakuna matata, remember? It means no worries for the rest of your days. Because indeed, meerkats find an abundance of food under the desert sand. What are meerkat predators and how do meerkats warn each other? How do they protect themselves from these predators? Where do meerkats live? How do they take care of their young? These are just some of the questions that will be answered in this book. Read to learn more about this amazing animal. This book also comes with more than 20 colorful photos of the meerkat in the African grasslands. These pictures will help especially young children imagine the life of the meerkat in the wild to aid them in understanding this creature better.
  • We Come with Peas

    K. F. Martin

    eBook (Hall & Muscato Publishing, Feb. 22, 2014)
    Meet Smiley. Alien Feline Second Lieutenant and Earth’s self proclaimed ruler. Leader of Qwuedeviv Crew 52, Smiley has been sent to infiltrate Earth. There’s just one little problem; due to some poor planning and a possible lack of breakfast prior to launch, Smiley crash lands its drop pod and finds itself separated from its crew. With no way to contact Headquarters and a minor (very, very minor of course) fear of being caught, Smiley sets out to conquer the planet on its own. But with Ice Shooting Land Serpents protecting every yard and Earthian Media taunting a soldier’s very best resolve, how is one fuzzy invader supposed to complete its mission? Follow Smiley in one of its many crazy adventures of world conquest filled with laughs and the very best of kitty logic.
  • Drama Games and Acting Exercises: 177 Games and Activities

    Rod Martin

    Paperback (Meriwether Pub, Jan. 1, 2009)
    Bringing creative drama activities into the classroom reaches across all disciplines, creating opportunities for hands-on, experiential learning. Middle school students especially have lots of energy and are learning to express their individuality. They need to try out new ideas, explore, and interact. The many exercises in this book can help any teacher, even one with no acting experience, create a safe zone in their classroom where students can take risks, make mistakes and learn from them, building both confidence and cooperation, as well as speaking and listening skills. Games are organized into several categories: Body Exercises, Voice Exercises, Getting to Know Each Other, Improvisation, Public Speaking, Poetry for Performance, and Plays and Scenes. A glossary of drama terms at the back of the book helps even the most beginning teacher add drama as a powerful tool to his or her bag of tricks.
  • Bobcats: Bob-tailed Cats of North America

    M Martin

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Jan. 22, 2016)
    The bobcat looks very similar to a house cat except that it is a lot bigger - about twice the size. An overgrown house cat you might call it. Have you ever wondered why this cat is called a bobcat? It is because of its short tail. In other words, bobbed. So, bobcats are actually bob-tailed cats. Bobcats belong to the lynx family, which is also part of the bigger cat family. They are found in North America and Mexico. They are known to survive different types of climates. They are also very fierce and can take down big prey twice their size. In this book you will learn many more interesting things about the bobcat. You will learn about their hunting skills which are truly amazing. You will learn about their habits and their social life. Are bobcats friendly with their kind? Where do they live? What do they eat? What are their predators? Are they endangered? What types of animals are they related to? These questions and more will all be answered in this book. This book also contains more than 20 photographs of the bobcat in its natural habitat. Reading this book while looking at the images will help the reader understand what the bobcat is really like.
  • Miss Manners Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior


    Hardcover (Scribner, May 1, 1982)
    Provides a comprehensive and entertaining guide to etiquette, manners, and behavior in virtually every type of situation
  • Kangaroo: The Symbol of Australia

    M Martin

    language (, July 10, 2017)
    All of us know two peculiar things about a kangaroo – they hop and they have a pouch. That said, you will find in this book that there are other very unique characteristics that kangaroos have. The kangaroo is the known symbol of Australia, which is the only country that has this kind of animal.What are kangaroos really like? Why do they have pouches? How large are they? What are the different kinds of kangaroos? How do they eat, drink, and protect themselves? What are the uses of their powerful tails? How high and how far can they hop? These questions and more will be answered in this book.There are also more than 20 colorful photos that depict the kangaroo in its natural habitat. These pictures can help create real images in our minds to help us better understand the life of a kangaroo.
  • Walrus: Tusked Arctic Giants

    M Martin

    language (, Jan. 10, 2017)
    You can tell a walrus from a seal by the long tusks protruding from their mouth. It is said that these are actually teeth that the walrus uses to pull itself out of the water, to chip off ice and to protect itself from predators. Aside from this, we can tell a walrus by its huge, flabby body which is said to be made up of a thick layer of fat called blubber. Blubber helps walruses survive in cold temperatures. Interesting! If you want to learn more about the walrus, read this book and you will find many amazing facts about this animal that has the ability to survive in the icy cold arctic waters. Learn more about their physical features. Learn about their social life and how they take care of their young. Learn about the different sounds that they make. How much does a walrus weight? How big is it? What do walruses eat? How do they hunt for food? These questions and more will be answered in this book. Read this interesting book to find out.This book also comes with more than 20 colorful pictures of the walrus in its habitat. With these, readers will get to see what their environment looks like which will help them create amazing images in their minds. This will help readers understand more about the life of this arctic giant.
  • Great White Sharks: Vicious Predators of the Great Oceans

    M Martin

    language (, Jan. 13, 2017)
    In the cool waters of the deep oceans all over the world, a dangerous and magnificent creature lurks and waits for its prey. This creature, known as the great white shark, is the largest predator of the ocean. It is known to feed on meat such as sea birds, turtles, otters, dolphins, and even some types of whales.The great white shark is indeed an interesting as well as dangerous animal. In this book, you will learn many facts that will lead to a deeper understanding of this fierce and beautiful creature. You will learn about how they hunt and how they communicate. You will learn about their amazing senses. You will also learn about their relatives and their young. Along with these facts, you can enjoy the 20 stunning color pictures of the sharks themselves in this book. While you read and study the pictures, you will learn all there is to know about great whites and how they live.
  • Wolves: Howling Pack Dogs

    M Martin

    eBook (, April 20, 2015)
    A line in a song of one famous cartoon goes, “Have you ever heard a wolf cry to the blue corn moon?” People believe that wolves howl to the moon. Though it seems that way because they raise their heads when they howl, the real reason for this is so that their howl can reach a farther distance to send messages to other wolves. Interestingly, it is also during full moon when they howl, and this is because they hunt more when the moon is bright and they howl to communicate to the pack.Aside from their very famous howls, there are many other characteristics that are interesting to learn about the wolf. They look like dogs indeed but they are different from them in many ways. What are wolves really like? Are they fierce animals? Do they attack humans? What do they eat? How do they find food? These questions will be answered in this book and many more amazing facts will be shared.Learn more about wolves. Learn about their family lives. Learn how they care for their young. Learn about the gray and the red wolf. There is so much more to learn about these amazing animals.One exciting thing about this book is that every fact comes with an accompanying picture. These pictures will help children imagine what a wolf is really like. This will aid them to understand a wolf better.
  • Johnny Graphic and the Attack of the Zombies

    D. R. Martin

    eBook (Conger Road Press, Nov. 17, 2013)
    It’s the middle of the night. Screams and hideous howls rouse a slumbering schoolboy from his dormitory bed. Rushing outside, Basil Hastings watches in horror as terrified classmates are snatched up and carried off by large, lurching, loathsome figures.Bog zombies!Before he can escape, Basil is scooped up in a clammy, smelly embrace, and hauled away to an unknown fate.Into this cauldron of anarchy and danger, Johnny Graphic arrives to shoot pictures for the ZENITH CLARION. But what starts as a newspaper assignment turns into a desperate mission to rescue hundreds of abducted kids. And Johnny is pretty sure he knows who the evil genius is behind all this mayhem—Percy Rathbone, the most dangerous ghost on the planet.Continuing in the rip-roaring style of the first Johnny Graphic adventure, this second installment in the trilogy is full of thrills and chills, as Johnny and his friends—living and dead—battle to defeat the attack of the zombies.