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Books with author F.R. Martin

  • Sea Otters: Seafarers of the Weasel Family

    M Martin

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Feb. 23, 2016)
    Sea otters are cute looking, furry brown floatable and heavy species of otter. They are said to be able to float on water all day that even without having to go on land, they can survive. They are the smallest marine mammals and they belong to the weasel family. In this book you will learn many amazing facts about the sea otter. You will learn their peculiar physical features. You will know why they have very thick fur and why they need to groom themselves regularly. You will learn what they eat and what they drink. It is amazing how they can drink the ocean’s salty water. This book will tell you how. How do sea otters get their food? Do they use tools for hunting? Are they social animals? How do they take care of their young? Why do female otters’ noses bleed during the mating season? Who are their predators? What is a sea otter raft? Who are their nearest relatives? These questions and more will all be answered in this book. This book also comes with more than 20 colorful photos of the sea otter in its natural habitat. The mental picture drawn in our minds will help us better understand them.
  • Flamingos: The Bright Pink Dancing Birds

    M Martin

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 7, 2017)
    In many countries all over the world, people enjoy watching flamingos as they move gracefully in the warm lowlands, searching for the food they enjoy: shrimp, small fish and mollusks. Flamingos have been loved for generations because of their long, slender legs, their flexible necks and the pretty pink color they are found in most of the time. However, there are more to these beautiful birds than just their shapes and colors. In this book, you can learn all about flamingos, from the way they eat, the reason why they are pink, orange or red, how they socialize and so much more. The facts about flamingos, along with the 20 bright pictures, will give you a deep understanding of these stunning birds.
  • The Pirate Queen: A Young Adult Fantasy

    K.R. Martin

    language (Clean Reads, Nov. 26, 2018)
    Sometimes a queen…Renee thought her life perfect. With her throne secure, husband at her side, and twins to dote on, the danger seemed past. Or so she thought. Attacked and taken from all she loved, she must learn to adapt in a foreign world, and use all her skills to find her way home.…masquerades as a pirate.Traveling half-way around the world should have been the hard part, but upon arriving home, Renee realizes her journey has just begun. Now she has a new crew, including a foreign princess as her new first mate, and together they’ll fight spies, other pirates, and scheming nobles. Oh, and all while keeping her identity hidden and her husband from falling for another woman. What could go wrong?
  • Johnny Graphic and the Etheric Bomb

    D. R. Martin

    eBook (Conger Road Press, June 12, 2012)
    Ghost assassins are coming for Johnny Graphic’s sister. Because of something they believe she knows. Something big. Very big. But how can Johnny, Zenith’s youngest news photographer, save his big sister? After all, he’s just a kid with a camera.What begins with a brutal attack in a far-away city mushrooms into a plot that could end the world. With a little help from his friends—living and dead—Johnny plays a key role in protecting his beloved hometown from utter destruction.Johnny’s adventures take him and his press camera across the continent and halfway around the world—seeking out answers to the ghost conspiracy that threatens everyone. And what he discovers only scratches the surface. Saving Zenith from getting blown up is just the beginning.This richly atmospheric, action-packed first novel in the Johnny Graphic Trilogy gives you ghosts like you’ve never seen before. Ghosts that are creatures of science, not fantasy. Ghosts that are productive members of society. Ghosts that are good and evil. Ghosts that will terrify you, move you, and delight you. “A strong pick for young adult readers, highly recommended.” —Midwest Book Review“[Martin] does for ghosts what Asimov did for robots.” —Top 50 Amazon Reviewer“A pulp-inspired romp with a unique take on ghosts and zombies. My son loved this book and looks forward to the sequel.” —Reads4Tweens
  • Lions: Powerful Kings of the Wild

    M Martin

    language (, Jan. 20, 2015)
    The Lion King is, undoubtedly, one of the most loved cartoons films of all time. In this movie we are given a glimpse of the life that lions live. There is a king, a group of females and their cubs living in the Pridelands. We know how they look - the male king with his peculiar mane and the females, without. Their enemy? The hyenas!Have you ever wondered if this movie has actually pictured the real life of lions in the wild? This book gives us full information on a lion's characteristics and the life that they live. Learn about the pride. Learn about the nomad lions. Learn about what they do during the day. Learn about a lot more from this book.Are hyenas really a lion's enemy? What do they eat? How do they find food? Do they drink plenty of water? These questions and more will be answered in this book.What's more, this book is full of brightly colored photos which will help your children create images in their minds to help them better understand the lion.
  • Jaguars: He That Kills with One Leap

    M Martin

    language (, Jan. 17, 2017)
    The Jaguar is a very powerful cat. The very term Jaguar, or Yaguar in the native tongue, literally means, 'he that kills with one leap.'And indeed, with a single leap and a crushing bite to the head, the jaguar is able to kill its prey. Jaguars are the largest cats in the Americas. They look exactly like leopards except for some minor differences. To be able to tell one from the other you just need to look at the rosette patterns on their fur. Although no two jaguars have the same rosette pattern, all jaguars have a spot in the middle of the rosette, while leopards have none. In this book you will learn many amazing facts about the jaguar. Learn about their ways, what they eat, how they hunt and kill their prey. Learn about their social life, how they care for their young, and how they protect their territories. This book also contains more than 20 colorful pictures of the jaguar in its natural habitat. A picture of this animal will make you understand why people see them as a symbol of royalty, strength, and beauty.
  • Drama Games and Acting Exercises: 177 games and activities

    Rod Martin

    eBook (Meriwether Publishing Ltd., Oct. 10, 2013)
    Bringing creative drama activities into the classroom reaches across all disciplines, creating opportunities for hands-on, experiential learning. Middle school students especially have lots of energy and are learning to express their individuality. They need to try out new ideas, explore, and interact. The many exercises in this book can help any teacher, even one with no acting experience, create a safe zone in their classroom where students can take risks, make mistakes and learn from them, building both confidence and cooperation, as well as speaking and listening skills. Games are organized into several categories: Body Exercises, Voice Exercises, Getting to Know Each Other, Improvisation, Public Speaking, Poetry for Performance, and Plays and Scenes. A glossary of drama terms at the back of the book helps even the most beginning teacher add drama as a powerful tool to his or her bag of tricks.
  • Chipmunks: North American Nut-Eating Rodents

    M Martin

    eBook (, Jan. 6, 2017)
    Who would ever forget the lovable singing trio of Alvin, Simon and Theodore, popularly known as Alvin and the Chipmunks? They are well known for their high-pitched voices which are the sounds that real chipmunks make. Chipmunks make high pitched sounds like chirping birds and they use this as their defense against their predators or when looking for a mate. But this is not the only sound they make. Find out more in this wonderful book designed to give you interesting facts about the life of a chipmunk. How are chipmunks and squirrels related? What do they eat? Why are chipmunks’ cheeks so chubby? Who are their predators? Are there other kinds of chipmunks? Where can we find chipmunks in the world? These and other questions will be answered in this book. Learn about the two types of burrows that chipmunks make and why they are built that way. In this book you will learn much more about a chipmunk’s life and their peculiar habits. This book also comes with more than 20 colorful pictures of chipmunks in their habitat. With these, readers will get to know the kind of environment they live in. This will help the readers understand the life of a chipmunk much better as they create real images in their minds.
  • The Turnaround

    R. T. Martin

    eBook (Darby Creek TM, Jan. 1, 2018)
    Justin has always been a big fan of Mason Falls High School's baseball team, the Lions—even though they are the worst in their division. But this season, the Lions are playing surprisingly well under the new coach. Almost too well to believe. Justin wonders if the new coach has simply whipped the players into shape, or if something else is responsible for the team's drastic turnaround.
  • Sea Otters: Seafarers of the Weasel Family

    M Martin

    eBook (, Jan. 16, 2017)
    Sea otters are cute looking, furry brown floatable and heavy species of otter. They are said to be able to float on water all day that even without having to go on land, they can survive. They are the smallest marine mammals and they belong to the weasel family.In this book you will learn many amazing facts about the sea otter. You will learn their peculiar physical features. You will know why they have very thick fur and why they need to groom themselves regularly. You will learn what they eat and what they drink. It is amazing how they can drink the ocean’s salty water. This book will tell you how.How do sea otters get their food? Do they use tools for hunting? Are they social animals? How do they take care of their young? Why do female otters’ noses bleed during the mating season? Who are their predators? What is a sea otter raft? Who are their nearest relatives? These questions and more will all be answered in this book.This book also comes with more than 20 colorful photos of the sea otter in its natural habitat. The mental picture drawn in our minds will help us better understand them.
  • The Pirate Empress

    K.R. Martin

    eBook (Clean Reads, Nov. 5, 2019)
    Sometimes, an empress…Exiled from her home after her family’s murder, Ama Lei found contentment on the sea, assisting her friend Renee. But helping a queen regain her throne only reminded Ama Lei that she had her own people, and a throne waiting to be reclaimed. And a pirate…Even if Renee foiled one attempt on her life, and somewhat reunited with her husband, she’s considered dead by most, and her life is a masquerade. The biggest threat to her life, and her reign, still exists and to defeat him, she’ll have to call on all her powers and allies, as pirate and as queen.Join forces.Each fights her own path; each needs the other. Can they succeed in removing their great-est threat, or will they fall before his cunning? And will they forever be known as pirates, or perhaps finally take their rightful places on their thrones?
  • Hippos: Gigantic Creatures of the African Rivers

    M Martin

    language (, Dec. 17, 2014)
    Every animal is unique. Every animal has characteristics in them that make them truly special. The hippo is one such animal. On your last visit to the zoo, you might have noticed the hippo with its huge body, enormous mouth and big teeth. You may have also noticed that for the most part, these huge animals love staying in the water.There are a lot of facts that you can learn about the hippo in this book. It can help you answer the many questions your curious children might have asked or are eager to find out. You might also want to find these out for yourself.What do they eat? Do they drink a lot of water? Can they swim? Why were they created with big mouths and teeth; what are these for? Are they friendly? Are they slow? How long do they live? What kinds of animals are their enemies?These questions will all be answered and more! Let your children find out. So the next time they see a hippo, they will appreciate it more when they have understood their nature and characteristics!To top it off, every fact in this book is accompanied by colorful pictures to create an image in your children’s mind that will aid them in understanding more about the hippo!Buy this book and let you children marvel at the amazing facts they can learn from reading this!