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Books with author Eva Martin

  • Martin Luther: A Penguin Life

    Martin E. Marty

    Hardcover (Viking Adult, Feb. 2, 2004)
    A minister, historian, and scholar reassesses the life and times of Martin Luther, describing his seminal role in the Reformation, his religious beliefs and fresh interpretation of the human relationship with God, his conflict with Church leaders, and his lasting influence on world history and religion. 25,000 first printing.
  • Giant Anteaters: Toothless Ant Predator

    M Martin

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 7, 2017)
    This unique mammal, which is known to have the strength of a bear, uses its well-constructed tail to support it while standing in an upright position so it can balance for attack. It is a funny looking, timid animal with thick skin, a shaggy coat and sharp claws. It also has a vacuum hose extension on its face. Peter the anteater, the mascot of the University of California, Irvine; Francis the Anteater, the soft toy which is drawing numerous Facebook followers; and Happy Tree Friends, which has an anteater character called Sniffles, has helped the Giant Anteater become more popular in recent years. It is the intention of this book to enable you to learn an interesting discovery of what is behind their construction, how they are made to survive in their harsh environment, what their strengths and their weakness are, and what other things they are capable of doing. Most of your questions will be answered in this book. Questions like: aside from feeding on Ants, what else do they feed on? Since they are toothless, how do they eat their prey? When bitten by those ravaging ant colonies, do they get hurt? Who are their predators? This book also contain more than 20 colorful photographs to help the young viewers become sensitive to the Giant Anteater’s peculiarity and why it looks that way. It will also help them see their natural habitat and appreciate the value that rest behind its oddness.
  • Elephants: The Largest Land Animals on the Planet

    M Martin

    eBook (, Jan. 31, 2015)
    We see elephants in a zoo. We know that elephants are huge animals with long trunks and tusks and have relatively small eyes and a thin tail. But what we can see in a zoo is an elephant's life in captivity. Have you ever wondered what elephants are like in the wild, when they they are free to roam the grasslands and jungles?Did you know that elephants have fingers? Where are they located? What is the trunk made of? Why are they able to use it like they have hands?Learn many more amazing facts about the elephant. Learn about their intelligence. Learn how they care for their babies. Learn about their social life and their enemies. These and a lot more information about the elephant are given in this book.This book also comes with many colorful photos that can help your child understand more about the elephant.
  • Gorillas: Strongest of the Great Apes

    M Martin

    eBook (, June 1, 2015)
    The Gorilla has distinct physical features that can truly scare anything that encounters this beast. It has a wide stomach, arms longer than their legs and a bulging forehead!Their arms are very strong because they need them for swinging on tree branches, walking and getting food. The gorilla is the largest ape on earth. People say that gorillas are intelligent and have characteristics that are similar to humans. Is this really so? How do gorillas behave? How have they shown their intelligence? Are they social animals? How do they take care of their young? Why does the male gorilla beat his chest and scream out loud? These and many other questions will be answered in this book.You will also learn many amazing facts about the gorilla. You will learn what a Silveback is, what a troop is and how they live life with each other. You will also learn how and what they eat and their most curious way of drinking water. They have some peculiar ways when it comes to their territory. And do they have predators? Find out more about them in this book.To add to the excitement of learning we have added more than 20 colorful photos of gorillas in their habitat. As your children read on they can create images in their minds that can help them fully understand the life of the animal they are reading about.
  • HEROBRINE Episode 19: Minecraft Zombie Horde

    M.E. Martin

    Paperback (Independently published, Dec. 17, 2018)
    Herobrine and his friends Jack and Aella have just defeated Azula the evil witch who had succeeded in awakening the Minecraft Skeleton Mummy King in the cursed pyramid in the Valley of the Dead. But now, thankfully, it’s all over and they’re on their way home. But is it really over?It soon becomes apparent that awakening the Skeleton Mummy has had far reaching consequences as the three friends stumble upon a vast horde of undead Minecraft Zombies risen from the grave!Now it becomes a race against time as the three friends must reach the desert village to warn the villagers before a Minecraft Zombie Horde descends on them and kills everyone…
  • Warthogs: Tusked Hogs of Africa

    M Martin

    language (, Jan. 6, 2017)
    Warthogs belong to the pig family. You can easily believe that when you see one. They are called warthogs because of the bumps on their faces that look like warts. The difference from the common pig is that warthogs have two sets of tusks. What are these tusks for? Find out by reading this book filled with amazing facts about the warthog. You might be familiar with an adorable warthog cartoon character named Pumbaa. The question is, are warthogs really like this creature that we all love? Read this book so you can find out for yourself. Learn more about the warthog. Learn what the warts are for. Learn where they dwell, what they eat and what their social characteristics are. Are warthogs social creatures? Do they live together or are they solitary ones? How do they protect themselves against predators? How do they take care of their young? These questions and more will be answered for you in this book. This book also comes with more than 20 colorful photos of the warthog in its habitat. These pictures will help children create an image in their mind that will help them understand this amazing animal.
  • Moose: Largest Deer in the World

    M Martin

    language (, Aug. 11, 2015)
    You might have already seen Moose head mounted on the walls of a hunter's home. The curious thing about this animal is its antlers. Did you know that a young moose's antlers are covered with velvet? And this velvet supplies the antler with blood and the nutrients it needs? Antlers are not like the horns of other animals. They are dependent on blood and nutrients to grow. When moose are older, the velvet falls off and some adult moose rub their antlers on trees to help rub off the velvet. Moose are the largest members of the deer family and the tallest mammals of North America. Most of them thrive in the northern hemisphere where there is seasonal snow cover. They cannot survive hot climates because they can't sweat.In this book you will learn many more facts about this amazing animal. You will learn about how their antlers are used, and how large they grow. You will learn about their curious physical features, like the hump in their back and the skin hanging from their throat. How do they take care of their young? What do they eat? What are the different species of Moose? These are just some of the questions that will be answered in this book. This book also comes with more than 20 colorful photos of the moose in its natural habitat. These pictures will help young children create the right images of the moose in their minds and will greatly assist them in their understanding.
  • Giant Anteaters: Toothless Ant Predator

    M Martin

    eBook (, July 16, 2017)
    This unique mammal, which is known to have the strength of a bear, uses its well-constructed tail to support it while standing in an upright position so it can balance for attack. It is a funny looking, timid animal with thick skin, a shaggy coat and sharp claws. It also has a vacuum hose extension on its face. Peter the anteater, the mascot of the University of California, Irvine; Francis the Anteater, the soft toy which is drawing numerous Facebook followers; and Happy Tree Friends, which has an anteater character called Sniffles, has helped the Giant Anteater become more popular in recent years. It is the intention of this book to enable you to learn an interesting discovery of what is behind their construction, how they are made to survive in their harsh environment, what their strengths and their weakness are, and what other things they are capable of doing. Most of your questions will be answered in this book. Questions like: aside from feeding on Ants, what else do they feed on? Since they are toothless, how do they eat their prey? When bitten by those ravaging ant colonies, do they get hurt? Who are their predators? This book also contain more than 20 colorful photographs to help the young viewers become sensitive to the Giant Anteater’s peculiarity and why it looks that way. It will also help them see their natural habitat and appreciate the value that rest behind its oddness.
  • HEROBRINE Episode 11: Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse

    M. E. Martin

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Aug. 28, 2018)
    Herobrine has a bad dream that proves to be an omen of terrible events to come. He and his friends Jack and Aella are soon catapulted headlong into the worst zombie attack of their lives! The nearby village is under siege from a giant mutant zombie and its army of rotting green monsters. The friends can only stand by helplessly as the mutant destroys the village and slaughters every villager in sight. It takes every inch of their courage to survive the night of terror, and finally they must use their wits to defeat the seemingly unstoppable Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse…
  • Rhinos: Horned Beasts of the African Grasslands

    M Martin

    language (, Dec. 18, 2014)
    Every animal is unique. Every animal has characteristics in them that makes them truly special. The Rhinoceros, or Rhino is one such animal.The Rhino is known for its huge body, some armored skin, and most especially for its horns. There are different types of Rhinos, depending on color, types of horns, and body features. As you read this book, you will discover many amazing things about the Rhino. Questions your children might have asked will be answered. Questions like, “What do Rhinos eat?”, “How long do they live?”, “Why do they have horns?”, and many other questions will be answered. To top it off, every fact in this book is accompanied by colorful pictures to create an image in your children’s mind that will aid them in understanding more about the Rhino!Buy this book and let your children marvel at the amazing facts they can learn from reading this!
  • Wolves: Howling Pack Dogs

    M Martin

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April 21, 2015)
    A line in a song of one famous cartoon goes, “Have you ever heard a wolf cry to the blue corn moon?” People believe that wolves howl to the moon. Though it seems that way because they raise their heads when they howl, the real reason for this is so that their howl can reach a farther distance to send messages to other wolves. Interestingly, it is also during full moon when they howl, and this is because they hunt more when the moon is bright and they howl to communicate to the pack. Aside from their very famous howls, there are many other characteristics that are interesting to learn about the wolf. They look like dogs indeed but they are different from them in many ways. What are wolves really like? Are they fierce animals? Do they attack humans? What do they eat? How do they find food? These questions will be answered in this book and many more amazing facts will be shared. Learn more about wolves. Learn about their family lives. Learn how they care for their young. Learn about the gray and the red wolf. There is so much more to learn about these amazing animals. One exciting thing about this book is that every fact comes with an accompanying picture. These pictures will help children imagine what a wolf is really like. This will aid them to understand a wolf better.