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Books with author Eric K. Williams

  • The Wooden Horse

    Eric Williams

    Paperback (Dickens Press, Oct. 26, 2007)
    This early work on World War II is both expensive and hard to find in its first edition. It details an escape from a German prisoner of war camp Stalag Luft III. This is a fascinating work and is thoroughly recommended for anyone interested in the experiences of the Second World War. Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
  • Cats Krazy Facts for Krazy Kids: Photobook of Cats With fun Facts about Cats for Kids and Toddlers to have knowledge.

    A.K. Williams

    eBook (, April 6, 2019)
    Benefits for being Cats Owner.Diminishes pressure and uneasiness: Owning a cat or feline can be relieving and trigger quieting synthetic compounds in the body, diminishing pressure and nervousness levels. Cats or Felines are known for being low-upkeep, so a straightforward petting session is regularly enough to loosen up proprietors and occupy them from different stresses. Diminishes danger of stroke: Studies demonstrate that cat or feline proprietors are more averse to be in danger of having a stroke than some other pet proprietor. Researchers guess this is likewise a result of a feline's low-upkeep proprietorship. Restorative advantages: The quieting impact of owning cat or feline triggers the arrival of oxytocin, the hormone known for initiating sentiments of affection and trust. Individuals experiencing troublesome occasions of misery or grieving report that conversing with their pet helps work out their emotions, since usually simpler to converse with something that won't react and can't make a decision than to another person. What's more, an examination found that kids with chemical imbalance were bound to be less restless and quiet while petting a feline. Lifts insusceptibility: Exposure to pet dander and hide in the house results in expanded protection from allergens, diminishing danger for sensitivities and asthma. Brings down pulse: Cat proprietors are known to have lower circulatory strain than non-feline proprietors because of the quieting nearness felines give. One examination was directed with a room loaded with cat or feline proprietors. In the examination, the proprietors would talk so anyone might hear, which normally raised circulatory strain levels, yet when the proprietors were watched talking with their felines, their pulse stayed steady. Diminishes danger of coronary illness and heart assaults: An examination led by the University of Minnesota's Stroke Institute in Minneapolis have demonstrated that the individuals who don't possess felines are 30-40% bound to bite the dust of heart assaults than their feline owning partners. Brings down triglycerides and cholesterol levels: High triglyceride and cholesterol levels add to coronary illness and are symptomatic of sort 2 diabetes just as strokes, liver and kidney malady. Normally, decreases in these dimensions lead to a diminished hazard in these sicknesses. Increment amiability: Cat possession gives a characteristic friendly exchange and can improve the proprietor's capacity to mingle. One investigation uncovered that ladies were more pulled in to men who possessed felines since feline proprietorship regularly proposes affectability and knowledge.
  • Gecko Fun Fact: Photobook with real images of Variety Gecko around the World for Kids Enjoying

    A.K. Williams

    language (, April 5, 2019)
    Geckos are reptiles having a place with the infraorder Gekkota, found in warm atmospheres all through the world. They run from 1.6 to 60 cm (0.64 to 24 inches). Most geckos can't flicker, however, they regularly lick their eyes to keep them perfect and clammy. They include a fixed focal point inside every iris that amplifies in obscurity to let in increasingly light. Carp's woofing gecko licking its cornea to clear it of residue Geckos are one of a kind among reptiles in their vocalizations, which contrast from species to species. They use twittering or clicking sounds in their social associations, and in some cases when frightened. They are the most species-rich gathering of reptiles, with around 1,500 unique species around the world. The New Latin Gekko and English "gecko" originate from the Indonesian-Malay gēkoq, which is imitative of sounds that a few animal varieties make. All geckos aside from species in the family Eublepharidae need eyelids; rather, the external surface of the eyeball has a straightforward film, the cornea. Species without eyelids, by and large, lick their very own corneas when they have to clear them of residue and soil. Nighttime species have great night vision; their shading vision in low light is multiple times more touchy than human shading vision. The nighttime geckos advanced from diurnal species which had lost the eye poles. The gecko eye, consequently, adjusted its cones that expanded in size into various kinds both single and twofold. Three distinct photopigments have been held and are delicate to UV, blue, and green. They additionally utilize a multifocal optical framework that enables them to create a sharp picture for something like two unique profundities. Most gecko species can lose their tails in resistance, a procedure called autotomy. Numerous species are notable for the specific toe cushions that empower them to climb smooth and vertical surfaces and even cross indoor roofs easily. Geckos are notable to individuals who live in warm locales of the world, where a few types of geckos make their home inside human residences. These (for instance the house gecko) become some portion of the indoor zoological display and are regularly invited, as they feed on bugs, including moths and mosquitoes. In contrast to most reptiles, geckos are generally nighttime.
  • What I am Today?: Bed Time Story For Kids toddler Children age 2-6 Yrs to create imagination to their minds.

    A.K. Williams

    language (, April 22, 2019)
    THE BENEFITS OF STORYTELLING (Bed Times Story) Idealizing sleep time will mean a higher nature of rest for both you and your children, however, another essential part is narrating. While you may think perusing sleep time stories just enables your little one snooze to off to the sound of your voice, there is a huge number of different advantages, including: Advancement of creative energy – perusing anecdotal stories to youngsters urges them to utilize their creative energy and picture the scene in their mind The more profound comprehension of the world – narrating is fun and energizing yet, in addition, empowers anybody to encounter distinctive societies and customs. Kids adapt new data about the world without acknowledging, and accordingly, create more prominent compassion Parent-youngster holding – perusing to your tyke is quality time for both you and them, encouraging a positive relationship Correspondence and social abilities – perusing sleep time stories enable kids' relational abilities to develop monstrously. They make inquiries about the story, while likewise adapting new vocabulary and expanding their core interest. Socially, youngsters figure out how to tune in to others through narrating and start to comprehend that not every person translates things a similar way Bound to peruse for joy – perusing to youngsters when they're youthful methods they're bound to keep perusing for joy as they develop. This will empower them to gain autonomously from books
  • You Can Think About: Rhyming Book For Kids and Family as Bed Time Story for beautiful poem

    A.K. Williams

    language (, April 11, 2019)
    Improves Memory and Cognitive Development Nursery rhymes are on a very basic level examples which can enable kids to improve their review and remembrance abilities. Moreover, most rhymes are stories with a starting, center, and end. This structure can enable youngsters to get circumstances and logical results and sharpen their successive thinking. Strikingly, the subjective advancement advantages of rhymes even reach out to embryos. An examination from the University of Florida requested that pregnant ladies recount a nursery rhyme to their infants three times each day for about a month and a half toward the start of their third trimester (28 weeks). The analysts at that point tried fetal acknowledgment of a similar rhyme spoken by an outsider at 34 weeks. By checking the babies' pulse, the analysts found that the hatchlings perceived the rhyme, proposing the intensity of rhyme to encourage memory and thinking. Rhyming Develops Literacy Analysts initially found the connection among's rhyming and perusing during the 1980s. From that point forward, think about after examination has recommended that great rhymers end up being great perusers. Nursery rhyme books are usually a youngster's first involvement with education, presenting them to phonetics and word constituents. For example, kids who discuss the expression "feline in the cap on a tangle" can recognize that "at" is the word fragment or shared factor. Understanding constituents along these lines enable youngsters to separate new words into little words, an ability called phonemic mindfulness. Kids who do this well are probably going to encounter perusing accomplishment not far off. Advances in Language Development Rhymes advance language learning in a few different ways. For one, youngsters hear how vowels and consonants sound when they tune in to nursery rhymes. Rhymes exhibit how to join these sounds to shape words. Rhymes likewise show fitting pitch, voice articulation, rhythm, volume, and beat. Besides, nursery rhymes frequently open kids to unprecedented words, in this way extending their vocabularies. For instance, There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe incorporates words like "whipped," "soundly," and "stock." Often, kids carry on nursery rhymes, which causes them to put these new words in a setting. Empowers Social and Emotional Development Presenting nursery rhymes is a magnificent holding movement, regardless of whether for a gathering of kids or for guardians and kids. Remembering and recounting nursery rhymes energizes self-articulation and manufactures certainty since rhymes are so natural to learn. Further, numerous nursery rhymes contain humor and different feelings, helping kids build up these capacities with respect to themselves. In Short Nursery rhymes may appear to be a senseless, inefficient hobby, yet volumes of experimental proof recommend that they are really important educational apparatuses for little kids. Rhymes help build up the memory, language abilities, and perusing aptitudes such that slips in under children's radars in light of the fact that, to the exclusion of everything else, rhymes are out and out fun. On the off chance that you might want to find out about how you can encourage your youngster's initial instruction experience, demand a free data unit from K12.
  • Capitalism and Slavery

    Eric Eustace Williams

    Paperback (David & Charles, June 1, 1964)
    Offers a historical-economic look at the effects of slavery and the slave trade on the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain
  • Math Riddles for Smart Kids : Brain Teaser Logic Puzzles Activity Book for kids to experience about fun and vocabulary

    A.K. Williams

    language (, March 31, 2019)
    In this present reality where kids' lives are winding up progressively more put resources into informal organizations, it is ending up vital to discover approaches to bond with youngsters and help them learn outside of these systems. A decent method for doing this is offering questions to kids and showing them the rationale behind them. Puzzles are progressively helpful and can improve youngsters' psychological state in more ways than you may anticipate. Acquaint them with scholarly silliness: Laughter is essential to bliss and wellbeing. What's more, giggling is a decent method to spur individuals to keep working following a long repetitive day. It can loosen up the mind and body, encourages us discharge pressure, and makes us feel extraordinary. Weariness and keeping youngsters' consideration is one of the biggest issues related with training today, so puzzles can be an extraordinary method to separate the day and loosen up the mind, while keeping the cerebrum working. Work their minds: Problem illuminating and basic reasoning aptitudes are two of the most critical and looked for after capacities in the public eye today. This is shown by the significance of state-administered testing while getting into school and graduate school. Both the ACT and SAT are vigorously founded on basic reasoning and critical thinking abilities. Enigmas have been appeared to improve youngsters' cognizance and inventiveness, making them the ideal prep for kids.
  • Life Lost and Found

    A.K. Williams

    eBook (, Nov. 11, 2015)
    She isn’t dead—but she might as well be.Parties aren’t Madeline’s thing. Being social isn’t her thing. She’s a five-foot eight-inch industrial-strength loser. She’s invisible. She’s no one. She could drop dead in class and no one would notice. So why does she accept an invitation—from someone she barely knows—to the party of the year?Certainly not because Mark Alister is going. Popular, attractive, universally desired Mark Alister. A boy like that would never even look at a trainwreck like her.But . . . he does! He talks to her! They fall in love! And they live happily ever after. The end.Yeah, not a chance. Maybe if she lived in a Disney movie. In reality, Madeline has walked straight into a trap—one which no amount of wishing on stars can save her from. Mark is going to make her face everything she’s been hiding from for the past seven years. He’s going to make her take a hard look at the scars on her arms. And facing the truth about Madeline Parker could either end up fixing her, and make her worthy of being loved . . . or it could kill her.Or both.Equal parts light-hearted and heartbreaking, Life Lost and Found is the story of one girl’s fight to escape a life of isolation, bullying, and self-harm—and into something brighter.All sales are donated to charityThis book was written with a single goal: to help. Which is why 100% of all sales are donated to charity, in particular the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. (No affiliation, it’s just a good cause. Learn about them at Head over to the book's website at for current supported charities, as well as bonus content.
  • The Wooden Horse

    Eric Williams

    Paperback (Pen & Sword Military, Oct. 2, 2013)
    Two officers made home runs via a tunnel dug in the open air beneath a wooden vaulting horse from Stalag Luft III The author, a Royal Air Force bomber captain, was shot down over Germany in 1942 and imprisoned in Stalag-Luft III (site of the 'Great Escape' later in the war).. He escaped after 10 months and, accompanied by a fellow RAF officer, made his way back to England. He relates his story in three distinct phases: the construction of a tunnel (its entrance camouflaged by the wooden vaulting horse in the exercise yard) and hiding the large quantities of sand he dug; the escape; and the journey on foot and by train to the port of Stettin, where Williams and his fellow escapee stowed away aboard a Danish ship, the Norensen. The story of the flight across Germany is particularly tense, as Williams relates how their clothing and fabricated travel papers became shabbier and more conspicuous. This classic escape-and-evasion story, an exciting read and is arguably the most ingenious POW escape of WWII. The Wooden Horse became a legend among servicemen long before its publication in 1949.
  • A cry from nowhere

    K G Williams

    language (, Dec. 5, 2016)
    K.G. Williams launches his debut novel with an extraordinary plot of mystery and suspense. Young Adam Roth and his team of friends, The Young Magician’s Club have a score to settle with their neighborhood rivals, Brad and his West Middle School Wizards. Preparing for the annual magic competition is one thing for Adam, but dealing with his lack of confidence is another. Meanwhile, in a burned out building in town an unusual artifact is discovered by Adam’s father, a retired archaeologist. With the help of an artifacts expert Jana Oseke, the totem-pole shaped relic is traced to Ansongo, the same West African Village where Adam’s mother disappeared four years earlier. With the help of a long forgotten tune, Adam uncovers the artifacts extraordinary powers and is immediately tempted to use them to overcome his lack of self-confidence. But he is not the only one aware of its power. Seeking the artifact for his own use, a desperate villain arrives, forcing Adam and his friends into a series of surreal situations. But Adam must protect the artifact at all cost. If he fails, not only could it fall into dangerous hands, but he could also lose his only chance of discovering the mystery surrounding his mother’s disappearance.
  • Spiders Fun Facts: 25 Facts With Real Images For The Most Incredible Article about Spiders You'll Ever Read For Kids & Adults

    A.K. Williams

    language (, April 7, 2019)
    Spiders (request Araneae) are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs and chelicerae with teeth ready to infuse venom. They are the biggest request of the 8-legged creature and rank seventh in absolute species decent variety among all requests of living beings. Spiders are discovered worldwide on each landmass aside from Antarctica and have turned out to be set up in almost every living space with the special cases of air and ocean colonization. As of November 2015, no less than 45,700 arachnid species, and 113 families have been recorded by taxonomists. Nonetheless, there has been dispute inside mainstream researchers with respect to how every one of these families ought to be characterized, as of confirming by the more than 20 unique orders that have been proposed since 1900. Anatomically, arachnids vary from different arthropods in that the standard body fragments are melded into two tagmata, the cephalothorax, and stomach area, and joined by a little, tube-shaped pedicel. In contrast to creepy crawlies, insects don't have to receive wires. In all with the exception of the crudest gathering, the Mesothelae, creepy crawlies have the most unified sensory systems all things considered, as all their ganglia are intertwined into one mass in the cephalothorax. In contrast to most arthropods, spiders have no extensor muscles in their appendages and rather expand them by water-powered weight. Their mid-regions bear members that have been altered into spinnerets that expel silk from up to six sorts of organs. Spider catching networks shift broadly in size, shape and the measure of sticky string utilized. It currently creates the impression that the winding sphere web might be one of the most punctual structures, and creepy crawlies that produce tangled webs are more plenteous and differing than circle web insects. A spider-like 8-legged creature with silk-delivering nozzles showed up in the Devonian time frame around 386 million years prior, however, these creatures evidently needed spinnerets. Genuine creepy crawlies have been found in Carboniferous rocks from 318 to 299 million years back, and are fundamentally the same as the crudest enduring suborder, the Mesothelae. The fundamental gatherings of present-day insects, Mygalomorphae and Araneomorphae, first showed up in the Triassic time frame, before 200 million years back.
  • Capitalism And Slavery

    Williams Eric.

    Paperback (Nabu Press, Aug. 13, 2011)
    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.