Blackbeard s Last Fight
Eric A. Kimmel
(Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Jan. 1, 2006)
Jeremy Hobbs had heard the horror stories about Blackbeard, the most feared pirate in the colonies. But Jeremy learned that Blackbeard was loved as well. Sixteen women had married him, and the African men he had freed were among his most devoted followers. One day, Jeremy accompanied Lt. Robert Maynard of the Royal Navy on a visit to VA s gov., Alexander Spotswood. The governor was concerned that Blackbeard would soon control the coast of N. Amer. Gov. Spotswood was looking for an officer to lead sailors willing to take on a nest of pirates and wipe them out. The lieutenant signed on, and so did Jeremy Hobbs. As Lt. Maynard s sloop approached Blackbeard s ship, Jeremy s stomach tightened; he had never been in a sea battle before. Ill.