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Books with author Eric Smith

  • Foraging: How to forage and Incorporate Wild Edible Plants Into Your Diet

    Erik Smith

    Foraging has to be one of the simplest forms of shopping ever. And the best part about it is that it is 100% Free! Over the past few years many people are fascinated by the world of foraging, but not to many people do it. Probably because they don’t think they have the time to do it or they become scared by the thought of poisoning themselves. If you are one of those people then this guide is your answer and will help you along the way to becoming an experienced person in the world of foraging. This guide will teach you the action of going into your local woods and coming out with plants and other things that you can incorporate into your diet and help you with your well being. Instead of buying everything at the grocery store, you will have the ability to make nature your market of edible plants without having to take out your credit card to pay for it.You will learn in this guide….What is Foraging?Benefits of ForagingCommon Plants and Herbs General Rules for ForagingHow To Incorporate Wild Edible Plants Into Your DietPreserving Wild EdiblesAnd much more
  • Cure Tooth Decay: How to cure your tooth decay

    Erik Smith

    Tooth decay used to be one of the major oral health problems that people faced. It used to affect a huge number of individuals, including children and adults.Today, however, the problem is considered largely preventable. You can learn about tooth decay – its symptoms, causes, and treatments. More importantly, you can learn how to prevent it. It is now possible for you to go through life without experiencing tooth decay. If you observe proper oral care habits, eat right, and consult with your dentist regularly, you can live out your life free from serious tooth decay problems.This book contains all the information you need to comprehend tooth decay. It seeks to make you understand tooth decay – what causes it, what signs and symptoms to watch out for, and what dental treatments to expect from your dentist. More significantly, the book gives you actionable tips that you can apply to prevent tooth decay. It offers straightforward, easy-to-implement, and effective ways so you do not have to experience tooth decay and all its pains and discomforts.What you will learn in this guide:What Is Tooth Decay? Signs and Symptoms of Tooth DecayCauses and Effects of Tooth DecayRisk Factors of Tooth DecayDental Treatments for Tooth DecayActionable Tips to Prevent Tooth DecayHelpful and Harmful Foods and Drinks
  • Solar Power: Everything you need to know about going solar

    Erik Smith

    Fоr a lоng timе Sоlаr Power wаѕ оnlу identified as thе соnvеrѕiоn оf ѕun light to to electricity. Whilе thiѕ is not inассurаtе mоѕt оf uѕ do nоt know thаt thе еnеrgу harvested muѕt first be соnvеrtеd tо еlесtriсаl еnеrgу tо bе аblе tо produce generally funсtiоnаl electricity. Thе conversion iѕ mаdе роѕѕiblе thrоugh thе photovoltaic or PV, a mеthоd that uses semiconductors tо соnvеrt thе ѕun'ѕ rаdiаtiоn to еlесtriсаl еnеrgу.Mаnу реорlе аrе intеrеѕtеd in ѕоlаr power thеѕе dауѕ but are nоt sure weather it is a good invеѕtmеnt оr if thеir budget or location ѕuрроrtѕ it. I'll аnѕwеr thоѕе ԛuеѕtiоnѕ hеrе. Lеt'ѕ lооk аt ѕоmе general considerations in thе ѕоlаr power equation. If уоu сurrеntlу have an аvеrаgе home аnd рау аrоund $125 реr mоnth fоr еlесtriсitу, аt сurrеnt inflаtiоn rаtеѕ you will рау uрwаrdѕ оf $90,000 for еlесtriсitу оvеr thе nеxt 30 уеаrѕ. It is that соmроunding rаtе wоrking аgаinѕt уоu. Thiѕ iѕ if inflаtiоn rаtеѕ stay thе ѕаmе. In thе lаѕt dесаdе ѕеvеrаl categories оf соnѕumаblеѕ hаvе exceeded thе general inflаtiоn rаtе, аnd еnеrgу is one of thеm. Fоr thе lаѕt 35 уеаrѕ, solar раnеl соѕtѕ hаvе rеmаinеd соnѕtаnt at around $5 реr wаtt. In thе lаѕt twо уеаrѕ thе рriсеѕ hаvе drорреd соnѕidеrаblу. Yоu can рurсhаѕе high-grаdе panels fоr undеr $2 a wаtt now. As well, thеrе iѕ a 30% fеdеrаl tаx сrеdit оn rеѕidеntiаl ѕоlаr. Thiѕ iѕ nоt a write-off, it iѕ bаѕiсаllу cash-back. Sуѕtеmѕ inѕtаllеd bеfоrе 2016 ԛuаlifу fоr this сrеdit. You Will Learn: HOW DOES SOLAR POWER WORK?THЕ BЕNЕFITЅ ОF SОLАR POWERTHЕ 7 CОMРОNЕNTЅ OF SОLАR PОWЕR SYSTEMHOW TО INЅTАLL A SOLAR POWER SУЅTЕM IN YОUR HОMЕSOLAR PОWЕR RООF TILЕAND MUCH MORE
  • Python: The Ultimate Beginners Guide: Start Coding Today

    Eric Smith

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, June 3, 2016)
    Python: The Ultimate Beginners Guide - Start Coding Today It is easy to see that language has fantastic facilities for general use. The question is: why Python is the ideal language for scientific applications? The answers are many, and some might be summarized in this guide. Briefly, the first reason, and probably the main one, is: Python is an expressive language that is easy to translate the reasoning in an algorithm. In scientific applications, the argument is intrinsically complicated - this is the nature of science. It is an additional problem for the scientist has to worry about, beyond the basics of his research subject, the program correction in some relevant details: memory allocation, resource management, etc. Python automatically does it all very efficiently. Python is extremely readable. It means it is very easy to understand programs written for some time. It is very common that programs in scientific activities are created from the evolution of previous algorithms. It is, therefore, critical to be able to understand what was done before. Once the keywords of Python are geared to the structure of programs (and not to tell the computer how to compile or interpret code snippets), no code snippets that are useless for reasoning. Python has an active and vibrant community, spread all over the world. And being a free language, all its members are willing to contribute. It makes the documentation is abundant, and there are modules to perform virtually any task required. It is important: there is no time to reinvent the wheel, so when you can rely on active modules is great. But more than that, since Python programs are distributed as source code, anyone can change, correct and improve the algorithms. It makes the modules are mature and safe tested against various situations and many times. The achieved strength is a major factor. Python is, moreover, a general purpose language. It is often necessary to deal with side tasks: search for data in a remote database, read a website graphically display the results, create a spreadsheet, etc. Specifically, scientific nature languages have a serious problem there, but since Python is used in virtually every type of task modules are ready to perform these tasks can become complicated. Again, it's one less worry for those who are developing scientific applications. Download your copy today!
  • "Things That Twirl"

    Eric Smith, Eric Smith

    language (, July 26, 2010)
    "A story that rhymes and is also a song,"Things that twirl" is about a little boy going to the zoo! "A fun treat for the family that will make everyone laugh!" ps. "You will love the illustrations!" also check out "The Sausage Fish" another story by E.D.S(Fiction) ages 3 and up! check out my review below at the link by Andis kids books

    Eric Smith, Eric Smith

    language (Eric Demont Smith, Dec. 13, 2009)
    A ( 40 page ) fictionalnovel/short story about a boy named Brian and a boy named Ben, who grewup in the Midwest in a small town called Springdale. Brian is unsureabout learning how to swim like many nine year old children who don'talready know how to swim. He has fear of the water and getsencouragement from his best friend Ben and friends and family. Alongthe way he makes a new friend, Brian learns, like most young childrenthat the true obstacle keeping him from learning to swim is himhimself. The story is especially interesting to young people throughoutthe world who need encouragement in themselves and realizing anythingcan be accomplished if you finish what you start. The story is a greattreat for families in helping their child to overcome fear of thewater. This story can also be helpful to all generations of youngpeople who do not believe, that help of another; is what we all need atsome point in our lives. The story crosses all boundaries, allcultures, and is a "great self help book for kids and familieseverywhere." (for more short stories by E.D.S check out "Things thattwirl or Things that
  • Self Talk: How to change the way you think about yourself with self talk

    Erik Smith

    The way you think about yourself and environment makes up your reality. You can either view this reality in a positive light or a negative one. The choice is up to you. This guide will show you how to use positive self talk so you can be successful in any endeavor in your life.This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to replace negative self-talk with positive ones. Through this book, you will learn about the ways on how you can effectively get rid of your negative thinking, which prompts you to say negative things to yourself.This book also tells you what self-talk is about, as well as how to differentiate positive self-talk from negative self-talk. It also gives you information about the benefits of positive self-talk.Things you will learn in this guide:What is Self-Talk?The difference between positive and negative self-talkHow to change self-talkHow to change a belief about yourself?
  • Chicken Coops For Beginners: The beginners guide to Chicken Coops

    Erik Smith

    This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to build you very own Chicken coop from scratch and with whatever tools and materials you have lying around. Chickens are quickly becoming popular backyard pets. This is mainly because Chickens have been found out to have great personalities. Other than that, chickens are the only types of pets that give back. No dog or cat can ever hope to feed their owners like a chicken can. And that’s why they deserve to have a place they can call their own. This is what we’re going to do here today, give chickens a home where they can feel safe and secure in.What you will learn in this guide:The benefits of owning chicken coopsHow to build your own chicken coopsWhere to put your chicken coopShould you buy a premade chicken coop?How to take care of chickensAnd much more!
  • Bass Fishing: A beginners guide to Bass Fishing

    Erik Smith

    This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to start fishing for bass. It’s a wonderful introduction into the exciting world of bass fishing. Learn the basic equipment you need for that first big catch and discover tips and techniques employed by professional fishermen and experienced anglers for decades. Bass fishing is more than a hobby. It has magnificently evolved into an adventurous lifestyle and competitive game fish events. This is your chance to explore your spirited streak with Mother Nature. Discover places where you can find the most bountiful bass location and then you’ll realize why this is such a loved sport and ideal lifestyle.What you will learn in this guide:All About the BassTackle and GearLure Them InTips, Tricks, and TacticsLocation, Location, Location
  • Wedding Photography: A beginners guide to Wedding Photography

    Erik Smith

    This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to take good wedding photos. By reading this, you will learn about camera equipment and guest poses. You will also discover all sorts of things about editing pictures and showcasing your work. Most importantly, this will teach you how to get a job as a wedding photographer.What you will learn in this guide:Camera EquipmentHow to Edit Wedding PhotographyPoses for the Wedding GuestsHow to Get Wedding Photography JobsHow to Showcase Your WorkAnd much more!
  • Home Organizing: Organisation and storage ideals for the home

    Erik Smith

    Mаking оur hоmеѕ as fashionable аnd аѕ comfortable аѕ possible iѕ what mоѕt hоmеоwnеrѕ аrе hорing tо асhiеvе. Thе most rесеnt trеnd аmоng budding interior dеѕignеrѕ is tо have your home аѕ minimalistic аѕ роѕѕiblе, creating the 'less iѕ mоrе impact' fоr everyone tо enjoy. So whаt dо we dо with аll оur bеlоngingѕ thаt we juѕt can't bаrе tо thrоw away but will рrоbаblу uѕе оnlу оnсе еvеrу so often if аt all? Thаt iѕ thе question, mаnу оf uѕ keep thingѕ with thе juѕtifiсаtiоn thаt we will uѕе it аgаin in thе futurе аnd thе сhаnсеѕ аrе thеу will juѕt ѕit unаttеndеd fоr thе nеxt five years. But thrоwing thingѕ out fоr the ѕаkе оf it, оr if thеу are in perfect wоrking оrdеr, in mаnу people's еуеѕ, is a сrimе! Sо wе have to think оf wауѕ tо kеер everything we wаnt tо keep аѕ well as kеерing our hоmеѕ tidу and lооking gооd. We shouldn't fееl guiltу аbоut wanting to keep еvеrуthing right dоwn tо thе lаѕt uѕеd tiѕѕuе should wе; it is, аftеr аll, ours! It hаѕ bееn said thаt wе аrе a nаtiоn оf hоаrdеrѕ аnd ѕоmе hаvе gоnе so fаr аѕ tо say thаt hоаrding iѕ аn illnеѕѕ rather thаn juѕt wanting tо kеер оur worldly possessions, ѕо how do wе do thiѕ while kеерing our homes modern I hеаr you аѕk. You will learn:3 CORE MINDSETS YOU NEED TO MASTER ORGАNIZING YОUR HОMЕ4 QUЕЅTIОNЅ TО AЅK BЕFОRЕ GЕTTING STАRTЕD WITH HОMЕ ORGАNIZАTIОNTHRЕЕ MОЅT CОMMОN MIЅTАKЕЅ TO AVOIDFIVE REASONS WHY NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO GET ORGANIZEDTООLЅ FOR SUCCESSFUL HOME ORGАNIZING7 HОMЕ ORGАNIZING SОLUTIОNЅ11 LITTLЕ KNОWN HОMЕ STОRАGЕ IDЕАЅFRОM A WЕLL-ORGАNIZЕD HOME TО A WЕLL-ORGАNIZЕD LIFEHOME ORGANIZING TIPS FOR A MORE SРАСIОUЅ, MОRЕ CОMFОRTАBLЕ HОMЕORGАNIZАTIОN AND STORAGE FOR KIDЅ ROOMS
  • Coffee, Steak, And Eggs: 101 Stories from the Wrong Side of Nowhere

    Eric J. Smith

    eBook (BookBaby, Aug. 27, 2017)
    If these stripped-down vignettes have anything in common, it’s fading tattoos, excessive drinking and smoking, hopeless attempts at communication, unexpected violence, and untimely death—not to mention coffee, steak, and eggs. Crammed with atmosphere, quirky characters and page-turning plot, Coffee, Steak, and Eggs: 101 Stories from the Wrong Side of Nowhere is perfect for fans of deftly-written fiction with a bit of criminal activity thrown in for good measure.Some examples: • An unknown narrator delivers a bittersweet eulogy for a woman he hasn’t seen in forty years • An unexpected meeting reveals the soul of Thanksgiving • A bucolic picnic erupts in lethal violence as unhinged strangers intrude • Police roughly interrogate a young man concerning his father’s disappearance • A group of toughs demands that an elderly man surrender his truck • A man’s shoes provoke derision from everyone he meets • A high school girl embarks, uncertain and alone, on a new life • A loser with an anger problem clashes with a rent-a-cop in a jewelry store