Bermuda Triangle and Other Mysteries of Nature
Edward F. Jr. Dolan
(Franklin Watts, Inc., Jan. 1, 1980)
SUBJECT: "On a clear and sunny day in 1945, five Navy aircraft took off for a routine training flight over the Atlantic Ocean. They never returned. No wreckage or bodies were ever found, disappearing just off the United States coast in an area known as the Bermuda Triangle. More than 100 ships and aircraft have been lost in the Bermuda Triangle since 1945. And no one knows why. And what about the people who have reported unidentified flying objects in the sky. In 1952, more than 1,500 sightings were reported around the world. The mystery of the Abominable Snow-creatures started centuries ago with the people who live high up in the Himalaya Mountains. Is there really a strange beast that seems to be part human and part animal?"