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Books with author Edith Lavell

  • The Girl Scouts' Good Turn

    Edith Lavell

    eBook (, March 24, 2011)
    This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.
  • Linda Carlton's Hollywood Flight

    Edith Lavell

    Linda Carlton and her friends take in a movie at the Spring City theater. Linda is stunned when a newsreel announces that the famous aviatrix, Linda Carlton, has signed on to do stunts in a new Hollywood film. Linda's friends at first believe the news story, but Linda convinces Dot and her aunt that the woman mentioned in the story is not she. Linda and Dot immediately plan to fly the Ladybug to Hollywood to expose the impostor...The Linda Carlton series is a five volume series written by Edith Lavell. The series follows the outrageous adventures of Linda Carlton who lives with her Aunt Emily in Spring City, Ohio. These adventures include multiple plane crashes, getting trapped in a burning building and swimming through a swamp filled with alligators.
  • Linda Carlton, Air Pilot

    Edith Lavell

    language (, Feb. 16, 2014)
    A blue sports roadster, driven by a girl in a lovely crĂȘpe suit of the same color, threaded its way through the traffic of Spring City's streets to the concrete road that led to the aviation field on the outskirts. Passing the city's limits, the car sped along under the easy assurance of its competent driver, whose eyes were bluer than its paint, deeper than the dress that she was wearing. They were shining now with happiness, for the end of this ride promised the most thrilling experience of her life. That afternoon Linda Carlton was to have her first flight in an airplane!She parked her car outside of the field and locked it cautiously. Jumping out, she fairly skipped inside the boundary.A tall, good-looking young man in a flier's suit came from one of the hangars to meet her. "Miss Carlton?" he said, extending his hand."Yes—Mr. Mackay. You see I'm here—a little early, I expect. You haven't forgotten your promise?"His pleasant face darkened, and he looked doubtfully at the sky."I'm afraid it may rain, Miss Carlton. We've suspended pleasure trips for today. But perhaps tomorrow——""Oh, no!" she cried in deep disappointment, and the young man believed that her eyes grew moist. "I can't get away tomorrow, or any other day this week. You see I'm a senior at school, and I'm just rushed to death.""Well, that's too bad," he said, looking again at the sky. "And of course it may not rain after all. But orders are orders, you know."The girl looked down at the ground, probably, he thought, to hide the tears that would come to her eyes. She was so pretty, so serious, so anxious to go up. It evidently wasn't only a whim with her; she really wanted to fly—like Amelia Earhart, and Elinor Smith. How he hated to deny her!"Isn't there something you could do?" she finally asked. "Take me up as one of your friends—not as a visitor to the aviation field.... Why, Mr. Mackay, suppose your sister came to see you today, wouldn't you be allowed to take her up?"
  • The Mary Lou Series

    Edith Lavell

    eBook (BZ editores, Aug. 29, 2013)
    Anthology containing:The Mystery at Dark Cedars The Mystery of the Fires The Mystery of the Secret Band
  • Linda Carlton, Air Pilot

    Edith Lavell

    language (, Dec. 23, 2016)
    Linda Carlton receives a brand-new airplane from her father for her high school graduation. Linda is thrilled, and immediately signs up for flight lessons. Ralph Clavering, a wealthy college student who likes Linda, also signs up for flight lessons.After completing their coursework, both of them are awarded their licenses. Linda and Ralph fly to Green Falls, where the young people are to spend their summer...The Linda Carlton series is a five volume series written by Edith Lavell. The series follows the outrageous adventures of Linda Carlton who lives with her Aunt Emily in Spring City, Ohio. These adventures include multiple plane crashes, getting trapped in a burning building and swimming through a swamp filled with alligators.
  • Linda Carlton's Ocean Flight

    Edith Lavell

    Linda Carlton decides that she wants to become a commercial pilot, so she and Louise enroll at a school in St. Louis. Before they depart, Kitty Clavering organizes a Flying Club. Linda joins the club, but Louise refuses since she despises Bess Hulbert, an aviatrix who is jealous of both Linda and Louise.Linda soon learns that a wealthy woman has promised a $25,000 prize to the first woman who flies from New York to Paris without a man's accompaniment. Linda decides that she wants to make the attempt...The Linda Carlton series is a five volume series written by Edith Lavell. The series follows the outrageous adventures of Linda Carlton who lives with her Aunt Emily in Spring City, Ohio. These adventures include multiple plane crashes, getting trapped in a burning building and swimming through a swamp filled with alligators.
  • The Girl Scouts' Vacation Adventures

    Edith Lavell

    eBook (, June 4, 2020)
    The Girl Scouts come to the aid of sickly Mrs. Trawle and her young baby, raising money in order to support them while Mrs. Trawle convalesces in hospital...
  • The Mystery at Dark Cedars

    Edith Lavell

    Paperback (Wildside Press, Sept. 19, 2013)
    Edith Harper Lavell (1892-?) wrote the Mary Louise Gay series (3 books); the first of which is The Mystery of Dark Cedars, based around President Roosevelt's order to prevent the hoarding of gold during the Depression. Lavell authored two more famous series, the Linda Carlton series (5 books), about a girl pilot, and the Girl Scouts series (10 books). Unlike many series authors, Edith Lavell was an actual person, not a house name.
  • The Girl Scouts on the Ranch

    Edith Lavell

    eBook (A. L. BURT COMPANY, Aug. 19, 2017)
    Example in this ebookCHAPTER I.COMMENCEMENT WEEK.Every door and every window of Miss Allen’s Boarding School stood wide open in hospitality to welcome the guests of the graduating class. For it was Commencement Week, and visitors were coming from far and wide to see the exercises.Upstairs in the dormitories, confusion reigned everywhere. Trunks, half-packed, their lids wide open and their trays on the floor, lined the hallways; dresses were lying about in profusion on chairs and beds; great bunches of flowers filled the vases and pitchers; and rooms were bereft of their hangings and furnishings. Girls, girls everywhere! In party dresses or kimonos they rushed about their rooms or bent over their trunks in the hall. Everybody seemed in mad haste to accomplish the impossible.Marjorie Wilkinson and Lily Andrews were no less excited than the other seniors. They not only shared in the mad whirl of social events and class activities, but as officers they were responsible for their success. When dances and picnics were to be arranged, studying and packing were out of the question for them.But that afternoon there had been a slight lull in their program, and both girls were in their room, trying to make up for lost time. Marjorie, who had been struggling for half an hour with a buckle and a satin pump, finally put it aside in disgust.“Lil, I can’t sew that thing on, so as to have it look right! Every needle breaks, and the stitches show besides!”“Couldn’t you wear them without the buckles?” suggested her room-mate, looking up from the floor, where she was kneeling over a bureau drawer.“No, the marks would show where the buckles were before,” replied Marjorie, in the most mournful tone.“Then don’t bother!” returned Lily, cheerfully. “Wear your silver slippers and stockings.”“With pink georgette? Do you think it would look all right?”“Yes—it would be stunning!”“Just as you say,” agreed Marjorie, much relieved to have the matter disposed of. “I wish I had thought of that before—and not wasted a precious half hour with those old slippers!”Lily stood up, holding a pile of clothing over her arm. She started for the trunk in the hall, but paused at the door.“Marj, you better ‘waste’ another half hour in a nap, or you’ll be dead. You know as well as I do that tonight’s the biggest thing of the year for us.”Marjorie smiled contentedly at this reference to the senior dance, which, as Lily had said, was the crowning event of their social career at Miss Allen’s. Later in life, Commencement itself would stand out most clearly in their memory; but now, at the age of eighteen, nothing could exceed the dance in importance. And yet Marjorie was conscious of an indefinable regret about the whole affair, as if already she knew that the realization could not equal the anticipation. The cause of this feeling could be traced to her partner. A month ago, on the spur of the moment, she had invited Griffith Hunter, a Harvard man whom she had met several years before at Silvertown, and whose acquaintance she had kept. But she was sorry not to have asked John Hadley, an older and truer friend.“Tonight will be wonderful!” she said; “only, do you know, Lil, I do wish I had asked John instead of Griffith.”“I knew you’d be sorry, Marj!” said Lily. “I never could understand why you asked Griffith.”“I guess it’s because he’s so stunning looking, and I knew he would make a hit with the girls.”“But John Hadley is good looking, too!”“But not in the same way Griffith is. And you have so few dances with your partner!”Smilingly, she threw herself down upon the bed and closed her eyes. Lily was right; she must be fresh for the dance. The class president could not afford to look weary and tired out. In a few minutes she was fast asleep.To be continue in this ebook...
  • The Girl Scouts' Canoe Trip

    Edith Lavell

  • Linda Carlton's Island Adventure

    Edith Lavell

    eBook (Fall Colors Publishing, April 22, 2014)
    By the author of:Linda Carlton, Air PilotThe Mary Lou SeriesThe Mystery of the Secret BandThe Mystery at Dark CedarsThe Mystery of the Fires