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Books with author Edgar J Hyde

  • The Piano

    Edgar J. Hyde

    language (, Oct. 25, 2015)
    Roger and Emily Houston can’t believe the bargain they have found when they buy a piano for a mere £200 – just perfect for the piano lessons of their children Victoria and Darryn. Their delight soon turns to amazement and horror ‑ the piano has a life (or is that a death?) of it’s own. The melodies that it plays over and over again are (literally) haunting and it becomes clear that someone from their past has a message for the Houston family about a very important decision they are about to make.
  • The Scarecrow

    Edgar J. Hyde

    language (, Oct. 25, 2015)
    A horrific attack takes place on an isolated farm. A shivering, terrified man is found in shock, his tongue removed. The shock is too much for him and he kills himself leaving a note which claims that he was a burglar who was stopped from breaking into the farm by a scarecrow, who then ripped out his tongue. Of course no-one believes the note. But, David, who lives on the farm, knows that the noisy farmyard cockerel has been found throttled, his beloved dog has mysteriously gone missing and Jonesy a harmless local character has also been viciously silenced ‑ they must be connected with the sightings of a scruffy, barely-human creature on the prowl. David decides he must solve the mystery himself but doesn’t realise just what he is getting himself into.

    Edgar J. Hyde

    language (, Sept. 20, 2015)
    All the boys at school want to kiss the new girl until one boy does. Word then gets around about her cold kiss which seemed to freeze boys in time, like a temporary kiss of death.One boy, Tommy, decides to do all he can to resist kissing the new girl, Sally-Anne. Strangely, he feels as if he’s known her before. But when?
  • Stage Fright!

    Edgar J. Hyde

    language (, Oct. 25, 2015)
    Have you ever heard the saying: “Be careful what you wish for – it might come true”? Jo, Melissa and Jenny, the stars of the new school play Oh Spirits Obey Us, are about to discover that being granted anything you wish for is not necessarily a good thing. The friends are portraying three hideous but very powerful witches in the play. In the beginning the worst thing they have to worry about is remembering their lines. But that is about to change, for the worse. As the play progresses the girls realise that they have the power to get whatever they wish for and the ability to harm their enemies. The sensible girls are horrified by their new powers and set out to discover the secret behind this strange play. The witches of the play are not just fictional characters and soon the girls find themselves face to face with the grotesque women who are intent on spreading their evil around the world. How can the three schoolgirl actresses stop them?
  • Soul Harvest

    Edgar J. Hyde

    language (, Oct. 25, 2015)
    The Grimaldis, a creepy new family who have a bad attitude and who dress entirely in black move into Billy and Alice’s neighbourhood. Very soon afterwards their mum and dad and all the other neighbours start to act very strangely – as if they have suddenly become wicked. The children, and their friends Ricky and Alex, are soon the only normal ones left in a neighbourhood of thieves, bullies and thugs. The entire village, headed by the Grimaldis is soon trying to find the four children and capture their souls to make the imminent “harvest” complete!
  • Rag & Bone Man

    Edgar J. Hyde

    language (, Sept. 21, 2015)
    In a small village the night after every funeral, an apparition of a Rag and Bone man, with his horse and cart, reputedly makes his way down the high street.The trouble is, the person reporting the sight is normally the next person in a coffin!Thus a conspiracy of silence prevails among the locals and the legend remains unconfirmed - until Bryan, Codie and Dave decide to investigate after the death of an elderly relative.
  • The Rocking Chair

    Edgar J. Hyde

    language (, Oct. 25, 2015)
    The house across the road from the Tooms family has been empty and derelict for years. It therefore comes as something of a surprise to young Gerry Tooms to see an old man in a rocking chair in the porch of the house. It is even more of a shock to find out that the old man has messages for him in the headlines of his newspaper that predict future events, some of them dangerous or deadly. These disasters begin to make the townspeople think that the town is cursed. Gerry soon finds out that the old man has another message for him, one that warns of a malevolent force at work, the same force that caused the old man’s death. He and Gerry must work together to fight the evil ghost and save the town from further misfortune. But Gerry is puzzled. Who is the old man, why must it be Gerry who saves the town, and how on Earth is he going to do it?
  • Beggar Boy

    Edgar J. Hyde

    language (, Oct. 27, 2015)
    Life isn’t easy for Tommy and his mother. The most important things in life for the rest of the occupants of Montague Street are money and status symbols, and these are two things that Tommy and his mother definitely do not have. The shallow and cruel children of the street taunt Tommy by calling him ‘beggar boy’. Just when he thinks he can stand no more of their petty jibes, a strange ragged boy comes to his defence. Tommy is appreciative but puzzled at the sudden appearance of his scruffy friend and at his new ally’s amazing talent for creating fear and chaos in the lives of his affluent enemies. Where does the boy come from and, more puzzlingly, how can he appear and disappear so quickly?
  • Happy Halloween

    Edgar J. Hyde

    language (, Sept. 20, 2015)
    Samantha, James and Mandy are brother and sisters. Their parents decide to take a break in a quiet village over Halloween weekend. The children are rather concerned that staying in a boring village is going to spoil their trick-or-treating. Whilst Halloween is certainly going to be very different to usual, it will be far from boring! Samantha discovers an old book of spells and quickly realises that she alone is capable of harnessing its dangerous powers. She is soon drawn into a sinister and terrifying world of wizards and witches and must escape or lose her life and risk the safety of the normal world.
  • Ghost Writer

    Edgar J. Hyde

    language (, Sept. 20, 2015)
    Charlie is a schoolboy with a talent for writing but even he cannot remember writing all the words that appear in his notebook! There seems to be a story being told on the pages of his notebook but who is doing the telling? Charlie’s headmaster is showing just a little too much interest in the notebook and does not seem very happy with Charlie. Ever been scared of your headmaster? I mean REALLY scared!
  • Pen Pals

    Edgar J. Hyde

    language (, Sept. 20, 2015)
    Olivia & Natasha are school chums who sometimes write silly notes to each other, just for fun. These notes are often full of suggestions for pranks of one kind or another! Imagine their surprise when some of these notes start to contain suggestions that are clearly not their own!What concerns these best friends even more is that some of the notes express a deadly message for Olivia - a warning that someone they think of as a friend is NOT to be trusted. But who? Now the race is on to find the answer - but can they find it in time?

    Edgar J. Hyde

    language (, Sept. 20, 2015)
    happens to Josh Stevens and his friends. They turn from a bunch of healthy kids into smelly, greasy, pustulent wrecks – and coincidentally they have all just paid a visit to the charming and handsome Doctor Blair. Josh’s hideous boils are jeopardising a future date with the lovely Karen but there are much more sinister “remedies” lurking in the good doctor’s medicine cupboard. But how can Josh and his friends stop Doctor Death from carrying out his deadly plan?