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Books with author EVELYN E. SMITH


    Evelyn Smith

    Hardcover (Blackie & Son Ltd., )
    Surely one of the most delightful junior-schoolgirl stories ever written! The state of things in Form IIIB at St. Helenโ€™s gives scope for those qualities of courage, tact and unselfishness which make Binkie such a lovable little soul. Completely natural, she is always cheerful, and possessed by a flame of wonderful esprit de corps, and her example rouses the Form to all-round keenness. Of course there are some troubles, and Binkie has her share, but thanks to her, friendships are strengthened and heartburnings allayed. Nobody who reads about Binkie will ever forget her. 208 pages.
  • Nicky of the Lower Fourth

    Evelyn Smith

    Hardcover (Blackie & Son Limited, July 6, 1900)
  • Marie MacLeod, Schoolgirl

    Evelyn Smith

    (Cassell & Company, July 6, 1928)
  • The Skylark of Space

    E. E. Smith

    (Pulpville Press, Aug. 11, 2009)
    Perhaps it is a bit unethical and unusual for editors to voice their opinion of their own wares, but when such a story as "The Skylark of Space" comes along, we just feel as if we must shout from the housetops that this is the greatest interplanetarian and space flying story that has appeared this year. Indeed, it probably will rank as one of the great space flying stories for many years to come. The story is chock full, not only of excellent science, but woven through it there is also that very rare element, love and romance. This element in an interplanetarian story is often apt to be foolish, but it does not seem so in this particular story. Illustrated.
  • Milly in the Fifth

    Evelyn Smith

    (Books to Treasure, May 29, 2015)
    Milly and Nancy are much interested in the advent of Jan at Myra Dakin's, a famous school; but, while Milly soon comes to appreciate the newcomer at her true worth, Nancy grows more or less hostile. Hence, when Jan's apparent lack of interest in games becomes a topic and gives rise to a "rag," Milly and the victim become inseparable, and Milly learns much about her friend's family affairs. Then comes trouble at the bank and one exciting incident which puts feuds, suspicions, and even the famous "form sale of useful articles" quite into the background. For a mysterious loss is explained thereby, two highwaymen and their unwholesome accomplice are laid by the heels, and Jan is happily set free for games and study.
  • Marie Macleod, Schoolgirl

    Evelyn Smith

    Paperback (Books to Treasure, Aug. 1, 2016)
    A shy and somewhat backward girl is suddenly plunged into boarding-school life. How she surmounts the difficulties which beset her and eventually wins through is told with refreshing charm.
  • Binkie of IIIB

    Evelyn Smith, H Coller

    Hardcover (Blackie & Son Ltd, July 6, 1930)