A critical summary of Troosts̓ unpublished manuscript on the crinoids of Tennessee
Elvira Wood
(RareBooksClub.com, May 11, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1909 Excerpt: ... superior salient angles support five--Scapulars primibrachs, are longitudinally compressed hexagonal plates, two parallel sides forming the lateral margins, one of the angles forms the apex while the opposite angle forming the base is a re-entering angle--this re-entering angle is filled by the superior angle of the pentagonal costal radial while the superior, a salient angle, supports two irregular pentagonal plates, which are followed by two similar ones, and terminate in two arms, having circular apertures round the rim. Five inter-costals interbrachials of an elliptic,' form, rendered more or less angular, by the adjacent plates, or they are polygonal rendered elliptical by the corrugation--they fill up the re-entering angle mentioned above and are surrounded on both sides by the costals radials, scapulae primibrachs, and by the plates which rest upon the hexangular scapulae and support two elongated hexagonal inter-scapulae second interbrachials. Inter-scapulae second interbrachials 10, of an elongated hexagonal form--they support first two small plates, upon which follows a row of four still smaller plates; upon these follows a horizontal beveled edge filling the space between two apertures for the arms and completing in this manner the superior rim of the cup. The capital integument as well as could be discovered from my imperfect specimen, is formed of polygonal plates of which the form could not be ascertained, they are carved somewhat similar to those of the cup.--No oral anal aperture is visible, it existed probably on the part that is destroyed.0 Around the margin, between two arms and between each pair of arms radi are series of elongated pores--between two arms generally five, and between each pair of arms seven, these numbers vary, neverthel...