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Books with author Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

  • Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting

    Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    Paperback (Hay House Inc., Dec. 3, 2013)
    This book is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realizing all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And everything that will ever exist must first be imagined. Wishes Fulfilled is designed to take you on a voyage of discovery, wherein you can begin to tap into the amazing manifesting powers that you possess within you and create a life in which all that you imagine for yourself becomes a present fact. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explores, for the first time, the region of your highest self; and definitively shows you how you can truly change your concept of yourself, embark upon a God-realized way of living, and fulfill the spiritual truth that with God all things are possible—and "all things" means that nothing is left out. By practicing the specific technique for retraining your subconscious mind, you are encouraged to not only place into your imagination what you would like to manifest for yourself, but you are given the specifics for realigning your life so you can live out your highest calling and stay connected to your Source of being. From the lofty perspective of your highest self, you will learn how to train your imagination in a new way. Your wishes—all of them—can indeed be fulfilled. By using your imagination and practicing the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and steadfastly refusing to allow any evidence of the outer world to distract you from your intentions, you will discover that you, by virtue of your spiritual awareness, possess the ability to become the person you were destined to be. This book will help you See—with a capital S—that you are Divine, and that you already possess an inner, invisible higher self that can and will guide you toward a mastery of the art of manifestation. You can attain this mastery through deliberate conscious control of your imagination!
  • Wishes Fulfilled

    Wayne W. Dyer

    eBook (Hay House Inc., Feb. 28, 2012)
    This book is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realizing all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And everything that will ever exist must first be imagined.Wishes Fulfilled is designed to take you on a voyage of discovery, wherein you can begin to tap into the amazing manifesting powers that you possess within you and create a life in which all that you imagine for yourself becomes a present fact.Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explores, for the first time, the region of your highest self; and definitively shows you how you can truly change your concept of yourself, embark upon a God-realized way of living, and fulfill the spiritual truth that with God all things are possible —and "all things" means that nothing is left out.By practicing the specific technique for retraining your subconscious mind, you are encouraged to not only place into your imagination what you would like to manifest for yourself, but you are given the specifics for realigning your life so you can live out your highest calling and stay connected to your Source of being.From the lofty perspective of your highest self, you will learn how to train your imagination in a new way. Your wishes —all of them —can indeed be fulfilled. By using your imagination and practicing the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and steadfastly refusing to allow any evidence of the outer world to distract you from your intentions, you will discover that you, by virtue of your spiritual awareness, possess the ability to become the person you were destined to be.This book will help you See —with a capital S —that you are divine, and that you already possess an inner, invisible higher self that can and will guide you toward a mastery of the art of manifestation. You can attain this mastery through deliberate conscious control of your imagination!
  • Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting

    Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    Hardcover (Hay House, Feb. 28, 2012)
    This book is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realizing all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And everything that will ever exist must first be imagined. Wishes Fulfilled is designed to take you on a voyage of discovery, wherein you can begin to tap into the amazing manifesting powers that you possess within you and create a life in which all that you imagine for yourself becomes a present fact. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explores, for the first time, the region of your highest self; and definitively shows you how you can truly change your concept of yourself, embark upon a God-realized way of living, and fulfill the spiritual truth that with God all things are possible—and “all things” means that nothing is left out. By practicing the specific technique for retraining your subconscious mind, you are encouraged to not only place into your imagination what you would like to manifest for yourself, but you are given the specifics for realigning your life so you can live out your highest calling and stay connected to your Source of being. From the lofty perspective of your highest self, you will learn how to train your imagination in a new way. Your wishes—all of them—can indeed be fulfilled. By using your imagination and practicing the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and steadfastly refusing to allow any evidence of the outer world to distract you from your intentions, you will discover that you, by virtue of your spiritual awareness, possess the ability to become the person you were destined to be. This book will help you See—with a capital S—that you are divine, and that you already possess an inner, invisible higher self that can and will guide you toward a mastery of the art of manifestation. You can attain this mastery through deliberate conscious control of your imagination!
  • Excuses Begone!

    Wayne W. Dyer

    eBook (Hay House Inc., May 26, 2009)
    In Excuses Begone! Dr. Wayne W. Dyer reveals how to change lifelong, self-defeating thinking patterns that prevent you from living at the highest levels of success, happiness, and health. You may know what to think but find it terribly difficult to change thinking habits that have been with you since childhood. This business of changing habituated thinking patterns is really the business of eliminating the same old tired excuses. People are forever using excuses and defending those excuse patterns as if they were actually true. Such statements as It would be very difficult for me to change . . . If I changed, it would create family dramas . . . I’m too old or too young to change . . . I’ve always been this way . . . It’s in my DNA so I can’t change . . . I can’t afford the things I truly want and I’ve always been this way are all excuses that are used regularly without challenging the truth of these thinking habits. When you eliminate excuses that explain your shortcomings or failures, you’ll awaken to your infinite possibilities. Removing the excuses involves examining these thinking habits under a new and truthful light. In this groundbreaking work, Wayne presents a compendium of conscious and subconscious excuses employed by virtually everyone, along with a new paradigm that guides you to put those excuses to rest once and for all. You’ll learn to apply specific questions to any excuse, and then proceed through the steps of the Excuses Begone! paradigm. The old habituated ways of thinking will melt away as you experience the joy of releasing excuses and the absurdity of hanging on to them. There are no excuses worth defending ever, even if they’ve always been part of your life. This book represents Wayne’s effort to help anyone whose self-defeating thoughts are persistently present, learn how to discard those old thinking habits, and discover the infinite possibilities of life!
  • Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting

    Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    Audio CD (Hay House, March 1, 2012)
    This is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realizing all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And everything that will ever exist must first be imagined. Wishes Fulfilled is designed to take you on a voyage of discovery, wherein you can begin to tap into the amazing manifesting powers that you possess within you and create a life in which all that you imagine for yourself becomes a present fact. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explores, for the first time, the region of your highest self; and definitively shows you how you can truly change your concept of yourself, embark upon a God-realized way of living, and fulfill the spiritual truth that with God all things are possible—and “all things” means that nothing is left out. By practicing the specific technique for retraining your subconscious mind, you are encouraged to not only place into your imagination what you would like to manifest for yourself, but you are given the specifics for realigning your life so you can live out your highest calling and stay connected to your Source of being. From the lofty perspective of your highest self, you will learn how to train your imagination in a new way. Your wishes—all of them—can indeed be fulfilled. By using your imagination and practicing the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and steadfastly refusing to allow any evidence of the outer world to distract you from your intentions, you will discover that you, by virtue of your spiritual awareness, possess the ability to become the person you were destined to be. This cd will help you See—with a capital S—that you are divine, and that you already possess an inner, invisible higher self that can and will guide you toward a mastery of the art of manifestation. You can attain this mastery through deliberate conscious control of your imagination!
  • You'll See It When You Believe It: The Way to Your Personal Transformation

    Wayne W. Dyer

    eBook (William Morrow, Oct. 13, 2009)
    Wayne Dyer, psychotherapist and world-famous author of worldwide bestsellers Your Erroneous Zones and Pulling your own Strings, shows you how to improve quality of life by tapping into the power that lies within you and using constructive thinking to direct the course of your own destiny. With his proven techniques and using examples from his own highly successful experiences, Dyer will convince you that you can make your most impossible dreams come true. You’ll See It When You Believe It demonstrates that through belief you can make your life anything you with it to be. Learn practical steps such as how to set real goals and achieve them; turn obstacles into opportunities; rid yourself of guilt and inner turmoil; develop a strong inner-confidence; dramatically improve relationships; spend every day doing the things you love to do, and so much more.Go beyond self-help to self-realization with this accessible and uplifting manual.
  • Excuses Begone! 8-CD: How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits

    Wayne W. Dyer Dr.

    Audio CD (Hay House Inc., May 26, 2009)
    Within the tracks of this transformational CD set, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer reveals how to change the self-defeating thinking patterns that have prevented you from living at the highest levels of success, happiness, and health. Even though you may know what to think, actually changing those thinking habits that have been with you since childhood might be somewhat challenging.If I changed, it would create family dramas . . . I’m too old or too young . . . I’m far too busy and tired . . . I can’t afford the things I truly want . . . It would be very difficult for me to do things differently . . . and I’ve always been this way . . . may all seem to be true, but they’re in fact just excuses. So the business of modifying habituated thinking patterns really comes down to tossing out the same tired old excuses and examining your beliefs in a new and truthful light.In this groundbreaking work, Wayne presents a compendium of conscious and subconscious crutches employed by virtually everyone, along with ways to cast them aside once and for all. You’ll learn to apply specific questions to any excuse, and then proceed through the steps of a new paradigm. The old, habituated ways of thinking will melt away as you experience the absurdity of hanging on to them.You’ll ultimately realize that there are no excuses worth defending, ever, even if they’ve always been part of your life—and the joy of releasing them will resonate throughout your very being. When you eliminate the need to explain your shortcomings or failures, you’ll awaken to the life of your dreams. Excuses . . . Begone!
  • It's Never Crowded Along the Extra Mile: 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace

    Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Hay House

    Audible Audiobook (Hay House, March 4, 2004)
    Recorded live at the Miraval Life in Balance Resort and Spa in Arizona, this lecture features Dr. Wayne W. Dyer as he shares what it's like to go the extra mile and lead a deeper, fuller life. Drawing upon the lessons of great teachers such as St. Francis of Assisi, Viktor Frankl, Jesus Christ, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, and Buddha, Dr. Dyer helps you discover that you can achieve true inner peace and success by integrating ten powerful "secrets" into your life that can transform your everyday existence into a path for spiritual enlightenment. Dr. Dyer goes on to demonstrate the same meditation technique (Japa) that he himself has used for years to make conscious contact with a higher power. He provides real-life tools that can help you improve the way you relate to others and yourself.
  • Good-bye, Bumps!: Talking to What's Bugging You

    Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Saje Dyer

    Hardcover (Hay House Inc., Feb. 25, 2014)
    In Good-bye, Bumps!, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and his daughter Saje tell a remarkable story from her childhood in which she was able to overcome a physical condition in a very unique way. In the telling of this story Saje and Wayne teach children the important lesson that when something is bothering them, they can change their attitude toward it and not allow it to have power over them. This book will help kids understand that some things about themselves can be changed and others will always be with them, but what matters is how they choose to think about these things. In addition to its valuable lesson, this charming story will remind all readers, both young and old, of what can be done with the childlike belief in what is possible.
  • It's Never Crowded Along the Extra Mile

    Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    Audio CD (Hay House, Sept. 1, 2002)
    Recorded live at the Miraval Life in Balance® Resort and Spa in Arizona, this lecture features Dr. Wayne W. Dyer as he shares what it’s like to go the extra mile and lead a deeper, fuller life. Drawing upon the lessons of great teachers such as St. Francis of Assisi, Viktor Frankl, Jesus Christ, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, and Buddha, Dr. Dyer helps you discover that you can achieve true inner peace and success by integrating ten powerful “secrets” into your life that can transform your everyday existence into a path for spiritual enlightenment. Dr. Dyer goes on to demonstrate the same meditation technique—Japa—that he himself has used for years to make conscious contact with a higher power. He provides real-life tools that can help you improve the way you relate to others . . . and yourself. Using Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s ten secrets for success and inner peace, you’ll discover that you can bring anything you desire into your life! Some of the important points Dr. Dyer makes on this 8-CD set include the following: • By clearing out preconceived notions and allowing a higher functioning of the mind, you’ll begin to attract what you really want and manifest the “symptoms” of inner peace. • When you’re open to everything and attached to nothing, you’ll learn that you don’t need to evaluate yourself based on money or fame. • By giving up your personal history, you’re freed from the concept of failure and can connect with God in the here-and-now. • You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it. Any limitation can be transformed with the intention to manifest. • Every great artist and thinker has been able to find insight and creativity by reaching a higher energy. Anyone can access this energy—it’s only a thought away! • We’re all connected to God. When you “tap in to” this connection, you can access intuition, see the universe as one, and understand that you simply have to align yourself with what you want in order to bring it into your life.
  • Making the Shift: How to Live Your True Divine Purpose

    Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    Audio CD (Hay House Inc., March 1, 2010)
    "The Shift" is a call to become more conscious, to move from aimless Ambition . . . to Meaning and purpose. Making this Shift is a necessity in order to live a peaceful, fulfilling life aligned with your Divine calling.In this deeply engaging live seminar, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer explains that instead of heeding the demands of the ego, which keep you mired in self-sabotage through never-ending pleas and false promises, you can choose to move in a new direction—one that leaves the false self behind so you can reclaim your true nature. The ego has driven many of us away from our authentic selves. In Making the Shift, Wayne reveals how we can make that all-important U-turn and head back to the Source of being that created us.
  • You'll See It When You Believe It

    Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    Audio CD (Simon & Schuster Audio/Nightingale-Conant, May 1, 1995)
    ANYTHING YOU WANT CAN BE YOURS ONCE YOU BELIEVE IT CAN You have the power within you to be whoever you want to be. You can learn to use your mind to see and feel the positive in any situation. The choice is yours, says Dr. Wayne Dyer in You'll See It When You Believe It. Become attuned to a higher consciousness. With Dyer's accessible methods for achieving inner and outer harmony, you can rise above daily problems and worries to experience happiness and fulfillment every day. He leads you through the awakening stages of personal enlightenment to help you see the perfection throughout the universe and within yourself. You can make changes happen -- through the power of your thoughts. You can focus your mind to experience: Cooperation and compassion over competition and conflict Healthier, more loving relationships Miracles...every day Transcend your limitations with Dr. Wayne Dyer today.