Endurance Test
Alan Douglas
(RareBooksClub.com, Sept. 13, 2013)
Excerpt: ...and was trying to keep from inhaling more air than was absolutely necessary. "Why, yes," Elmer went on, "for once George here doesn't doubt but that he gets it. You don't hear him asking questions now. He knows it's here with us. He's getting his dose, all right, ain't you, George?" "Look, there he comes!" gasped Landy, pointing to a moving figure that was pawing a way through the neighboring thicket. "Ach! vat iss de matter mit me? I feels like I vas goin' to faint!" exclaimed a complaining voice. "For goodness' sake do it out there, then!" screamed Landy. "Don't you dare come into camp with that terrible smell hanging to you. Sit down where you are, and 91 listen to what we've got to say. Oh, gracious, I can't get my breath! Elmer, you tell him!" "Py chimineddy, dis makes me some drouples! It peats all der limpurger cheese I ever saw. Vat vos idt, Elmer? I am nodt choking, tell me vot I dood," Adam asked, with a beseeching air, for he was almost overcome by the fumes. "Well, if you ain't choking, we are; so you stay there," George remarked. "How did it happen, Adam?" asked Elmer, trying to stop laughing, for he knew that after all this was apt to be a serious piece of business for the other. But the German boy only shook his head and coughed, as he tried to get his breath. "Idt iss some foolishness py me; but, poys, I don't know vot it iss already yet. I vos vandering apout der voods, enchoying mineself, ven I see der prettiest little squirrel dot ever vos, mit a nice white stripe, und a pushy tail. I dinks dot he look like he vill pe friends mit me, und so I yust hold out mine hand und call him; put pefore I could take hold mit him, I dink I step on von of dem musherooms mit der awful smell. Ach! it vos so pad I haf to get oudt right avay, und come pack to der gamp. I'm von sick Dutchman, poys, pelieve me. I dink me I must pe going to die right avay qvick." "I should think you had died a week ago," cried George. "He thought the skunk was a...