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Books with author Doug West

  • Galileo Galilei - A Short Biography

    Doug West

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 29, 2015)
    Galileo Galilei grew up in a time when nearly everyone thought the Earth was the center of the universe and the Sun and the planets revolved around the Earth. His intellectual world was dominated by the work of the ancient philosopher Aristotle. Science as we know it today was just starting to emerge from the dark ages and it was blended with religion so that the two at were hard to distinguish between. Galileo’s work included a radial improvement in a parlor toy called a spyglass, which he turned into a working instrument of astronomy, the military, and mariners. With his small telescope he opened up the night sky and discovered the Moon isn’t smooth but rather covered with peaks and valleys similar to the Earth, that the planet Jupiter had moons that orbited the planet, and that the planet Venus showed phases as it orbited the Sun — similar to the phases of the Moon. Though his discoveries in astronomy were transformative, they spelled trouble for Galileo. Once the local clergy got wind of Galileo’s heretical views that the Earth was not the center of the universe, he was under intense scrutiny from the Church. He traveled to Rome, not once but twice, to defend his views on the cosmos. Escaping the penalty of imprisonment or being burnt at the stake, he was given house arrest for the remainder of his life. Working under house arrest, he was able to complete some the most important work of his life and he had his work smuggled out of Italy to be published without censorship. Take a short journey into the world of this amazing man and understand how he changed the world. 30 Minute Book Series Welcome to the first book in the 30 Minute Book Series. Each book in the series is fast paced, well written, accurate, and covers the story in as much detail as a short book allows. In less than an hour, you can read or listen to the book — a perfect companion for a lunch hour or a nice distraction for a train ride home from work. About the Author Doug West is a retired engineer, small business owner, and an experienced non-fiction writer with several books to his credit. His writing interests are general, with special expertise in science, biographies, numismatics, and “How To” topics. Doug has a Ph.D. in General Engineering from Oklahoma State University.
  • James K. Polk: A Short Biography: Eleventh President of the United States

    Doug West

    Paperback (Independently published, June 12, 2019)
    A “long-shot” or “underdog” would best describe the former governor of Tennessee, James Knox Polk, who had lost two reelection bids and now sought his party’s vice-presidential nomination. Events unfolded rapidly at the Democratic convention in the warm summer of 1844. James Polk had hoped to be his party’s choice as front runner Martin Van Buren’s vice presidential nominee going into the fall general election. Seven ballots into the nomination process the convention was hopelessly deadlocked, then Polk’s friends began spreading the word that “Young Hickory” was Andrew Jackson’s choice and that he could bring harmony to the party. On the ninth ballot of the delegates vote, Polk became the presidential nominee of the party to run against the veteran Whig candidate Henry Clay. A third-party candidate would syphon off just enough votes from Clay to throw the general election to Polk.Polk was no stranger to Washington; having been a seven-term congressman and eventually holding the powerful position of Speaker of the House of Representatives. Polk was brought into the nation’s highest office through a wave of expansionist fervor. Many believed it was the providence of God or “Manifest Destiny” that America should possess the land from “sea to shining sea,” and James Polk was just the man to push this dream into reality.Polk would turn out to be one of the exceptional presidents of the nineteenth century. A hundred years later, President Harry Truman would extol Polk, writing, “James K. Polk [was] a great president. Said what he intended to do and did it.” Polk did fulfill the desires of the country to expand. When he entered the office of the president, Missouri was the western border of the nation; upon leaving the office four short years later, the Pacific Ocean bordered the growing nation to the west. “James K. Polk: A Short Biography” crisply reveals the life and times of the eleventh president of the United States. 30-Minute Book SeriesThis is the 39th book in the 30-Minute Book Series. Books in this series are fast-paced, accurate, and cover the story in as much detail as a short book possibly can. Most people complete each book in less than an hour, which makes the books in the series a perfect companion for your lunch hour or a little down time. About the AuthorDoug West is a retired engineer and an experienced non-fiction writer with several books to his credit. His writing interests are general, with special expertise in history, science, biographies, and “How To” topics. Doug has a Ph.D. in General Engineering from Oklahoma State University.
  • Jesse Owens, Adolf Hitler and the 1936 Summer Olympics

    Doug West

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April 14, 2016)
    Both Jesse Owens and Adolf Hitler grew up in poverty, and each of the two men struggled to find their footing later in life. Owens represented the United States in the 1936 Olympics, after which he found it difficult to sustain a well-paying job. In turn, Adolf Hitler moved to Vienna as a teenager, following his parents’ death, but he never found the financial success he so desperately craved as an artist. He spent most of his time in the city a penniless, unemployed young man. The similarities between the two men end there. While Adolf Hitler became angered and enraged by his circumstances, and by the fate of Germany following the First World War, Jesse Owens went out of his way to help people. Even when he faced the cruelty of racism in the United States, Owens saw the best in others. He spent most of his days working with children and teenagers, making a conscious effort to give them the guidance and support they needed to enact positive change in the world. In contrast, Hitler turned to hatred, divisiveness, and conflict in his attempts to change the world in his image. Owens was an open-minded man who spent his life bettering the lives of his family and the community at large. Even when others asked him to denounce the racist tendencies of Adolf Hitler, he chose to grudgingly respect the German leader. Meanwhile, Hitler’s experiences only fuelled his hatred of anyone who was not Aryan and German. In this book, we will explore the lives of both men leading up to the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Then, we will take a closer look at the effects of that summer on the rest of their years. 30 Minute Book Series Welcome to the ninth book in the 30-Minute Book Series. Each book in the series is fast-paced, well-written and accurate, covering the story in as much detail as a short book allows. In less than an hour, you can read or listen to the full book. The text is a perfect companion for your lunch hour, or perhaps a nice distraction on your train ride home from work. About the Author Doug West is a retired engineer, small business owner, and an experienced non-fiction writer with several books to his credit. His writing interests are general, with special expertise in science, biographies, and “How-To” topics. Doug has a Ph.D. in General Engineering from Oklahoma State University.
  • James K. Polk: A Short Biography: Eleventh President of the United States

    Doug West

    eBook (C&D Publications, May 16, 2019)
    A “long-shot” or “underdog” would best describe the former governor of Tennessee, James Knox Polk, who had lost two reelection bids and now sought his party’s vice-presidential nomination. Events unfolded rapidly at the Democratic convention in the warm summer of 1844. James Polk had hoped to be his party’s choice as front runner Martin Van Buren’s vice presidential nominee going into the fall general election. Seven ballots into the nomination process the convention was hopelessly deadlocked, then Polk’s friends began spreading the word that “Young Hickory” was Andrew Jackson’s choice and that he could bring harmony to the party. On the ninth ballot of the delegates vote, Polk became the presidential nominee of the party to run against the veteran Whig candidate Henry Clay. A third-party candidate would syphon off just enough votes from Clay to throw the general election to Polk.Polk was no stranger to Washington; having been a seven-term congressman and eventually holding the powerful position of Speaker of the House of Representatives. Polk was brought into the nation’s highest office through a wave of expansionist fervor. Many believed it was the providence of God or “Manifest Destiny” that America should possess the land from “sea to shining sea,” and James Polk was just the man to push this dream into reality.Polk would turn out to be one of the exceptional presidents of the nineteenth century. A hundred years later, President Harry Truman would extol Polk, writing, “James K. Polk [was] a great president. Said what he intended to do and did it.” Polk did fulfill the desires of the country to expand. When he entered the office of the president, Missouri was the western border of the nation; upon leaving the office four short years later, the Pacific Ocean bordered the growing nation to the west. “James K. Polk: A Short Biography” crisply reveals the life and times of the eleventh president of the United States. 30-Minute Book SeriesThis is the 39th book in the 30-Minute Book Series. Books in this series are fast-paced, accurate, and cover the story in as much detail as a short book possibly can. Most people complete each book in less than an hour, which makes the books in the series a perfect companion for your lunch hour or a little down time. About the AuthorDoug West is a retired engineer and an experienced non-fiction writer with several books to his credit. His writing interests are general, with special expertise in history, science, biographies, and “How To” topics. Doug has a Ph.D. in General Engineering from Oklahoma State University.
  • John Adams - A Short Biography

    Doug West

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Dec. 15, 2015)
    John Adams was in some form of service to America for most of his adult life - serving as a representative to the Continental Congress, envoy to European nations, vice president and, finally, ending his political career as the second President of the United States. At only five foot seven, nearly bald, a little overweight, occasionally cranky, and without most of his teeth, John Adams was not an Adonis, but through is intellect, force of will, and dogged determination, he would become one of the founding fathers of America. The years leading to the Revolutionary War and independence from Great Britain pushed John Adams into fighting for the cause of liberty. As a delegate to the Continental Congress, he was a member of the team in 1776 that drafted one of America’s most important documents, the Declaration of Independence. His service to the country was not limited to roles within the borders of the country; for ten years, he represented America as a diplomat to France, the Netherlands, and Great Britain. He helped draft the State of Massachusetts Constitution and served under George Washington as the first Vice President of the United States. After Washington’s retirement, Adams ran for president, and in a close presidential election with Thomas Jefferson, he narrowly won the presidency. His one term as president was marked by considerable strife within the country. America was engaged in a quasi-war with the country’s oldest ally, France. The conflict with France did not escalate to a full blown war, but it did threaten to tear the young country apart, as pro-British and pro-French factions within the political establishment and the general population were ardent in their positions, which great animosity between the groups. Spend some time with this distinguished American and buy the book, John Adams – A Short Biography. 30 Minute Book Series Welcome to the ninth book in the 30 Minute Book Series. Each book in the series is fast-paced, well-written, accurate, and covers the story in as much detail as a short book allows. In less than an hour, you can read or listen to the book; it is a perfect companion for a lunch hour or a nice distraction for a train ride home from work. About the Author Doug West is a retired engineer, small business owner, and an experienced non-fiction writer with several books to his credit. His writing interests are general, with special expertise in science, biographies, and “How To” topics. Doug has a Ph.D. in General Engineering from Oklahoma State University.
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt: A Short Biography: Thirty-Second President of the United States

    Doug West

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 23, 2018)
    Born into a wealthy family from New York, Franklin Delano Roosevelt entered political life as a member of the Democratic Party and rose to prominence quickly due to his strong leadership skills, money, and family connections. During his first term as president of the United States, he introduced his “New Deal” domestic agenda to stem the tide of the growing national economic depression sweeping the country. Throughout the years, he managed to win a wide base of popular support thanks to his policies aimed at helping the most vulnerable American citizens, from poor farmers to jobless urban professionals. Roosevelt tried to bring economic balance to American society, making sure nobody was left behind. He supported labor and social welfare programs for the disadvantaged and emphasized the need for a fair wealth distribution in the country. During his lengthy four-term administration, Roosevelt was the leader who helped the United States overcome a series of historical crises, from the Great Depression to the Pearl Harbor attack and World War II. His diplomatic tact and his resilience in the face of adversity put him in the pantheon of the United States’ greatest political leaders. Read about this great American president by purchasing the book “Franklin Delano Roosevelt: A Short Biography.” 30-Minute Book Series Welcome to the 32nd book in the 30-Minute Book Series. Books in this series are fast-paced, accurate, and cover the story in as much detail as a short book possibly can. Most people complete each book in less than an hour, which makes the books in the series a perfect companion for your lunch hour or a little down time. About the Author Doug West is a retired engineer and an experienced non-fiction writer with several books to his credit. His writing interests are general, with special expertise in history, science, biographies, and “How To” topics. Doug has a Ph.D. in General Engineering from Oklahoma State University.
  • Meet the Numbats

    Doug Western

    language (Doug Western, July 2, 2012)
    There are about 1000 Numbats left on Earth. That makes them a rarer species than Giant Pandas and Orangutans and "Meet the Numbats" is a children's fictional story based on facts about the lives of a family of them. Natasha Numbat is the mother of young Nellie, Naomi and Ned Numbat in this story.A lot of the conversation in the story occurs in Natasha's nest where she cares for her young. During this discussion Natasha explains the circumstances when research scientist, Tony Friend caught her, measured her and attached a radio transmitter to her back.She also tells her young the story of Numbat conservation which she hears during a discussion between Tony and his young research assistant, Tom.Male Numbats play no role in bringing up their progeny and Natasha is surprised when she meets Fred Numbat again. He is father of her young. Young Ned is a precocious boy and he becomes upset he will never meet his father. Nellie and Naomi are convivial girls who are supportive of their mother.I hope you enjoy my story.See the film "Numbat young" by Tony Friend on You Tube. Four young Numbats are shown exploring at their burrow's entrance.It is estimated there are about 1000 Numbats surviving on planet earth. Introduced Foxes, feral cats, and habitat destruction have made survival of this species problematical. Numbats were once widespread in Australia and they are unique beautiful little critters which rely exclusively on termites as their food supply.
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt: A Short Biography: Thirty-Second President of the United States

    Doug West

    eBook (C&D Publications, Sept. 23, 2018)
    Born into a wealthy family from New York, Franklin Delano Roosevelt entered political life as a member of the Democratic Party and rose to prominence quickly due to his strong leadership skills, money, and family connections. During his first term as president of the United States, he introduced his “New Deal” domestic agenda to stem the tide of the growing national economic depression sweeping the country. Throughout the years, he managed to win a wide base of popular support thanks to his policies aimed at helping the most vulnerable American citizens, from poor farmers to jobless urban professionals. Roosevelt tried to bring economic balance to American society, making sure nobody was left behind. He supported labor and social welfare programs for the disadvantaged and emphasized the need for a fair wealth distribution in the country. During his lengthy four-term administration, Roosevelt was the leader who helped the United States overcome a series of historical crises, from the Great Depression to the Pearl Harbor attack and World War II. His diplomatic tact and his resilience in the face of adversity put him in the pantheon of the United States’ greatest political leaders. Read about this great American president by purchasing the book “Franklin Delano Roosevelt: A Short Biography.” 30-Minute Book SeriesWelcome to the 32nd book in the 30-Minute Book Series. Books in this series are fast-paced, accurate, and cover the story in as much detail as a short book possibly can. Most people complete each book in less than an hour, which makes the books in the series a perfect companion for your lunch hour or a little down time. About the AuthorDoug West is a retired engineer and an experienced non-fiction writer with several books to his credit. His writing interests are general, with special expertise in history, science, biographies, and “How To” topics. Doug has a Ph.D. in General Engineering from Oklahoma State University.