Old Copp's Hill and Burial Ground; with historical sketches
Edward Macdonald
(RareBooksClub.com, May 20, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1894 Excerpt: ...The ball was opened and found to contain an account of the destruction of the steeple in 1804 and its restoration in 1807. These were replaced, with an account of the repairs In 1847, a copy of Dr. Eaton's Centennial Sermon and other historical documents. The church was erected In 1723, and i the oldest public building in Boston with the exception of the Province House, which, however, has been very much altered. The Bible, Prayer Books, aud Communion silver were given by George II., in 1733, and are now in use. The Royal Bible was printed at Oxford, in 1717, by John Basket, and is uoted for the elegance of the printing and the engravings. It Is of the "Vinegar edition." The massive christening basin was the gift of Arthur Savage, Esq., in 1730. The organ was made by Thomas Johnston in 1759; the interior was rebuilt by Mr. Goodrich about sixty years ago. The figures of the Cherubim in front of the organ and the Chandeliers were taken from a French vessel by the privateer Queen of Hungary, and presented to this church in 1746, by Captain Grushea. It also contains a bust of Washington, which was the first ever made of the "Father of his Country." The chime of eight bells connected with the church is the oldest chime in America. They were brought from England in 1744, and were procured by subscription, Mr. John Rowe giving the freight. They cost £360; the charges for wheels and putting them in place, £93. The inscriptions on them are as follows: The tenor, first, says, This peal of eight bells is the gift of a number of generous persons to Christ Church in Boston, New England, Anno 1744, A. R. The second, This Church was founded in the year 1723, Timothy Cutler, Doctor in Divinity, the first rector, A. B., 1744. The third says, We...