A Silly Little Thing: The Odyssey of Petunia Gip Part One
Doc Turner
(Independently published, Dec. 23, 2018)
Quite some time ago in a medium sized town know as Wicker Bush, Richard Menkin's father was eaten. Of course, young Richard had no idea that his father was devoured by something horrible whilst standing in his own kitchen; how could he? He was fast asleep in his bedroom upstairs. Petunia Gip, his new neighbor across the street however, had her suspicions about the whereabouts of Richard's father when news spread that Mr. Menkin had vanished without a trace. Driven by her ravenous pursuit of the truth, Petunia recruits the still grieving Richard into a series of investigations that will change the way he views the world around him, and could very well bring about their end. Described as, "a most thrillingly audacious, hilariously bodacious, brain twisting, reality warping page turner" by the author's mother, and "a book so beautifully written and thoughtful, that one has to wonder if the very fingers of Divinity were moving within the author's brain", by the writer's house cat, jump into the series that is sure to change the way you view the world around you, and at the very least change the way you look at your bathtub and tree squirrels.