This tale of a mischievous dinosaur who visits a boy on Hanukkah and causes a commotion as he helps celebrate the holiday will bring giggles to children who may recognize themselves (or their siblings!) in some of the dino’s exploits.
Dino’s adventures continue as he boards a plane for Israel. He munches on falafel, tucks a message high up on the Western Wall, and invites a friendly camel to go snorkeling in Eilat. Kids will chuckle at his comic escapades as a tourist.
Dino’s adventures continue as he boards a plane for Israel. He munches on falafel, tucks a message high up on the Western Wall, and invites a friendly camel to go snorkeling in Eilat. Kids will chuckle at his comic escapades as a tourist.
This tale of a mischievous dinosaur who visits a boy on Hanukkah and causes a commotion as he helps celebrate the holiday will bring giggles to children who may recognize themselves (or their siblings!) in some of the dino’s exploits.