Diane King
Perfect Paperback
(CSS Publishing Company, Jan. 1, 1999)
W.W.J.D. (What Would Jesus Do?) is a youth drama which addresses the struggles young people face when they attempt to deal with peer pressure while being true to their faith. Young people and adults who see this play will walk away determined to be a little less angry ... more patient ... more kind ... more loving, and certainly more forgiving. Even doubters will realize that by letting Jesus Christ be their role model many of their most difficult relationships will become more harmonious. ""Young people and adults who see this play will walk away determined to be a little less angry ... more patient ... more kind ... more loving, and certainly more forgiving. Even the doubters will realize that by letting Jesus Christ be their role model many of their most difficult relationships will become more harmonious. ""I was truly impressed by the story and the timeliness of the play! It would make an impact on junior and senior high school students in an assembly."" Pat DeVoss, Director of Religious EducationSt. Gertrude ParishCincinnati, Ohio ""Diane King's W.W.J.D. drama for youth seeks to inculcate spiritual and Godly truth. It gives each of us, as Christians, something to ponder and consider deeply."" Rev. Daniel R. HaberkostPrince of Peace Lutheran ChurchMedina, Ohio ""The message of the drama W.W.J.D. is certain to be taken home by the audience."" Rev. Donald HestermanDivinity Lutheran ChurchParma Heights, Ohio Young people will easily relate to Stacy (the main character) as she discovers her own relationship with God. As Stacy searches for answers to her questions throughout the play, perhaps some of their own questions may be answered, for there is probably a little bit of Stacy in all of us. Diane M. King has taught high school English, performing arts, and journalism, and has directed over 25 drama productions. A graduate of Ohio State University, she has been a frequent performer in community theater productions and choirs. Diane and her husband Jack are the parents of two sons, and are members of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Grove City, Ohio.