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Books with author Dhirubhai Patel

  • History of Germany : Historical Country

    Dhirubhai Patel

    eBook (, Dec. 8, 2019)
    Germany is a Western European country with a landscape of forests, rivers, mountain ranges and North Sea beaches. It has over 2 millennia of history. Berlin, its capital, is home to art and nightlife scenes, the Brandenburg Gate and many sites relating to WWII. Munich is known for its Oktoberfest and beer halls, including the 16th-century Hofbräuhaus. Frankfurt, with its skyscrapers, houses the European Central Bank.History of GermanyChapter 1 : History of GermanyChapter 2 : Germanic tribes, 750 BC – 768 AD2.1 Collision with the Roman Empire 2.2 Stem Duchies and Marches2.3 Frankish EmpireChapter 3: middle Ages3.2 Otto the Great3.3 Hanseatic League3.4 Eastward expansion3.5 Church and state3.6 Change and reform3.7 Towns and cities 3.8 Women3.9 Learning and culture Chapter 4 : Early modern Germany4.1 Thirty Years' War, 1618–16484.2 Culture and literacyChapter 5 : 1648–18155.1 Wars5.2 Enlightened absolutism5.3 Smaller states5.4 Nobility 5.5 Peasants and rustic life 5.6 Bourgeois qualities spread to rustic Germany 5.8 Women 5.9 French Revolution, 1789–18155.10 French department suzereignity 5.11 Imperial French suzereignity Chapter 6 : 1815–18716.1 German Confederation 6.2 Society and economy Chapter 7 : German Empire, 1871–19187.1 Bismarck era7.2 A federal empire7.3 A three class system 7.5 Foreign policies and relations7.6 Wilhelminian Era 7.7 Alliances and diplomacy 7.8 Economy7.9 Women 7.10 Colonies7.11 World War I Chapter 8 : Weimar Republic, 1919–19338.1 The early years8.2 Reparations 8.3 Economic breakdown and political issues, 1929–1933 8.4 Science and culture in nineteenth and twentieth century Chapter 9 : Nazi Germany, 1933–19459.1 Establishment of the Nazi regime9.2 Antisemitism and the Holocaust9.3 Military9.4 Women 9.6 World War IIChapter 10 : Germany during the Cold War, 1945–199010.1 Post-war chaos10.2 East Germany10.3 West Germany (Bonn Republic) 10.4 Economic miracle10.5 1948 currency reform10.6 Adenauer10.7 Erhard10.8 Grand coalition10.9 Guest workers 10.10 Brandt and Ostpolitik10.11 Economic emergency of 1970s 10.12 Kohl 10.13 ReunificationChapter 11 : Federal Republic of Germany, 1990–present11.1 Merkel Chapter 12 : Historiography
  • New York City: New York may be the city that never sleeps, but it sure does sleep around

    Dhirubhai Patel

    eBook (, Dec. 10, 2019)
    New York City comprises 5 boroughs sitting where the Hudson River meets the Atlantic Ocean. At its core is Manhattan, a densely populated borough that’s among the world’s major commercial, financial and cultural centers. Its iconic sites include skyscrapers such as the Empire State Building and sprawling Central Park. Broadway theater is staged in neon-lit Times Square.Chapter 1 : Short history1.1 Etymology 1.2 Early history 1.3 Dutch rule1.4 English rule1.5 American Revolution1.6 Nineteenth century1.7 Modern historyChapter 2 : GeographyChapter 3 : DemographicsChapter 4 : Advanced education and researchChapter 5 : Human resourcesChapter 6 : TransportationChapter 7 : EnvironmentChapter 8: Government and politics
  • Middle Ages: In the history of Europe

    Dhirubhai Patel

    (Independently published, Feb. 13, 2020)
    In the history of Europe, the Middle Ages lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery.Chapter 1 : History of Middle Ages Chapter 2 : Later Roman EmpireChapter 3 : Early Middle Ages3.1 Byzantine survival3.2 Western society3.3 Rise of Islam3.4 Trade and economy3.5 Church and monasticism3.6 Carolingian Europe3.7 Carolingian Renaissance3.8 Breakup of the Carolingian Empire3.9 New kingdoms and Byzantine revival3.10 Art and architecture3.11 Military and technological developmentsChapter 4 : High Middle Ages4.1 Rise of state power4.2 Crusades4.3 Intellectual life4.4 Technology and military4.5 Architecture, art, and music4.6 Church lifeChapter 5 : Late Middle Ages5.1 War, famine, and plague5.2 Society and economy5.3 State resurgence5.4 Collapse of Byzantium5.5 Controversy within the Church5.6 Scholars, intellectuals, and exploration5.7 Technological and military developments5.8 Late medieval art and architectureChapter 6 : Modern perceptionsChapter 7 : Dark Ages 7.1Reformation7.2 Baronius7.3 Enlightenment7.4 RomanticismChapter 8 : Modern academic useChapter 9 : Modern popular use9.1 Medieval studies9.2 Historiographical developmentChapter 10 : Europeans in Medieval China10.1 Ancient Romans10.2 Byzantine Empire10.3 Merchants10.4 Missionaries and diplomats10.5 CaptivesChapter 11 : Spread of Chinese gunpowder
  • History of The World

    Dhirubhai Patel

    (, Feb. 14, 2020)
    The history of the world, in common parlance, is the history of humanity, as determined from archeology, anthropology, genetics, linguistics, and other disciplines; and, for periods since the invention of writing, from recorded history and from secondary sources and studies.Chapter 1 : Short History of World History 1.1 Rise of civilizationChapter 2 : Ancient history2.1 Axial Age2.2 Regional empires2.3 Declines, falls, and resurgenceChapter 3 : Post-classical history3.1 Greater Middle East3.2 Europe3.3 Sub-Saharan Africa3.4 South Asia3.5 Northeast Asia3.6 Southeast Asia3.7 Oceania3.8 AmericasChapter 4 : Modern history4.1 Early modern period4.2 Late modern periodChapter 5 : Contemporary historyChapter 6 : History of Oceania6.1 Polynesia theories6.2 Micronesia theories6.3 Melanesia theories6.4 Australasia theoriesChapter 7 : European contact and exploration Chapter 8 : ColonisationChapter 9 : Samoan Crisis 1887–1889Chapter 10 : World War II
  • Soviet Union in World War II: History of Blood

    Dhirubhai Patel

    (Independently published, March 13, 2020)
    World War II, also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. The vast majority of the world's countries—including all the great powers—eventually formed two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis.IndexChapter 1: History of Soviet Union Chapter 2: The division of Eastern Europe and other invasionsChapter 3: Termination of the pactChapter 4: Soviets stop the GermansChapter 5: The Frontoviki Chapter 6: Soviet push to GermanyChapter 7: Final victoryChapter 8: Repressions Chapter 9: Soviet war crimes Chapter 10: War crimes by Nazi GermanyChapter 11: Survival in Leningrad Chapter 12: Aftermath and damages Chapter 13: Germany–Soviet Union relations, 1918–194113.1 Treaty of Rapallo 1922 and secret military cooperation13.2 Documentation13.3 Relations in the 1920s13.4 Plans for Poland13.5 Diplomatic relations13.6 The "Third Period"13.7 Early 1930s13.8 Persecution of ethnic Germans in the USSRChapter 14: The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany before World War II14.1 Initial relations after Hitler's election14.2 Relations in the mid-1930s14.3 Spanish Civil War14.4 Collective security failuresChapter 15: Molotov–Ribbentrop PactChapter 16: World War II16.1 Soviet invasion of eastern Poland16.2 Amendment of the Secret Protocols16.3 Expanded commercial pact16.4 Soviet war with Finland16.5 Soviets take the Baltics16.6 August tensions16.7 Soviet negotiations regarding joining the Axis16.8 January 1941 Border and Commercial Agreement16.9 Mid-1941 relations16.10 Further developmentChapter 17: Volksdeutsche in the Soviet UnionChapter 18: Aftermath18.1 Post-war commentary regarding the timing of Soviet-German rapprochement
  • JOHN QUINCY ADAMS: 6th President OF US

    Dhirubhai Patel

    Paperback (Independently published, Jan. 22, 2018)
    If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. ohn Quincy Adams was an American statesman who served as a diplomat, minister and ambassador to foreign nations, and treaty negotiator, United States Senator
  • John Quincy Adams: 6th President of the United States

    Dhirubhai Patel

    Paperback (Independently published, Dec. 26, 2016)
    John Quincy Adams was an American statesman who served as the sixth President of the United States from 1825 to 1829. He also served as a diplomat, a Senator and member of the House of Representatives
  • History Of Parish : Really Heaven

    Dhirubhai Patel

    eBook (, Dec. 13, 2016)
    Parish is Beautifull city, City Parish is a community of 4 churches in George Town, Penang. It was founded in 1988 due to shrinking number of priests
  • Benedict Arnold: Military Man – One Man Army

    Dhirubhai Patel

    Paperback (Independently published, Nov. 26, 2019)
    Benedict Arnold was an American military officer who served as a general during the American Revolutionary War, fighting for the American Continental Army before defecting to the British in 1780. George Washington had given him his fullest trust and placed him in command of the fortifications at West Point, New York. Benedict ArnoldChapter 1 : Introduction of Benedict Arnold 1.1 French and Indian War 1.2 Businessman Chapter 2 :American Revolutionary War2.1 Siege of Boston and Fort Ticonderoga2.2 Quebec Campaign2.3 Rhode Island and Philadelphia2.4 Saratoga Campaign 2.5 Residence in Philadelphia Chapter 3 : Plotting to change sides 3.1 Secret communications3.2 Court martial3.3 Offer to surrender West Point 3.4 Command at West Point3.5 Plot uncovered Chapter 4 : After exchanging sides 4.1 Raids in Virginia and Connecticut Colonies 4.2 British surrender and outcast in England Chapter 5 : New businesses, new controversiesChapter 6 : Battle of Valcour Island6.1 Prelude 6.2 Battle6.3 Retreat 6.4 Aftermath 6.5 LegacyChapter 7 : Battle of the Cedars 7.1 Montreal 7.2 British call to arms7.3 Prelude 7.4 Battle7.5 Quinze-ChĂŞnes 7.6 Arnold's relief7.7 Aftermath Chapter 8 : Latter days Chapter 9 : Legacy 9.1 Popular culture 9.2 Canadian see Chapter 10 : Tributes
  • History Of Parish: Really Heaven

    Dhirubhai Patel

    Paperback (Independently published, Dec. 14, 2016)
    Parish is Beautifull city, City Parish is a community of 4 churches in George Town, Penang. It was founded in 1988 due to shrinking number of priests
  • Free France: Military War

    Dhirubhai Patel

    Paperback (Independently published, Nov. 19, 2019)
    Free France and its Free French Forces were the government-in-exile led by Charles de Gaulle during the Second World War and its military forces, that continued to fight against the Axis powers as one of the Allies after the fall of France. Free FranceChapter 1 : Short History1.1 De Gaulle rallies the Free French1.2 Armistice1.3 Beginnings of the Free French forces1.4 Composition 1.5 Cross of LorraineChapter 2 : Struggle for control of the French colonies 2.1 Asia and the Pacific2.2 North America 2.3 Syria and East Africa2.4 Creation of the French National Committee (CNF) 2.5 Madagascar 2.6 Battle of Bir HakeimChapter 3 : First successes3.1 Operation Torch3.2 Creation of the French Committee of National Liberation (CFNL) 3.3 Eastern Front3.4 Tunisia, Italy and Corsica 3.5 Forces Françaises Combattantes and National Council of the ResistanceChapter 4 : Liberation of France 4.1 Normandy and Provence landings4.2 Liberation of Paris Chapter 5 : Provisional republic and the war against Germany and Japan 5.1 Campaigns in France and Germany 1944–1945 5.2 World War II victory5.3 LegacyChapter 6 : Provisional Government of the French Republic 6.1 War 6.2 Politics 6.3 Actions 6.4 Reforms 6.5 The new constitution Chapter 7 : Liberation of Paris 7.1 General strike 7.2 Battle and Liberation7.3 Allies enter Paris (24–25 August) 7.4 German surrender 7.5 De Gaulle's speech 7.6 Victory marches (26 and 29 August) 7.7 Food crisis 7.8 Aftermath7.9 Legal purge 7.10 Legacy 7.11Homage to the liberation martyrs7.12 In prominent culture Chapter 8 : German Instrument of Surrender8.1 Context8.2 Instruments of fractional give up in the West 8.3 Surrender ceremonies8.4 Surrender in Berlin8.5 VE Day and Victory Day8.7 Declaration with respect to the thrashing of Germany
  • New York City: New York may be the city that never sleeps, but it sure does sleep around

    Dhirubhai Patel

    Paperback (Independently published, Dec. 11, 2019)
    New York City comprises 5 boroughs sitting where the Hudson River meets the Atlantic Ocean. At its core is Manhattan, a densely populated borough that’s among the world’s major commercial, financial and cultural centers. Its iconic sites include skyscrapers such as the Empire State Building and sprawling Central Park. Broadway theater is staged in neon-lit Times Square.Chapter 1 : Short history1.1 Etymology 1.2 Early history 1.3 Dutch rule1.4 English rule1.5 American Revolution1.6 Nineteenth century1.7 Modern historyChapter 2 : GeographyChapter 3 : DemographicsChapter 4 : Advanced education and researchChapter 5 : Human resourcesChapter 6 : TransportationChapter 7 : EnvironmentChapter 8: Government and politics