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Books with author Derek Radford

  • SCHOLARSHIPS: How to Get Amazing Scholarship Results with Low S.A.T. Scores


    eBook (, Oct. 21, 2017)
    In this book you can discover the strategies that Derek Ford used to get over $500,000 worth of scholarships with S.A.T. scores under 800! These include scholarships from The Bill Gates Foundation, N.A.S.A., The Golden State Warriors, Raiders, 49ers, San Jose Sharks and many more. Using these proven strategies, Ford beat out candidates that literally had twice his S.A.T. scores. He was not an athlete, natural disaster survivor, orphan, nor a person with a disability. Learn these powerful and effective strategies that can save you thousands of dollars for your college education.
  • CROWDFUNDING: The Ultimate Guide To CrowdFunding Your College Funds


    eBook (, Dec. 10, 2017)
    The fact of the matter is that it is wise to invest in strategies that will help save you money for college. Unfortantely, many people do not realize how important this information is until it is too late. If you do not take how you finance your education seriously then there are plenty of people that are positioning themselves to take advantage of your need to borrow money for college. In this book The Ultimate Guide To Crowdfunding Your College Funds, you will learn cutting edge strategies for financing your college education without the need for applying for scholarships. With these strategies you can find free money for college with no strings attached.
  • Tim's Forklift

    Derek Radford

    Hardcover (Angus & Robertson Childrens, )
  • Cargo Machines and What They Do by Derek Radford

    Derek Radford

    Paperback (Candlewick, March 15, 1745)
  • Bernie Drives a Truck by Derek Radford

    Derek Radford

    Hardcover (Candlewick, March 15, 1850)
  • Big Machines Board Book

    Derek Radford

    Board book (Walker Books Ltd, )
  • SCHOLARSHIPS: Guaranteed Strategies For Going To College For Free


    eBook (, Dec. 10, 2017)
    Do you really have to pay thousands of dollars for college? Do you really have to take out thousands of dollars in student loans to finance your education? What if I told you that there are several methods of getting guaranteed money for college? In this book you will learn several strategies for financing your college education that are guaranteed methods.
  • Building Machines

    Derek Radford

    Paperback (Walker Books Ltd, March 26, 1992)
  • Tim's Digger

    Derek Radford

    Hardcover (Campbell Books Ltd, )
  • Transport Machines

    Derek Radford

    Hardcover (Walker Books Ltd, )