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Books with author Deborah Allen

  • Windmills and Tulips

    Deborah. A. Allen

    language (, Jan. 9, 2016)
    The search for the Holy Grail was easy compared to my search for a Dutch language course. Finally I tried a dusty little bookshop, I repeated my request for a Dutch language course, the young gum chewing assistant frowned then smiled.. Suddenly she said ‘Dutch. Yeah, that’s the place wiv de windmills and tulips right’? She went off toward the back of the shop made a dive into a very crowded bookcase and after a quick search she came back with a dusty package containing a book and cassette tape that had the title Teach yourself Dutch. This is the story of an ordinary family who decided to emigrate. We packed our belongings, children and the dog and moved to a small town in the northern province of Friesland in the Netherlands.We spoke no Dutch and had no idea of what awaited us, this is the story of how we coped.
  • Windmills and Tulips: The true story of a family, the strange people they met and even stranger situations they found themselves in after moving to the Netherlands

    Deborah Allen

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Jan. 6, 2014)
    The search for the Holy Grail was easy compared to my search for a Dutch language course. Finally I tried a dusty little bookshop, I repeated my request for a Dutch language course, the young gum chewing assistant frowned then smiled.. Suddenly she said ‘Dutch. Yeah, that’s the place wiv de windmills and tulips right’? She went off toward the back of the shop made a dive into a very crowded bookcase and after a quick search she came back with a dusty package containing a book and cassette tape that had the title Teach yourself Dutch. This is the story of an ordinary family who decided to emigrate. We packed our belongings, children and the dog and moved to a small town in the northern province of Friesland in the Netherlands. We spoke no Dutch and had no idea of what awaited us, this is the story of how we coped.
  • Moon Trail

    Deborah a Allen

    Paperback (Black Rose Writing, June 18, 2015)
    Betsy Gordon is living a great adventure. She just doesn't believe it. It's 1965 and ten-year-old Betsy is reluctant about her family's move to Florida. Her favorite stories are about pioneers. And pioneers certainly don't live under palm trees, sport pixie haircuts, wear orthopedic shoes, or have fathers who work at the Kennedy Space Center. Or do they? Betsy soon finds new friends and discovers a special talent, right before her embarrassing mistake. Set against the backdrop of the Space Race, Moon Trail is the growing-up story of a young girl who is an eyewitness to a remarkable period of American history.
  • Moon Trail

    Deborah A. Allen

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, June 11, 2015)
    Betsy Gordon is living a great adventure. She just doesn't believe it. It's 1965 and ten-year-old Betsy is reluctant about her family's move to Florida. Her favorite stories are about pioneers. And pioneers certainly don't live under palm trees, sport pixie haircuts, or have fathers who work at the Kennedy Space Center. Or do they? Very soon, Betsy is making new friends and becoming excited about space flight, which begins -- almost -- in her own backyard. But just as she discovers her own special talent, Betsy makes an embarrassing mistake. Ashamed and upset, she becomes a target for the class bully. With the help of a special friend -- herself a pioneer of sorts -- and an encounter with a real-life astronaut, Betsy regains her confidence and recognizes that she, too, is living the life of a different kind of "pioneer." Set against the backdrop of the Space Race, Moon Trail is the growing-up story of a young girl who is an eyewitness to a remarkable period of American history.
  • Oliver Ogilvee

    Deborah Allen

    Paperback (Aeon Publishing Inc., Nov. 3, 2010)
    The second in a series about lovable sea creatures, Oliver Ogilvee has whimsical drawings and likeable characters that are sure to draw children to them. It ends with a little lesson that kids will catch on to right away: no matter what you look like, you can still be a good friend. Deborah Allen is a thirty-one-year veteran of elementary education. Throughout her teaching career she had the desire to write a children's book for her students. After retiring from the classroom, she fulfilled her dream of writing her first book, The Monster Missed Again Today. Each of her books has a lesson for the children to learn. The joy of creating whimsical characters has always been a part of Gary McDaniel's life. As an elementary school teacher he has found a career that blends the excitement of working with young people and his creative nature. Gary also illustrated the first book in this series - The Monster Missed Again Today.
  • Falling Fruit Devotions

    Deborah Jane Allen

    Paperback (Holy Fire Publishing, May 6, 2010)
    Falling Fruit Devotions is a hilariously fun, active and inspiring devotional for families. Loaded with good news, interesting trivia, fun games and family discussion questions this book will be a lively tool for morning devotions or dinner dialogue. The author takes spiritual concepts and principles and puts them into easily understandable terms that will make sense for every age reader. You can be guaranteed; the use of these devotions will bring families together and cause a bountiful harvest of spiritual fruit in the lives of its users. SOW GOD'S WORD IN YOUR HEART and REAP HIS PROMISES!
  • Forest


    Hardcover (Gardners Books, Dec. 31, 2003)
  • Planet X: Dawn of a New Age™ Vol. 1

    Allen Debe

    Paperback (Digital Broadcasting Entertainment, LLC, Jan. 27, 2019)
    Planet X: Dawn of a New Age™ Vol. 1 — the third novel published under the DBEntertainment, LLC, imprint and is the first part of the Planet X: Dawn of a New Age storyline (Chapter One to Chapter Three). This science-fiction, space opera, tragedy is a mash up with ancient mythology, religion, and far-future scenarios. This story is set in the year 3007 and launches with introduces of Alchemist and family his wife Scarlett, his daughter Carmen and Sade, and his son Hunter are running for their lives. Alchemist who is a 31st-century explorer/scientist/statesman was recently overthrown from his position of power after he was accused of crimes against humanity. Bounties and various assassins are after Alchemist, but the real perp is his clone brother, Mars. Mars is a transplant clone that was created to help replace Alchemist’s abnormal heart when he was a child. With the help of his creator’s enemy, Pluto, throughout the story, his mission is to hunt down Alchemist in his attempt to build a closer relationship with his creator, Zeno Ayers, who is chief of a space-based version of the United Nations. However, Pluto’s son Adakis tries to steal the spotlight from Mars as he tries to gain respect from his father as he tries to hunt down Alchemist while his deal with the love struggle with Angel. Meanwhile, deeper in the cosmos on Planet Nibiru, there is unhappiness amongst those on this planet as Queen Nebula, who is the beta of the entire universe, is overthrown by her usurper, Iris, a domineering “Titan” who, with forged scripture, passes himself off as the “Alpha God”. Iris turns Planet Nibiru into a cruel patriarchy once he gets his hands on the golden star. On the International Space Station, Calvin, a part-Samoan, part-cyborg super soldier, has recently returned from war. However, after he struggled adjusting the modern-day world, he returns to the space army to join the action both on Earth and Planet X, which strains his marriage and relationship with his daughter Skylar.This novel is filled with epic battles, hidden motives, imaginative technology, and the power and danger of creation and knowledge in the evolution of mankind. This is also a story of passion, bitter rivalry, revenge and reflects on the nature of society. Adding the scope and the power and the size of the playing field only makes for more interesting possibilities.
  • Guardians of the Amulet

    Deborah Allard

    eBook (, Sept. 29, 2018)
    Set on the ancient island of Rodos two orphaned children set out on an adventure to escape the evil Skorpios Gang who killed their parents and high priest and is now after them for the valuable Amulet of Zeus.Its power must not fall into the wrong hands so Philiphos and Emilea journey from their hometown of Lindos to the mighty city of Rodos to seek out their ward Chares who is building the famous statue of Helios, the Colossus of Rhodes and hide the Amulet.Follow the children as they journey up the island, meeting strange and mysterious people from another land and escaping pirates and avoiding the Skorpios Gang who will stop at nothing to get the Amulet
  • Falling Fruit Devotions by Allen, Deborah Jane

    Deborah Jane Allen

    Paperback (Holy Fire Publishing, March 15, 1800)
  • The Monster Missed Again Today by Allen, Deborah

    Deborah Allen

    Paperback (Aeon Publishing Inc., March 15, 1800)
  • Forest


    Hardcover (Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd, March 15, 1714)