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Books with author De Kenyon

  • The Society of Secret Cats

    De Kenyon

    language (Wonderland Press, June 26, 2011)
    What if cats were there to guard your dreams?The dashing, handsome Ferntail the cat is a new guardian of dreams, facing his first real problem: a nightmare that comes from outside his human girl’s mind. Where are her nightmare coming from?Fortunately, the Society of Secret Cats has sent help.A beautiful and mysterious cat has come to lead Ferntail and his girl to safety. But will the troubles they face be bigger than them both?A Defenders of Dream story:The Society of Secret CatsThe Nightmare HouseKing of Cats
  • Tales Told Under the Covers: Zombie Girl Invasion & Other Stories

    De Kenyon

    eBook (Wonderland Press, Oct. 9, 2011)
    Your kid is a little bit weird,reads over their age group, and stays up late to watch horror movies with you. Here’s their book. Ten tales of fantasy, adventure, death, alien invasions, bullies, and the brave kids who fight back. Zombie girls who really have girl germs. Food that bites back. Wizards who are scared of their own power. Murdered (and murderous) pets. Secret superpowers. Secret cats. And that last, great voyage into the unknown.Stories for bright kids who think reading is boooooring. Stories to be read by firelight to robots, warrior queens, and dinosaurs.Stories to be told when the witches are ready to eat you but want to hear just one more story before they shove you in the oven.Stories to be read under the covers, by flashlight.
  • The Nightmare House

    De Kenyon

    language (Wonderland Press, March 14, 2019)
    What do you do when your house is giving you nightmares?Ferntail the cat is quite proud of being the guardian of young Jaela's dreams. But he can do nothing about the nightmares that the house is giving the whole family. For that, a dog must be called in.But when the dog arrives, he isn't the big, tough German Shepherd or Rottweiler that Ferntail hopes will be able to bring the house back into line...but a completely ridiculous, panting, fat-cheeked,annoying pug puppy.The only question is:Will Ferntail or the house get him first?A Defenders of Dream story:The Society of Secret CatsThe Nightmare HouseKing of Cats
  • The King of Cats

    De Kenyon

    language (Wonderland Press, April 6, 2019)
    Whose friendship matters most in the land of dreams?Ferntail the cat and his friends have been summoned to the capital of dreams. Why? No one explained, but it seemed foolish to decline. Perhaps the King of Cats would like to recognize them for their brave and valiant deeds.Or perhaps the King of Cats needs their help.The nearby Kingdom of Mice has been overthrown, and suspicions abound. Who is undermining the land of dreams? Only Ferntail can find out.A Defenders of Dream story:The Society of Secret CatsThe Nightmare HouseKing of Cats
  • The Boy Who Would Not Sleep

    De Kenyon

    language (Wonderland Press, Dec. 28, 2013)
    In the woods, Nickolas’s father tells him stories to pass the time as they cut down trees...but one story, he won’t tell. Not until Nickolas grows old enough to hear it. Finally, the time comes: the men in Nickolas’s family were always good at cutting things, but in older times, they were too good, and did monstrous things, eventually angering a local dragon.The dragon cursed the men of their family to fall into a deep sleep that lasts from fall to spring, like a bear’s. And in their dreams, they must serve the dragon.More than that, Nickolas’s father will not say.Now, Nickolas is eating enough for many men...and getting sleepier with every step. The townswomen think it’s funny, but Nickolas has made up his mind: he will not sleep.No matter what the cost.
  • Guinea Pig Apocalypse

    De Kenyon

    language (Wonderland Press, May 22, 2013)
    Galileo always knew his parents were different. In fact, they’re mad scientists. He’s gotten kind of used to it.Until they day that one of their inventions goes completely out of control: a matter replicator in their basement that is designed to turned sewage into more useful biological materials. The replicator is now stuck on the “guinea pig” setting and things are getting out of control as thousands of guinea pigs erupt from Galileo’s basement and start taking over the neighborhood.But that’s not the worst of his problems.He can’t find his parents.Nobody else can help.And a group of evil squirrels is looking to steal the replicator and build an evil squirrel army to take over the world!
  • Exotics #3: The Subterranean Sanctuary

    De Kenyon

    language (Wonderland Press, Sept. 5, 2013)
    Returning home again after the terrible events at Xanadu House, Rachael Baptiste has learned not to trust humans...because they might be part of the Lighthouse Parents, a hostile group out to arrest and destroy the Exotics. Her parents do nothing but argue. Her Exotic friends pretend to be normal. Her human friends hint that it might be better if the Exotics just disappeared. And now the horrible Mr. Hightower wants her to spy for him...on her mom. Rachael doesn’t know what she should do...but she knows that if she doesn’t keep an eye on Mr. Hightower and his group of Exotics, she won’t be able to stop them...
  • The Secret of the Cellar

    De Kenyon

    language (Wonderland Press, Oct. 7, 2013)
    When it's time to scare someone where do you go? Downstairs...Elly has always wanted to have a haunted house.The closest she can making her own haunted cellar! Her cousins are coming over, and she has a super-duper surprise for them in the spooky cellar...a surprise they will never forget!A scary story for kids 8-12.
  • Mindsight

    Dean Kenyon

    eBook (Wonderland Press, May 7, 2018)
    No idea is so good it can’t go bad.Frank Mallory is a private detective working for a new type of national detective agency: a well-organized one. Private Eyes, Inc., has the latest in data analysis, training techniques, cross-discipline integration, illicit back-door deals, and cynical programmers who don’t care what they have to do as long as they don’t lose their benefits while doing it. PEI has it all covered.The right mix of idealism and plausible deniability can work wonders.But that doesn’t mean that Frank’s in the clear when he starts work on a case involving the new designer drug Mindsight. Mindsight is a miracle drug. It won’t give you telepathy, but it comes close, triggering a wave of pure empathy that helps treat everything from domestic violence to schizophrenia.The problem is, if you take too much of it, you’ll understand someone else’s point of view…all the way to death.Of course a serial killer starts butchering Mindsight addicts. As if nobody could see that coming. All he has to do is ask nicely. And maybe offer a little something the victim can’t refuse.The real twist is when a Mindsight addict fights back…and takes down a cop, saying that he admitted to being the serial killer before he died.Frank’s hired to find solid, incontestable proof that the man, someone he used to work with, is actually the murderer, so a rich man’s daughter, the purported victim, can walk free.Seems straightforward, right?Right.Book 1 in the Company Justice series, starring Frank Mallory.
  • The Girl and the Genie

    De Kenyon

    language (Wonderland Press, Dec. 28, 2013)
    In this fairy tale, a girl finds a magic bottle with a genie inside (she can tell there’s a genie inside, because she can see it having adventures), but the genie won’t come out to give her wishes. What does she do? She goes inside...Like a story from The Arabian Night’s Entertainment, the girl has to travel far, posing as a traveling teacher (of things like math problems and standing in line), making friends with some curious demons, and surviving a revenge that was meant for someone else before she finally gets the genie to give her at least one wish.(For children 8 to 12 years old.)
  • Exotics #2: Xanadu House

    De Kenyon

    language (Wonderland Press, Dec. 18, 2013)
    Rachael survived her adventures on The Floating Menagerie and went back to her normal life…except that her mom is still missing. Now she’s coming down with the Exotics virus herself and is changing into a half-human, half-animal Exotic, just like her friends. As a new Exotic, Rachael can’t control the change, so she travels to a safe place for Exotics in danger—Xanadu House. The house is owned by an aunt that Rachael never knew she had, and who will protect any Exotic, no matter which side they’re on. But is Xanadu House as safe as it seems?
  • Beware the Easter Moon

    De Kenyon

    language (Wonderland Press, Dec. 28, 2013)
    A scary children's horror story about werewolves and the monster in the basement...Colin’s tired of his mean, bullying Grandpa stealing kids’ chocolate Easter eggs. So he hatches a plan to make his Grandpa eat one of last year’s Easter eggs. One of the regular kind. That stinks when it gets rotten.It was a terrible plan. But it was also a great plan.He just shouldn’t have gone outside at the farm to get the egg on the night of the full moon before Easter, when the wolves howl and the thing downstairs is ready to pull him down into the deep, dark drain hole in the basement...