Stars and telescopes; a hand-book of popular astronomy, founded on the 9th ed. of Lynn's Celestial motions
David Peck Todd
(, May 9, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1899 Excerpt: ...viii. (1889), 381. Young, The Presbyterian Review, x. (1889), 400. Hall, Holden, The Astronomical Journal, viii. (1889), 79, 97. Sch1aparell1, L'Astronomic, viii. (1889), 19, 42, 89, 124; Himmel und Erde, i. (1889), I, 85, 147. Me1sel, Astronomische Nachrichten, cxxi. (1889), 371. Sche1ner. ib. cxxii. (1889), 251. W1sl1cenus, ib. cxx. (1889), 241; cxxvii. (1891), 161. P1cker1ng, ' Photographs,' Sid. Mess. ix. (1890), 251, 369. R1tch1e, ib. ix. (1890), 450. W1ll1ams, A. S., 'Canals and markings,' Jour. Brit. Astron. Association, i. (1890), 82. Flammar1on, VAstronomic, x. (1891), xi. (1892). Lohse, Publ. Astrophys. Observatorium Potsdam, Nr 28 (1891).. Lohse, Maunder, N1esten, Jour. Brit. Astron. Association, ii. (1892), 417, 423, 507. T1sserand, 'Diameter,' Bulletin Astronomique, ix. (1892), 417. Flammar1o.n, Ferrot1n, Meun1er, Cotrip. Rend. cxv. (1892). Lockyer, J. N., Nature, xlvi. (1892), 443. Barnard, Comstock, P1cker1ng, Terby, W1lson, Young, Astronomy and Astro-Physics, xi. (1892). Flammar1on, Lockyer, P1cker1ng, Mature, xlvii. (1892). Ball, In Starry Realms (London 1892), chapter xii. Ball, The Fortnightly Review, lii. (1892), 288; In the High Heavens (London 1893), chapter vi. Peal, 'Distribution of land and water,' Jour. Brit. Astron. Association, iii. (1893), 223 Comstock, ' South Polar Cap,' Astron. Jour. xiii. (1893), 41. Keeler, Memoirs Royal Astronomical Society, li. (1893), 45Abett1, ' South Polar Spot,' Astron. Nachr. cxxxiii. (1893), 25' Maunder, Jour. Brit. Astron. Association, iv. (1894), 395. Douglass, Lowell, P1cker1ng, Schaeberle, Sch1aparell1, and others, Astronomy and Astro-Physics, xiii. (1894). Flammar1on, VAstronomic, xiii. (1894), 447. Lowell, Popular Astronomy, ii. (1894). Meyer, Die Physische Beschaffenheit (Berlin 1894). Campbe...