Greetings From...The Enchanted Islands
Dawn Pendergrass
(Dawn Pendergrass, May 1, 2016)
A middle grade mystery, adventure, fantasy novel about a young boy who is forgotten in his family of nine. However, when a mysterious postcard addressed to Henry from his adventurer/photographer Uncle Herbert arrives, he discovers his magical genetic power and it opens a window of amazing creatures and a code he must crack to find his uncle.Once he solves the first clue – where his uncle is located – it opens the gateway to the power of the postcard and Henry steps inside the magical world of the Enchanted Islands. There he meets a proper British blue-footed booby bird, some angry marine iguanas, and a fantastic flight-training center for frigate birds. With a little help from his new creature friends, he figures out the final clue, avoids the flock of literate hawks and finds his great uncle. Along the way, Henry learns a great deal about the animals of the “Enchanted Islands” and the need to preserve their environment.