The Shadow Universe of Dark Matter Life
Dan Harp
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Jan. 21, 2016)
Most of us think of the universe in terms of that small percent we can observe with our own senses, although scientific research and instrumentation is starting to reveal greater complexities and hidden mysteries.The European Space agency’s Planck Probe has completed its census of the universe recently and is now showing more matter and less energy, by as much as 4% of what was expected, which puts dark matter at 26.8%, ordinary matter at 4.9%, with a 4% drop in the amount of dark energy detected.Democritus, a Greek philosopher from the 5th century BC, come up with the first quantum theory describing “atomos”, as he called atoms, which were specific to the material that they composed, could have collisions, rebound or stick together, so dissociations or combinations of these atoms could result in changes in matter.Cosmic energy goes back as much as the 17th century BC in the written record, but who knows how far back that mankind has recognized this primal and essential energy of the universe for health, vitality and longevity.Cosmic energy is the Hindu translation of “Shakti” which means “Empowerment” or “Power” and represents the dynamic forces thought to move through the entire universe.The various cultural terms includes Hindu Shakti, Prana, Apana and Yyana, Chinese Chi (Qi), Polynesian Mana, Vietnamese Khi, Korean Gi, Japanese Ki, subtle energy and woo energy, Hebrew koach-ha-guf, Greek Bios, English Aether, Cosmic Energy, Kundalini Energy, Natural Energy, and Material Energy, American Indians Orenda, Ancient Germans Od, and Scientifically known as Dark Matter, most of which are believed to be a part of any living thing, translating to breath, air, gas, or life force that permeates the universe. This book takes you through how humans have evolved with cosmic energy, the physics behind Shakti, insight into Shakti life, along with effective techniques for personal transformation; including how to activate your minds-eye, raise your kundalini, expand your consciousness and perception, raise your intuition and awareness, energize your very being, improve your overall health and wellbeing, and achieve persistent enlightenment.There is more to “nature” than you could possibly begin to imagine. Some of it is a real hindrance on your journey to enlightenment. You really need to be able to defend yourself on multiple levels. Staying active helps too. This is one of many reasons why you don’t want to rush things along.A full blown enlightenment is like trying to explain sound and color to someone who has been deaf and blind their entire life.Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is fundamental. It is a motivational theory in psychology comprising an eight-tier and a five-tier model of human needs, where motivation toward reaching your full potential increases as basic needs are met.Achieving self-actualization of one’s full potential, including creative activities can take place in a relatively short period of time, transcendence to enlightenment can be a lifelong journey.Throughout this book we will explore various physical energy influences behind dark matter life, dark matter flora, cosmic energy, along with other influences on your overall energy levels and how it all works, with techniques that can help boost your creativity and inspiration in ways you can hardly even imagine, while we wait for experimental physics, medical science and technology to catch up.Nikola Tesla probably said it best “if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”Expand your knowledge and perception of the universe starting today!