Essays to Do Good, Addressed to All Christians, Whether in Public or Private Capacities
Cotton Mather
(, Sept. 12, 2013)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1824 edition. Excerpt: ... have known many a country minister prove a great blessing to his flock by being such. It. a minister attempt this, let him always make it a means of doing spiritual good to his people. It is an angelical conjunction, when the ministers of Christ, who do his pleasure, become also physicians and Raphaels to their people. In a more populous town, however, you will probably choose rather to procure some religious and accomplished physician to settle in your neighbourhood, and make medical studies only your recreation; yet with a design to communicate to your Luke whatever you meet with worth his notice, and at limes unvte yoar counsels with him for the good of his patients. Thus you may save the lives of many persons, who themselves may know nothing of your care for them. THE DUTIES OF SCHOOL-MASTERS. From the tribe of Levi, let-us proceed with our proposals to the tribe of Simeon; from which there has been a frequent ascent to the former. The School-master has-many opportunities of doing good. God make him sensible of his obligations! We read, that "the little ones have their angels." It is hard work to keep a school; but it is God:s work, and it may be so managed a to be like the work of angels: the tutors of the children may be like their "tutelar angels." Melchior Adams properly styled it "An office most laborious, yet to God most pleasing." Tutors! will you not regard the children under your wing, as committed to you by the glorious Lord with such a charge as this?" Take them, and bring them up for me, and I will pay you your wages!" Whenever a new scholar comes under your care, you may say, "Here, my Lord sends me another object, for whom I may do something that he may be useful in the world." Suffer little children to come nnto...