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Books with author Coolbeat Audiobook Publishing

  • Old Indian Legends

    Zitkala-Sa, Nancy Lee, CoolBeat Audiobook Publishing

    Audiobook (CoolBeat Audiobook Publishing, Oct. 7, 2009)
    Here's an amusing collection of Dakota-Sioux fables, often featuring the vain and mischievous imp Iktomi. Fables such as these were told to Dakota-Sioux children for entertainment but also to teach through negative example the importance of honor, modesty, manners, and other aspects of a noble Indian lifestyle.
  • American Indian Stories

    Zitkala-Sa, Nancy Lee, CoolBeat Audiobook Publishing

    Audiobook (CoolBeat Audiobook Publishing, Oct. 2, 2009)
    Based on the life of the author and members of her tribe, these stories provide a revealing glimpse into the world of the Dakota-Sioux at the turn of the last century. This audiobook consists of several distinct parts. Part One is based on the experiences of the author, and describes a young girl growing up in a changing environment. Part Two consists of revealing stories about other members of her tribe. In the Outro, the author decries the handling of America's Indian problem.
  • The Firelight Fairy Book

    Henry Beston, Nancy Lee, Coolbeat Audiobook Publishing

    Audible Audiobook (Coolbeat Audiobook Publishing, Dec. 1, 2009)
    Good always triumphs in a fun fantasy land full of strange enchantments and marvelous adventures. From the heights of the Adamant Mountains to the shadowy depths of the City Under the Sea, these all-new fantasy tales will delight children of all ages.
  • The Dinky Ducklings

    Lang Campbell, Nancy Lee, Coolbeat Audiobook Publishing

    Audible Audiobook (Coolbeat Audiobook Publishing, March 7, 2011)
    Oh what adventures the Dinky Ducklings have, as they travel to visit their aunt and uncle, down the road at Duckville on the Ditch. Talking ducks, a sly fox, a rabbit family, and a wise old turtle, are a few of the characters joyfully brought to life, in this listening adventure that makes everyone smile.
  • Fifty Famous Stories Retold

    James Baldwin, Cliff Roles, Coolbeat Audiobook Publishing

    Audiobook (Coolbeat Audiobook Publishing, Nov. 20, 2009)
    Legendary tales of the lives of famous people and historic episodes. Of these 50 stories, some have historical value, some are useful as giving point to certain great moral truths, and others are intended only to amuse. A few of these stories are from very ancient sources and are current in the literature of many lands, while many of more recent origin have come to us through the ballads and folk tales of the English people. Nearly all are frequently alluded to in poetry and prose.