The People of the River
Constantine Issighos
(, April 30, 2013)
This book is Vol. 2 of the # 19 of The Amazon Exploration Series. Filled with real life beautiful illustrations and descriptive text, this book is an important step to teach your children to be good stewards of the Amazon Rain forest. The People of the River can be found throughout the Amazon River and its hundreds of its tributaries. Due to this, the way of survival depends on the region where they live and the specific tribe they belong. Typically, these Upper Amazon tribes live by hunting, fishing and growing plants to use for food and for medicinal purposes. They have little or no outside contact. Although they hunt for various animals in the rain forest, fish in the Amazon River is their main source of food. Most tribal people inhabit the deep jungle and are believed to be having with cultural characteristics that date back more than 8000 years.Beautifully written and illustrated by the author, young readers are introduced to the Amazon River rain forest ecology and eco-systems and learn amazing facts about The People of the River, and the variety of animals and plants that share their habitat. This book is an educational resource, as enjoyable as it is informative. It is highly recommended for families, elementary schools, community libraries and collectors of The Amazon Exploration Series.