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Books with author Clarence William Anderson

  • Musical Memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder

    William T. Anderson

    Paperback (Holly Hall Pub, Jan. 1, 1999)
    Presents thirteen traditional American songs that were familiar to the author of the Little House books, together with text and photographs relating the songs to the books and to American history.
  • Model Women

    William Anderson

    language (London. HODDER & STOUGHTON, Oct. 28, 2014)
    This volume is dedicated to you, because I believe in the principles it enunciates, and hope that many of your sex may get them lodged in their minds; and the conclusions to which they lead carried out in their lives. While feeling a warm interest in your honour, I have endeavoured to avoid all indiscriminate eulogiums on the eminent women here portrayed. The object of biography is to teach by example; and although perfection is claimed for none of the models here presented, yet each is worthy of being enshrined in your hearts.Whilst I should be sorry to see woman exchanging her home for the market-place, and her nursery for the arena, I am anxious that she should not be robbed of some of the purest joys of life; and that society, which so much needs her help, should not be defrauded of her service. The housewife is woman’s proudest name. Honourable is her distaff, and equally honourable her careful management and thrift. But while discharging these duties with propriety—while taking nothing from her family—she ought to give fair attention to the many grievous wrongs which at present shackle her independence and limit her usefulness. Woman is something more than a mere housekeeper or nurse. Let her be trained as a thinking being. By aiming at being only domestic, she will cease to be truly domestic.In my selection of examples, I have necessarily been under the control of circumstances. Not a few women, eminent in many respects, have been excluded from this collection, because, in consequence of some sad defects, they could not be held up as models of true womanhood. Several fairly entitled to places among “Model Women” would have been here, but, happily, they are still living; and for various reasons I determined to confine myself to the dead. My intention has been to include only a few of the actors and thinkers who have attained extensive celebrity; and the difficulty of fixing upon these I have found so great, that I am prepared to have the judiciousness of my choice frequently questioned. But I trust a sufficient number of lives are here recorded to kindle in your breasts aspirations after those excellences which adorn human existence.The end of writing memoirs should be the exhibition of truth in all its loveliness, and virtue with all her charms. This object I have not lost sight of for one moment in writing these pages; but directly or indirectly have framed every sentence in accordance with it.Imperfections you will doubtless detect in this volume; of some I am sufficiently aware; but am less anxious to obtain your applause, or to bespeak your candour, than to win your sympathy in my subject; and I feel confident that whether you acquiesce in few or many of my views, you will at least honour the motive which prompted me to make them known.
  • Louis Drake

    William Anderson

    eBook (, Feb. 13, 2018)
    Come along on an adventure to another world with Louis Drake, Rachel Murrow, and Raleigh Francis. From his backyard they go through the grove to school. But they have been targeted and forced to make a choice in front of the cave.Will they choose the discovery that awaits them? They do, and they find themselves amongst intelligent creatures who are under attack by predators. They all fight to protect a social equilibrium. As everyone searches for the Element of Disequilibrium, a line is drawn between the power hungry vs the pure in a fight for the future of both this world and Earth.
  • Pony for Linda

    Clarence W. Anderson

    Library Binding (Atheneum, April 1, 1970)
    Although they must share first prize at the horse show, Linda and her namesake become good friends
  • Shadowy Seasons

    William G.Anderson

    language (, Dec. 19, 2017)
    What a read. William G. Anderson’s second volume of his youth fantasy adventure series is a crackling good entry in this new and quick-developing genre.—Seth Lipsky, editor, the New York SunIn a little town in America’s Bible Belt, three teenagers begin seeing strange, supernatural forces surrounding them. Blake, Marsh, and Krista can’t forget the spiritual experiences they discovered in Shadowy Reflections. Now, the three are back to move on to the next level of their visionary journey. Professor Zachary Wing and Sky Hawk, a Native American spiritualist, believe that Blake is a spiritual conduit for something in a realm beyond the physical world. The three are skeptical but can’t deny the strange occurrences that are happening in their small Missouri town. As the three delve deeper into the realm of the metaphysical, real life catches up to them. Blake and Krista work to strengthen their relationship while Marsh deals with a confusing attraction of his own. The three may have new abilities, but it might not be enough. They will have to rely on their bonds with each other to deal with the violence and darkness infecting the town.
  • Louis Drake

    William Anderson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Feb. 14, 2018)
    Come along on an adventure to another world with Louis Drake, Rachel Murrow, and Raleigh Francis. From his backyard they go through the grove to school. But they have been targeted and forced to make a choice in front of the cave.Will they choose the discovery that awaits them? They do, and they find themselves amongst intelligent creatures who are under attack by predators. They all fight to protect a social equilibrium. As everyone searches for the Element of Disequilibrium, a line is drawn between the power hungry vs the pure in a fight for the future of both this world and Earth.
  • The Crooked Colt

    Clarence W. Anderson

    Library Binding (Atheneum, July 1, 1967)
  • The Detroit Tigers: A pictorial celebration of the greatest players and moments in Tigers' history

    William M Anderson

    Paperback (Diamond Communications, March 15, 1991)
    Text and photographs depict the grand tradition of Detroit Tigers baseball and the character of the team and its players.
  • Musical Memories of Laura Ingalls Wilder

    William T. Anderson

    Paperback (Hibbard Pubns Inc, Dec. 1, 1996)
  • Detroit Tigers: A Pictorial Celebration of the Greatest Players and Moments in Tigers’ History

    William M. Anderson

    Hardcover (Wayne State University Press, April 1, 1999)
    In this revised pictorial history of the Detroit Tigers, William M. Anderson highlights the greatest players and moments in Tigerhistory. The Detroit Tigers begins with the team's membership in the National League 0881-1888) and covers its history through the 1998 season. Containing over 440 photographs, three- fourths of which arenew images, The Detroit Tigers captures the traditions of baseball and fuses them with the memories of a beloved team.
  • Laura's Album: A Remembrance Scrapbook of Laura Ingalls Wilder

    William Anderson

    Hardcover (HarperCollins Publishers, Oct. 13, 1998)
  • Horse of Hurricane Hill

    Clarence W. Anderson

    Hardcover (Atheneum, Dec. 1, 1962)
    THE HORSE OF HURRICANE HILL written and illustrated by C. W. Anderson (4th printing, 1962 Hardcover in dust jacket, Macmillan Master Library Edition 107 pages with black and white illustrations throughout.)