Papercliptronics: Make Homemade Electronic Circuits Using Paperclips
Christopher Topalian
(, Jan. 8, 2020)
!!!BRAND NEW CIRCUITS ADDED!!! NEW: Make a FIRE DETECTOR CIRCUIT and INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL CIRCUIT!!! Using our new Infrared Circuit you now have the ability to DETECT a FLAME from a FIRE from up to 15 feet away! It can even sense the flick of a lighter! You can also sense a Remote Control from 15 feet away to trigger your circuits! Learn this innovative Circuit and many more in our newly updated edition of Papercliptronics. !!!NEW!!! Magnet Detector Circuit Just Added!!!We make strong Electronic Circuits using Paperclips! Every student in a classroom can now make Circuits for pennies, instead of having to buy expensive breadboards. Using everyday materials, we construct electronic circuits and teach every step of the way.These are very strong permanent electronic circuits.Students of Electronics will enjoy building circuits with Papercliptronics for both ease of learning and for the ability to construct hundreds of circuits for almost no cost at all.Best of all, students avoid the FUMES of solder.I invented Papercliptronics to save kids from the danger of solder fumes, when learning electronics.In addition, the students now don't have to spend money on store bought breadboards, but instead, can now make them!This book will teach you from absolute Beginner to Advanced Electronics.You will learn how make these CIRCUITS:LED LIGHTSWATER DETECTORLIGHT DETECTORDARK DETECTORSTATIC ELECTRICITY DETECTORDUAL LED BLINKINGMICROCHIP LED BLINKINGand more...Learn important lessons about SERIES and PARALLEL Circuits for both Resistors and Capacitors by studying our complete Circuits fully made on Paperclip Breadboards!This is a very conductive, strong, safe and secure method of Circuit Design!Always Wear Goggles when working with Circuits and Paperclips.One of the best things about Papercliptronics Vs Normal Breadboards, is that most circuits in Papercliptronics cost only 10 cents to make, while a normal breadboard can cost 2 to 3 dollars.Students around the world use to have to take their Circuits apart, to free up their breadboards.But now, students can just model their circuits on the Papercliptronics Breadboards.This book is presented by the College of Scripting Music & Science, established 2007 and teaching millions of people around the world how to program computers and learn circuitry.