Abraham Lincoln and Sand Creek: Abraham Lincoln's involvement and Native American Policies
Christopher Savio
(Hardball History Publishers, April 17, 2015)
When thinking of Native American History or any history for that matter, “All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.” Friedrich NietzscheThe above quote describes what Hardball History desires to explore and bring to light. Too many times in our history the powerful determine whether or not truth, as it is, will be taught and known or whether it will be modified and disseminated. As a people we need to find the truth in our past so that we can correctly apply it to our futures. The above quote has never been more correct than when it is applied to Native American history. In searching for the truth about the Sand Creek Massacre we, as a nation must find the truth, apply it, and make sure that it never happens again. Not only will you be shown facts about Native American History in this book, but you will also be shown facts about Abraham Lincoln you may never have known!Learn about Abraham Lincoln’s true motives regarding Native American tribes!In addition to running the Civil War and desiring to keep the Union together, Lincoln also desired to open up the West. His decisions most definitely impacted Native American history and tribes all over America. After the Civil War he desired to make sure that America continued to plunder the riches just over the horizon. Out west citizens were afraid of Native Americans trying to take advantage of Americas depleted manpower due to the Civil War. Just how far did Abraham Lincoln’s desires go and how did his desires lead to the Sand Creek Massacre? Find out in The Lincoln Murders Sand Creek. It will make you look at Native American History like you never have before.Learn more Native American history such how the Cheyenne desired Peace, but were continually hunted down!It is horrifying that the people who were murdered at Sand Creek continually asked for peace and were turned away simply because they were Native American. Unfortunately, this was a recurring theme all through Native American History. Why did this happen? Was it because people didn’t care and were to self-involved in the Civil War? Who was behind it? Did Abraham Lincoln have anything to do with it? This is a part of Native American history you should not miss!Learn in detail the facts behind the Sand Creek Massacre!History books rarely, if ever, go into detail about the Sand Creek Massacre, or much about Native American History. Why is that? Is it because this is something few historians want to include in Abraham Lincoln’s biography? It's because other history books care little about Native Americans? After reading this detailed history about the Sand Creek massacre you will have a complete understanding of the event. It is also written in a gripping fashion unlike anything you remember from your history classes. You will have the complete picture of at least one event in Native American History that includes the politics, attitudes, and desires of a president during the Civil War era.Was Abraham Lincoln Complicit in Murder?Many figures in our history have had desires to go west and make money. Abraham Lincoln was no different except in his case he may not have wanted to make money, but he did desire to open up the lands in the western territories so that others could. Did this make him guilty of the charge? Does this make him the unfriendliest president during 19th century in regard Native American History? Find out with the evidence divulged in The Lincoln Murders Sand Creek. You may never view Native American History nor the Civil War era the same way again.About The AuthorChristopher Savio teachers Native American History in Northern New Jersey and is an instructor of Native American History for the University of California at San Diego. If you are freethinker and desire to know the truth by a copy