Capturing Thunder
Chryseis Knight
(Independently published, Aug. 6, 2020)
Capturing Thunder is a children's book that encourages children to take the first step in confronting their fears. Written by Chryseis Knight, the author of The Great Big Lion, Capturing Thunder dives into the early childhood fears of thunderstorms particularly the Roar, Rumble, Clap, Crackle sounds associated with thunder.The main character in this book is Little Bear who is, as you guessed it, quite afraid of thunder. One day during a thunderstorm, he hides under his bed, calling out to his dad. Together, they both embark on a magical adventure to meet Thunder himself!This is a great book that addresses social themes around self-confidence, character building and overcoming fear.Capturing Thunder is an easy fiction read, styled as a picture book making it perfect for little ones.It is a suitable book for 1 year olds, 2 year olds, 3 year olds, 4 year olds, 5 year olds and beyond.This book is a perfect gift for those with kids. The best gift for young readers.Capturing Thunder is the second book that Chryseis Knight has released since The Great Big Lion. Chryseis Knight, a Canadian author, has been actively writing short stories since the age of 3. Chryseis hopes that her books will become children's favorite read for bedtime stories.