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Books with author Charly Palmer

  • Richman, Poorman, Beggarman, Thief

    Charles N Palmer

    ‘Richman, Poorman, Beggarman, Thief’ is the second in a two book series, inspired by the characters in the old English counting rhyme. The stories are a blend of traditional and modern and are designed to thrill, chill, and — above all — entertain.Recommended for smart children (8-12) and canny mums, dads, aunties, uncles and grandparents (24-100).The Richman and the Alchemist’s Nephew: Resistance has all but crumbled. The Winter King, enthroned in his stronghold, Lilath Kirnan, holds the world in his icy grip. Now all that stands between him, immortality and everlasting power is a strange green boy. The Poorman and the Persian Gift: Why is it that when warned not to take anything from a magical treasure hoard, the main character always does it? To be fair, things weren’t going well anyway but the consequences of the theft are almost terminal for him personally and for the Byzantine Empire.The Beggarman and the Ice Giant: If you appealed to Asgard for help against an Ice Giant wouldn’t you expect Thor to come to your rescue? Possibly the very last two gods you would want to see would be the treacherous Loki and Thor’s disturbed brother Tiw. But that’s what you’ve got. So now you have three problems instead of one.The Greatest Thief in the World: Take two scheming Crusaders, an irritable Atabeg, a beautiful but bored princess, the English King, Richard I and Saladin, the Egyptian Sultan, and stir them into a dangerous and unpredictable mix. Sit back and relax; the Greatest Thief in the World has the smarts (plus a good dose of luck) to sort everything out.
  • Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor

    Charles N Palmer

    ‘Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor’ is the first in a two book series, inspired by the characters in the old English counting rhyme. The stories are a blend of traditional and modern and are designed to thrill, chill, and — above all — entertain.Recommended for smart children (8-12) and canny mums, dads, aunties, uncles and grandparents (24-100).The Tinker and the Pool of Oblivion: How is the Tinker going to find his Bronze Age princess when he doesn’t even know he has lost her? And if that wasn’t problem enough, his rival is a powerful sorcerer with a very nasty plan for his permanent removal from the scene!The Tailor and the Changeling: The Tailor is a thoroughly modern 14th century designer and entrepreneur, so he is not at all amused when his baby daughter is stolen by goblins. It’s just so ‘Dark Ages’! Can he outsmart them or does he have to resort to ‘old school’ swords and sorcery methods to rescue her?The Two Soldiers: Walter is greedy but the only way he can survive in the snow-bound mountain pass is to give his enchanted food and drink away! Worse still, there is gap in the path and a long drop, and his brother Boris is missing.The Sailor and the Sea Witch: The Sailor’s habit is always to hesitate and calculate the odds. So will he be able to make the quick decisions needed to save his young daughter from the Sea Witch? Especially when he discovers she holds a very powerful bargaining chip.Bonus story: The Chichi’s Last Dance: The Chichi is beautiful, vain and arrogant … but will his conceit be his downfall?