Peter, a cat o'one tail; his life and adventures
Charles Morley
(, March 6, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1892 Excerpt: ...round, and hanging head-down, tion of the horrible tragedy that was told us as nearly in the showman's own language as I can remember: "Ha! me, a pretty Bank 'Oliday was that! Well, the capting and his missus travelled and travelled until they come to a thick forest, which was full of lions and tigers--as thick as fleas in a blanket. Well, to make a long story short, the lions attacked the capting, who says to his missus: 'Get behind me,' and outs with his sword, and outs with his gun, and outs with his baginet. The gun missed fire, the baginet bent, and the sword broke, and the lion knocked the capting down and clored him up until he hung in strips like cats' meat on a skewer. The lady climbed up a tree and fainted at the 'orrible spectickle, whence she was rescued by a tribe of friendly Indians and took 'ome to her ma. On her arrival she gave buth to a female hinfant, which was born with a mane owin' to the fite. This lady--let down your black 'air, my dear--is that female hinfant. Well, if you reads your Bible and goes to church, you know well enough that out of evil good may come. This lady now makes a 'onest livin' out of her 'air. The press of the world has spoken in the highest terms of her 'air, and not a week passes but what some new 'air lotion offers her cash down just to say that her 'air is the result of their lotion. She 's a 'onest woman and spurns away the serpints. They 've grown better since old mother Eve. The lion-'aired lady is also a hairynaut. I suppose you 've all heard o' the strongjawed woman, and how she comes down with a balloon a-'angin' on by her teeth. Well, she ain't in it with my lion-'aired lady. Last year, you may believe me or not--(it was at a Primrose fete),--she descended a mile a-'angin' on by the 'air of 'er 'ed...