The Refugee; The Strange Story of Nether Hall
Charles Gilson
(, May 16, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1910 Excerpt: ...I leave that--and the rest--to you." "I won't fail you," was Jerry's answer. They heard the lid of the Vicomte's snuff-box snap in the darkness under the trees. "Ma foi!" said he, "I know it." And with that my lord was gone. The finding of the horse was a matter of no importance. It does not stand out in the biography of Jerry Abershaw as one of his most audacious deeds. It was sadly lacking in both romantic and dramatic quality though the Vicomte laughed very heartily when he heard the tale. It is to be presumed that it is intrinsically humorous, though something of the harlequinade order of mirth. Jerry Abershaw, with his whip in his hand, sat on a milestone at a certain cross-roads, patiently sucking a straw. He had selected the place by reason of the fact that there no less than five roads met, and he was determined to relieve of his steed the first equestrian that came along. Whosoever this might be Jerry cared not a jot, even had it been a heavy dragoon with his curbchain jangling and his saber in his hand. Jerry would, as like as not, have sent him to the other world with a well-aimed shot in the starlight, and when Jerry's little Day of Judgment came, there would only be another murder, laid upon his soul. Therefore, on all accounts, it were nothing short of a dispensation of Providence that the Lord sent one of his own shepherds to pass through the ordeal unscathed. The first gentleman that approached the fatal milestone was no more harmful a person than the Reverend Mr. Applecorn, curate at East Bergholt, sitting well back on his sorrel mare, and rehearsing his sermon for the following Sabbath to a congregation of stars. The word of Jerry Abershaw, of course, cannot be implicitly believed upon such a subject, for...